Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Because Cats Wag Their Tails

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PetsNotebook Staff
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Sometimes the coexistence between humans and pets is not completely easy because we do not understand our pets well. They, in fact, demonstrate much more ability to understand us than we do regarding their needs, wants, and wants. If you have a cat and want to understand it better, an unequivocal sign to understand what is happening to it is to study the movement of its tail.

Would you like to better understand your feline pet? Do you want to learn more about their language? In that case, you have come to the right place. From where we want to help you understand your cat.

Why do cats wag their tails in so many different ways, does it have any meaning?

Yes effectively. If you look at your pet you will notice that cats wag their tails in very different ways. And, if you have noticed, you will know that it is not a trivial observation. Cats communicate with us with their body language and the tail is one of their greatest instruments to achieve this.

If you want to know why cats wag their tails and what their meaning is, be sure to read the following post. Let’s get started!

What do you need:

To understand why cats wag their tails we will need

• Have a cat

• Be observant

• Interact with our pet always with respect


Step by step to understand why cats wag their tails

1. Take a close look at your pet. A simple way to understand what the tail movements of our cats mean is to observe them carefully. In this way we will learn to understand them better and more easily intuit what their tail swing means at all times.

2. There are different positions recorded by experts in feline education that demonstrate the way our cat is. Let’s see some of them.

3. Tail straight and with the tip down. If you see that your cat has his tail up but the tip of his tail is pointing down, don’t worry, this usually means that he is happy. Observe what he is doing to find out what he likes and makes your cat so happy.

4. Tail erect. When our cat’s tail is fully raised, it means that he is very comfortable, that he feels happy and content and, of course, that he enjoys your company or the activity he is doing. It is a very clear way of telling you that he is relaxed and grateful for your attention and care. If your cat usually maintains this tail position, it means that you are doing it right and that you are offering him everything he needs to feel happy and cared for. If not, improve your attitude towards your pet and learn what he likes to make his day to day more pleasant. He will surely thank you with cuddles and games in no time.

5. Relaxed movement from side to side. When our cat relaxes his tail, it means that he is calm. In addition, it can be considered as an invitation on his part to socialize with you and be petted. But, hey! If this same movement registers abruptly, be careful because it means that he is entering “attack mode” and can end up hurting you. Respect her space and give her some time to calm down.

6. Tail below loin. When our pet, be it a cat or a dog, hides its tail below its back, as if drawn back under its belly, it means that it is acquiring a submissive position in front of another member. It is a natural behavior within our pets. He thinks that there always has to be a relationship of submission and command within his groups.

7. Tail swinging back and forth. If you see your cat make this movement, be attentive, it means that from one moment to another he is going to attack. This is a very characteristic movement, for example, when we play with our cats. For example, if you swing the thread of a ball of wool in front of him, you will see how very soon he fixes his eyes on it and the movement of his tail goes back and forth. He is getting ready to jump!

8. Inflated and shaggy tail. When your feline pet arches its back and accompanies this movement with a highly inflated and shaggy tail, rest assured that it is going through a moment of real terror. Give him some space to recover and de-stress


• Did you know that cats use their tails as an element of distraction with their young? Yes, it is a completely natural way to activate them, improve their physical activity, their reflexes and teach them the basic principles of hunting. Curious, right?

• If you notice that your cat wags its tail in a strange way, somewhat erratically, perhaps with sudden changes between speed and relaxation, it is recommended that you take it to the vet. It may be a symptom that shows that he is suffering from some discomfort.


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