Thursday, March 27, 2025

Deworm Dogs: How and What to Use to Deworm A Dog

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Deworming dogs consists of eliminating the parasites that the animal may have in its fur or inside it, that is, in leaving it completely free of this kind of infection.

The main utility of this is simple, since who does not like to have our dog free of harmful microorganisms. Besides, although parasites are living beings, they do not give us much sorrow, since they only exist to harm living beings, which they need to live.

In dogs, there are three main types of parasites, which are fleas, ticks and fungi, both equally dangerous but in different ways.

We will start with the best known, that is, fleas. These small animals can be seen with the naked eye, being animals that jump a lot and usually go to parasitize dogs. Fleas are dangerous because they are dirty, they lay eggs and they bite something that is certainly not pleasant for our dog.

How to deworm fleas:

The way we have to deworm fleas and eliminate them is through a special shampoo, which is usually sold at a veterinarian or in a store specialized in the dog hygiene sector. What this shampoo does is that it has a kind of concoction that kills any fleas. Also, try to drag loose eggs or nits, to prevent them from staying in the animal’s hair and causing fleas to hatch again.

Speaking of which, fleas have an impressive reproductive capacity, as they can lay hundreds of eggs and hatch within a few hours. For this reason, we must also use a special anti-nit comb, which is used to detach them from the hair and then come out by them using the shampoo as I said before.

In addition to fleas, there are also other equally or more dangerous parasites, which are ticks. These small animals are animals of the arachnid branch, which stick to dogs in order to literally suck their blood.

Ticks live in trees and high places, sticking to your dog when you are taking him for walks in green areas. Ticks stick to the skin and are difficult to release, much more so than flea nits.

How to deworm ticks:

The best way to kill ticks is by using tweezers, with which we are going to rip the tick out of the dog’s claws. Before that, we are going to pour vinegar on the area, to be able to kill it and make the legs not grab so much. Once we have grabbed the tick, we are going to kill it so that it does not stick to us and finally we will clean the claw.

Also, do not forget to clean and disinfect the wound, since the dog will have lost a lot of blood and the tick will have literally left a hole in the skin of your animal, a somewhat unpleasant image.

Now we come to the world of fungi, a complex animal that even has a separate kingdom, the so-called kingdom of fungi. The fungi that fall on the dog are microscopic parasitic fungi, which are responsible for gradually damaging the health of the dog.

The fungi can appear in different parts of the dog, such as its genitals, its ears or even the nose. We can see how the area around the fungus is lifeless and that there is a kind of stain in the area.

How to deworm fungi:

Here you have to buy an antifungal product, which the vet has to prescribe, that is, we  must take the dog to the vet beforehand so that they give us free rein to deworm  it in this way. Once we have this permission, we are going to pour the product on the surface of the wound, so that the fungus dies and heals.

In addition to this, we also have to monitor the dog’s hygiene very well, because if the fungus has entered, it means that the dog was not well groomed. You have to be very careful, especially with humidity, since it is the favorite place for fungi.


With the flea collar, we are going to prevent everything at the same time, because if we use it correctly with our dog, we are going to avoid fungus, fleas and ticks at the same time. The way this necklace works is by emitting an odor, which is somewhat reminiscent of Naphthalene balls. What this smell does is keep parasites away since they literally hate the smell. The dog must wear the collar practically all day, taking it off only to shower and little else, even wearing it at home.


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