Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to Take Care of a Samoyed Puppy

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One of the most famous puppies in the world is the Samoyed puppy, one of the prettiest dogs out there, especially when they are small, because they look like little balls of fur.

These dogs are very famous, since the Samoyed is dogs that have developed a lot of fame throughout all these years. The dogs of this class are white and very pretty, so you should keep in mind that they are cared for in a very special way.

Many people are looking forward to adopting these dogs as they really like their color. Of course, there are people who adopt these dogs in a way that cannot be done, since they think that it is a toy and do not give it the necessary care.

For this reason it is necessary for someone to explain a little how to take care of this type of puppies, since it is not the same to take care of a Samoyed than to take care of other types of dogs. Although they have things in common, you have to think that this dog has some things that the others do not have.

Today we are going to explain in detail and step by step how to take care of a Samoyed puppy, a beautiful puppy that will make you fall in love without a doubt.

Instructions for caring for a Samoyed puppy

  1. A little discipline: The first thing we should know when caring for a Samoyed is that when it is very small, it needs a little discipline., since this dog does not know very well who is in charge at home and is going to be somewhat rebellious. As a proverb says, you have to try to straighten the tree when it is still small, because if you do it too late, you will no longer be able to straighten the trunk they have become. In this case, you have to scold him a little if he does something wrong and if you have money, take him to a dog trainer. Of course, don’t even think about using violence or shouting, since those animals don’t like it and it would be very cruel. What you have to do is simple, it’s just a little discipline to educate him, do nothing else, as this could scare the animal. If you do it right, the animal will love you like no one else, but it will also respect you. If you don’t, he’s going to love you, but he’s going to ignore you and think he’s in charge. If instead you give him too much discipline, he will respect you, but he won’t love you. As you will see, the ideal point is in the middle point.
  2. Take care of its hair: The second step that we have to take is to take care of the hair of this animal, since it is an animal that has a very beautiful hair, which must be very careful with it to prevent it from falling out and so that there is no major problem with it. The hair of these animals should not be cut too much, because if you cut it too much, it will damage its skin a lot because it is sensitive to the sun. Of course, what you have to do often is brush it, so that it looks good and so that it unravels something that will make the dog look better and have better health. The baths should be every so often as in all dogs, since it is bad to bathe them every day.
  3. Take for a walk: All dogs should go for a walk, since they must relieve themselves and apart from that they need a little free time. In the case of the Samoyed when it is a puppy, it should go out about three times a day, once in the morning, again before eating and again in the late afternoon. In this way, we will match your biological clock and you will be able to go to the bathroom in the correct way. Of course, you don’t have to kill yourself to walk, that this animal is not a Podenco. What you have to do is take walks of between 5 and 20 minutes, just enough for him to do his things and to get a little sun, since he has to give him a little to produce vitamin D. Also be careful with other dogs, since this animal could be a bit aggressive as a puppy, since at the moment it is a dog that has not learned its place in the world and can go very cocky through life.
  4. Food: Food is also very important, since the Samoyed dog is one of those dogs that need to eat a lot, since they are dogs that grow big and when they are puppies they are quite big. I would feed them as I do and when I return from walks, that is, once in the morning, once after noon and finally at night for dinner. In this way, you will satisfy him after a long walk and you will make him digest for the next day. That yes, we must bear in mind that you have to be careful with everything you give him, because if you give him too much food, he will get too fat, because many people say that this dog gets very fat if he is fed to eat. Give him small portions of his feed or food that he likes, so that he can be well satiated, eating balanced and without gaining weight.
  5. Other care: It should also be borne in mind that the Samoyed needs other care, such as going to the vet a couple of times a year to get all his vaccinations up to date., annual check-ups to see how everything is and finally, drink water. You have to give him water every day, making sure that his pot is always full of it, so that he can drink whenever he is thirsty. In these cases, dogs self-regulate very well, regardless of their breed, so they will never drink too much water. You leave the water there and he’ll drink the, when it’s over, fill the pot so he can drink whenever he wants and never die of thirst. If you do what I am telling you, the Samoyed will be totally happy and will be in excellent health, something very important not only in this type of dog, but obviously in any animal, not only dogs, but also animals. Cats or even humans.
  6. Sterilize, yes or no?: A question that people often ask themselves when buying this dog is about whether or not to sterilize it and the truth is that it has its advantages and disadvantages that should be looked at carefully. For example, I don’t do it with my dogs, because I wouldn’t want them to do it to me and because one day I want puppies of mine. However, sometimes it is good to do it because it prevents diseases of the sexual system, it will prevent the dog from getting pregnant if she is female and trouble with other owners if the dog is male. Finally you will make the dog a little more docile, because he will lose testosterone. This is totally your choice, so think it over and do what suits you best, as some like not to do it and others like to do it better.

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