Dogs are the quintessential domestic pets. In fact, it is certainly said that the dog is a man's best friend, and that is how he has earned it for many years. For many of us, our dog is our confidant, guardian, companion and even...
There is a very wide variety of goldfish that you can keep as a pet in a nice aquarium at home. However, each one in particular has different and unique characteristics that you need to know about in order to properly care...
Parrot fish is one of the most beautiful goldfish in the world, its color is usually reddish orange. This fish is not found naturally in nature as it is a mutation of many fish. We can say that the parrot fish...
Choosing a dog’s breed is a very complicated decision. In fact, when we decide to welcome a dB choosing a dog’s breed is a very complicated decision. In fact, when we decide to welcome a dog into our home, we directly make it...
Guppy fish are one of the most sought after when it comes to having an aquarium at home, or a fish tank, for their attractive drawings and for the great simplicity of their handling when raising them. They are...
Choosing a dog as a pet is one of the most repeated options in Spanish homes. The dog is one of the most domestic animals that can be found ahead of the cat or the hamster among others. In fact,...
Are you considering having ducklings at home? Do you have a pond in the garden and would you like to see these precious little animals as pets? Have your ducks had eggs and you don't know how to care for the young?