Friday, March 7, 2025

Colored Fish – Care and Advice

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There is a very wide variety of goldfish that you can keep as a pet in a nice aquarium at home. However, each one in particular has different and unique characteristics that you need to know about in order to properly care for them.

For many years, man has selectively reared fish in home farms; producing variation in the colors of the different species. Remember that intense color in the animal kingdom has a peculiar function: to attract the attention of the opposite sex or alert potential predators to danger.

In addition to the colors, these wonderful fish have other characteristics that make their presence stand out in any aquarium; such as long fins, the configuration of their eyes or their peculiar movements when swimming.

Origin of domestic goldfish

Most of the colored species bred to live in captivity originated in China, and there are more than 300 species with their variants. In the wild there are millions of species of goldfish, with a variety of sizes and shapes, all in order to camouflage themselves from their predators to protect themselves from them.

Most domestic goldfish species raised in homes are fairly easy to care for; they do not require a lot of time and very few expenses. However, there are some species that require special care because they are poisonous.

So that you know more about how to take care of goldfish, here is a list of the most beautiful and well-known fish with a brief description of them. In addition, we will also give you some useful tips so that you know how to choose your ideal pet, learn how to feed the fish and take care of them in general.


Domestic goldfish are very easy to care for and can be purchased at any pet store. They are ideal for children and generally do not generate many expenses. However, there is a variety that is highly appreciated by lovers of goldfish that cannot be purchased in stores.  This is because they are exotic goldfishpoisonous or difficult to care for; they do not sell it to anyone.

So that you can decide to have a beautiful goldfish as a pet in your home aquarium, here is a list of the most popular goldfish that you will love.

The rainbow fish

It is a species of fresh water. This usually measures between 6 and 12 cm. long. You can find specimens up to 20 cm. of this beautiful fish only in the Melanotaenia vanheurni variety.

Rainbow fish are the most popular for lovers of domestic goldfish; they stand out in aquariums for their fading colors along their body. Generally, they sell it accompanied by a blue-eyed Pseudomugil, because they share traits and for their offspring they share habitat characteristics that are similar.

In the wild, they can be found in Lakes Aramark, Aiding and Hani, on the Vogelkop Peninsula. It is a natural fish of shallow waters and above all very clean, with a lot of aquatic flora. For this reason, to care for some species of rainbow fish at home, you will need to recreate these conditions of their habitat in the aquarium. Therefore, sufficient space, water filtration and aquarium cleaning are essential for rainbow fish to properly develop their colors.

The good feeding of the rainbow fish is essential for its colors to display properly.  Therefore, it is important that you feed it very regularly with dry, frozen or even live food.

The mandarin fish

Also known as Mandarin goby. It is small, very brightly colored and belongs to the dragon family. In addition, it is one of the most popular saltwater aquarium fish. The mandarin fish is native to the Pacific Ocean, which can be found in the Ryukyu Islands to southern Australia.

Its elongated body, its bulging eyes and its dorsal fins mark a characteristic peculiarity of the fish. They can reach 6 cm. long. As for the tonalities of its coloration, the striking green, orange and yellow stripes stand out, with a blue background.

Their diet is based primarily on small crustaceans and some other invertebrates. This fish does not require very special care to keep them in an aquarium; however, the proper cleaning of the aquarium is something that cannot be left aside.

The clown fish

Also called anemone fish. It is a beautiful fish that is yellow or orange with white stripes, with black along its fins. They can also have a black and yellow with orange body, all depending on the species of clownfish, because they have different designs and colors.

This fish is very loved by children and they are very showy in aquariums. The largest reach a size of 18 centimeters; while the youngest manage to reach about 10 centimeters.

The seahorse

This curious little animal is not a fish itself, but it is liked by lovers of goldfish. Belonging to the Syngnathid family, its body is surrounded by bony rings and a strange prehensile tail.

In addition, it has a snout and a curious small crown on its head. Its coloration is not as intense as its shape, but the combination of them makes it a perfect option to have as a pet.

Some are somewhat colorful, but they are usually white or dark brown, with contrasting transverse stripes. The most wonderful thing about the color of seahorses is that when exposed to strong light they take on a lighter hue. On the other hand, they can reach 25 cm in length and the males are the ones that incubate the eggs.

The beta fish

Also known as the Siamese fighting fish. This fish is one of the most popular species of goldfish among those who are freshwater. Belonging to the Osphronemidae family and classified among the Anabantid, it is native to Asia, specifically located in the Mekong basin.

Its natural coloration is beautiful; it goes from a bluish green to an intense brown, with interesting long fins that have violet and fuchsia tones and a range of soft greens. In the wild, their fins are rather short and not as showy.

The beta fish is very territorial and temperamental, so it is necessary not to overcrowd the aquarium with fish, especially since it tends to fight and kill its opponents. Generally, they usually have them in separate aquariums. In its wild state it feeds on small living beings such as mosquito larvae, but domesticated they eat dry food without problem.

Emperor angelfish

This colorful fish is very popular with divers. However, there is a difference between the youngest and the adult fish. The youngest are the most beautiful. They have a deep blue color, with indigo blue and white rings; On the other hand, the older ones have yellow and blue stripes, with a black color around the eyes.

In general, they can reach up to 40 cm. long. It feeds on small crustaceans such as sea sponges in the wild, but in the domestic state it eats special dry food without problems.

The lion fish

It is one of the most striking fish due to its shape and coloration, but it is certainly not a fish for children to keep as a pet. Its highly poisonous condition in the marine environment of its dorsal spines is something that you should take into account.

For this reason, to have this fish in an aquarium you must take the corresponding security measures. First of all, the aquarium must have a lid or grid, to prevent it from jumping or someone putting their hand in and pricking themselves with their poisonous spines.

Although the lionfish sting is deadly to man, it is very painful; It produces vomiting, fever and significant respiratory difficulties. However, we could not fail to include them in this list, because they are beautiful and very colorful fish.

The lorikeet fish

They are called parrots because they have calcareous beaks, something similar to those of birds. The popular parrot fish uses its beak to feed on small invertebrates in corals; they chew the coral in order to eat these invertebrates, and then spit out the remains or excess calcium.

Among its species you will get varied colorations; some are pale red, brown, purple, gray, green, blue, or even bright yellow with pink dots.

Their natural habitat is not difficult to imitate in an aquarium, because they are found in  tropical reefs, typical of all the world’s oceans. There are approximately 80 species, and they can reach about 120 centimeters in length; but generally, they measure between 30 and 60 cm.

The surgeon fish

They are quiet creatures; they stay in groups or colonies. In their natural habitat they prefer to be surrounded by their own species, but when raised in captivity they relate very well to other specimens.

These fish are saltwater and live in coral reefs, they prefer the outermost areas of corals; they are located at a shallow depth, between 40 and 2 meters above the surface because they like to receive direct sun. They are fish native to Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar, Japan, among other countries.

If you want to have a surgeon fish as a pet, the first thing you need is to have a large enough aquarium, at least between 200 and 400 liters. Each surgeon fish needs about 20 liters of water, in this way you will guarantee enough space for its development.

As it ages, the intensity of the blue color of the surgeonfish’s body increases. The average size of these fish is from 60 centimeters to 80 centimeters in length; which means that they are large creatures, and can weigh up to 9 kilos.

The butterfly fish

Belonging to the Chaetodontidae family, it is a tropical fish. You can find it mainly in Atlantic, Pacific and Indian reefs. They really are small, reaching only 12 cm with a maximum of 22 cm long. There are approximately 127 identified species, distributed in nine genera.

These beautiful, shimmering colors with striated and blotchy patterns in black, white, orange, blue, red, and yellow. Many have beautiful circles to highlight the eyes,  much like the patterns butterflies have on their wings. Also, their laterally compressed bodies make them simply conspicuous on reefs when sideways.

They use their intense colors as a language to communicate with each other; they live in a community and feed on algae. This fish is widely used in aquariums and does not require special care to keep them as pets.

The gold fish

Also known by the names gold fish, goldfish or golden carp, it is a type of fish practically crossed by the Chinese to define them as a species hundreds of years ago.

In their first months of life they are brown and not very attractive, but when they reach a size of 4cm. they develop the beautiful golden color that children and all lovers of domestic fish like so much.

Some species of goldfish have fanned tails, shorter bodies, and fairly large eyes. In general, it is very difficult to get a goldfish that has been raised in the wild, because in the natural state those that have been obtained are the product of an orange or yellowish mutation.

This fish is very popular in aquariums of all kinds and does not require special care. The only thing to keep in mind is that the water must be warm and that their diet is sustained by zooplankton, but in captivity they love dry food.

What do you need:

  • First of all, you must have knowledge about the different varieties of goldfish in order to keep them in captivity.
  • Have an aquarium and everything it requires, such as grids, filter, and oxygenator.
  • You should buy fish food specific to each species.
  • Comply with the safety requirements for the breeding and care of poisonous fish.
  • Have a first aid kit handy.


  • The color of the fish will depend on the conditions of the habitat and the diet.
  • Remember that to have any goldfish that is poisonous like the lionfish; you must have some security measures to be able to take care of them. For example, use thick gloves to move the fish from one aquarium to another place a lid or grid on the aquarium and avoid touching it.
  • Cleaning the aquarium is essential for any type of fish. Changing the water regularly, using filters and not overfeeding is very important.
  • Some fish require sunlight, because we recommend locating your aquarium near a window so that some sunlight enters through the glass.

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