Thursday, March 27, 2025

Discus Fish – Care and Tips

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The discus fish is a species from the cichlid family, whose original habitat is the Amazon River; which means that it is of South American origin, they generally inhabit calm waters, without aggressive currents; waters like these are also home to predators like piranhas, making discus fish submissive.

The habitat of these fish is fresh water from rivers, and they tend to hide in areas with a lot of vegetation. They prefer to walk through areas of little activity and warm temperatures, typical of the South American tropical climate. The times of flooding are the most propitious for these fish, thanks to all the vegetation that the rains wash away; the organic material that is created promotes an acidic pH and a softness of the water that is ideal for discus fish.

The acidity of the water that these fish require to live, keeps the entire area free of bacteria that can harm them. This aspect is very important to create a perfect environment for these animals, which are susceptible to getting sick.

The discus fish is a highly demanded species in freshwater aquariums, due to its calm temperament and curious appearance. However, within the herd there will always be a dominant fish that will mark its territory; but this fact does not prevent them from staying in groups, since it will be within this where the hierarchy is established. At the time of feeding, the dominant fish will be the one who does it first, making the rest wait.

As for its reproduction process, it occurs in the period from October to April. The discus fish reproduction process is as follows:

  1. Everything occurs in the aforementioned months; mainly comes the stage of courtship and gestation of the eggs.
  2. The ritual of gestation begins with a walk through the entire aquarium that the couple performs.
  3. Later, each one exhibits in front of the other the colors and attributes of his body.
  4. After this, they look for a more intimate place for copulation.
  5. The parents usually eat the first few eggs, but later they will get used to their new young.
  6. The fry, when they are born, will feed on the mucous exhaled from the skin of their parents, until they can eat solid food.

Discus fish are classified into three original varieties, depending on their color; however, in aquariums and hatcheries these species have been crossed to create hybrids and different mixtures; each of which responds to different names. As for their original names, discus fish are classified into three varieties according to their color:

  • Symphysodonaequifasciatus or green disk: its entire body is yellowish brown; it also has lines that cross its figure, of a black color on a dark green background; his head also features the same shade of green and brown. A black line runs through his head through one of his marked red eyes.
  • Symphysodonaequifasciatusharaldi or blue disk: it takes on different shades depending on its habitat of origin. Its body is light brown, with several irregular blue lines on its forehead and fins.
  • Symphysodonaequifasciatusaxelrodi or brown disk: its shades range from yellowish brown to reddish brown; its head and anal fin exhibit red and blue stripes, its eyes can be black or red.

But as we already mentioned, the hybrids that have been created from discus fish are varied and have their own particularities; In fact, its great demand as an aquarium fish  is due precisely to its colorful colors and body combinations. In terms of its morphology itself, the discus fish also boasts a peculiar and showy physiognomy.

The name of the discus fish is due to its unique flattened appearance, which is admired by everyone; next, we describe the morphology of discus fish:

  • The entire body of the discus fish is rounded and flattened, simulating the appearance of a discus.
  • It has a dorsal and an anal fin, which cover almost the entire body until reaching the tail; it is a slow moving fish, but can be fast when traveling long distances.
  • The adults of these specimens can reach 20 centimeters in length.
  • The coloration of discus fish is one of the most striking features of these oviparous fish;  its range of colors goes from dark blue, through yellow, brown, red and even white; It has unique lines that decorate its entire physiognomy. Another characteristic of these fish is their intense red eyes.
  • Discus fish have a very interesting peculiarity; it is about the nine vertical and dark lines that they exhibit at the mercy of their mood. Such lines are not always visible; it all depends on the mood.


The discus fish is an animal that is quite sensitive to habitat changes, as it requires specific conditions to survive. However, the conditions they require are not impossible to achieve, as long as the necessary care is taken. His nickname of king of the aquarium is not only because of his beautiful appearance; it is also due to the specific conditions it requires for its ideal habitat.

An ideal environment will depend on whether the discus fish can develop and reproduce as it decides. These fish need a lot of attention when it comes to their diet and the pH and acidity of the water; this is because these creatures are very delicate and prone to contracting parasites and diseases due to carelessness.

This fact generates mixed emotions regarding his upbringing; because for many, it represents an undeserved effort so much care for a single species; but for others, caring for and exhibiting these animals in the aquarium is a true trophy of love and care.

Next, we indicate the ideal conditions for the care of discus fish in your own fish hatchery:

  1. An indisputable point is the decoration of the aquarium, creating a pleasant and stress-free environment for these creatures.
  2. The aquarium should have plants or algae and reserved areas where the fish can hide.
  3. Not all plants are compatible with these fish, among those recommended are the ampullas, the Anubis and the Echinoderms; it is advisable to decorate with floating plants as well, as they trap artificial light that could disturb these fish.
  4. The water temperature for these fish should be around 28°C;if it is lower they could get sick.
  5. To keep the water at an ideal temperature, you can use a pair of 200W heating rods.
  6. The water should have an acidity of 6 on a scale of 1 to 14, with 1 being the most acidic and 14 being the least acidic.
  7. If the pH of the water is too high, the discus’ lines will darken, indicating discomfort.
  8. Discus fish are used to living in soft water, with a Go of approximately 5; the water pressure must remain at that level, especially if you want the fish to reproduce.
  9. Because discus fish are dominant, it is best to keep them in odd groups of three or five; in this way, you can prevent the leader from eating at least strong.

What do you need:

Maintaining a discus fish farm is not an easy task, however, it is not impossible to do; what you should keep in mind is that if you are a novice, you will need the support of an expert;  since the necessary conditions for the breeding of discus fish entails various somewhat complex tasks.

However, any effort is worth it, as these beautiful fish are the ideal decoration for any aquarium or fish tank. Next, we teach you what you need to keep your discus fish healthy and take care of them correctly.

  1. You must have an aquarium of 200 liters for a pair of discus fish, that is, 100 liters for each fish.
  2. In the previous case we refer to adult fish, the younger you can group them in that amount of water.
  3. It is very important that you remember that you must have them in odd groups; if you put two together, one will end up devouring the other, unless it’s a pair. If there are three or more specimens, the dominant fish will not viciously attack a single one until it is killed.
  4. Make sure you don’t buy fish that have wounds, because they will surely die soon; as well as do not buy fish that are new to the store; Remember that these fish get stressed very quickly and two sudden changes in environment could make them sick.
  5. Do not forget to decorate with plants, trunks or other objects, at first, the fish will like to hide until they feel comfortable.
  6. What you need to feed discus fish is not that complicated; it is advisable to use meat and vegetable porridge for the base of your diet.
  7. There are live foods such as Tubbier that can be used for these fish, but administering it with moderation and hygiene; otherwise the fish could get sick.
  8. Flake food is also recommended for discus fish. The ideal is to feed them twice a day with different foods; the ideal is to put small amounts of food.
  9. You will also need to distribute the food among all the members of the group; so remember that the dominant fish will try to take over all the food if you place it in a single space.
  10. Finally, it is vital that you measure the water daily, to ensure that the acidity and temperature are adequate.


Discus fish have become one of the most valued species by novices and experts; its care represents a great job that in the end gives great results, some beautiful specimens of this type of fish.

These are not easy pets to care for, but they are well worth all the effort they require. The tanks in which these fish are raised generally need CO2 injections to balance the acidity of the water. To finish this post, we give you the following recommendations for the care of discus fish:

  1. Discus fish require large volumes of water to develop in a suitable and stress-free environment.
  2. Once a week you should change the aquarium water, but be alarmed, you should not remove it all; if you renew 15 or 20% weeks will be enough.
  3. But be careful with the water changes and measure its temperature and acidity level when making the changes; and keep in mind that each change you make briefly alters the chemistry of the water, so be careful.
  4. The temperature of the water is very important, that it does not exceed or fall below 28°C.
  5. That the decorations of the fish tank do not have sharp edges or points, so that the fish are not going to hurt themselves.
  6. If they are in the mating period, you can create an ideal environment for the new couple; give them their space by leaving them alone in a separate fish tank.
  7. If you manage to recreate the most suitable environment for these fish, their longest-lived specimens can last up to 12 years.
  8. An aquarium with a bare bottom is much easier to clean and maintain; they also represent an advantage for discus fish, since in this way your young will have more freedom. It is true that an aquarium with a bottom looks better ornate, but it is not the most convenient for your discus fish.

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