Thursday, March 27, 2025

Goldfish – Care and Tips

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PetsNotebook Staff
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As our children enter that curious age where they want and need a pet, many parents may be wondering what would be the ideal pet for my child. We have the answer to your question: nothing better than a beautiful goldfish.

There is no better option than a fish as a first pet for a child, especially if he is still young.  These little animals are colorful and fun, easy to care for and cheap to maintain. They do not represent any physical or health risk for your child and also allow the child to develop the ability to concentrate and contemplate while observing the fish.

If you are a mom or dad who likes to take advantage of everything to teach your children important topics, buying a goldfish as a pet gives you the opportunity to instill in them endless knowledge about the marine world, the importance of coloration in fish and living beings, how man influences the reproduction of species and even the care of stable ecosystems.

The goldfish is one of the main symbols when thinking about what to put in a fish tank;  it is attractive to the eye due to its beautiful color, it is usually very calm, in addition to the fact that in the right conditions, it could live for many years, experts say that even more than forty years; all this makes it an excellent life companion for adults and children.

Its size varies depending on the lifestyle it leads; it can weigh half a pound and measure up to ten inches. If it is kept in captivity, it is necessary for it to have company, but if it lives in its natural habitat, that is, in coral reefs, it can live perfectly alone, since in a short time it will form a colony with many of its species.

It is also known as gold carp and as the wise fish, the latter is due to the fact that it comes from China, where it has been given this name. In its natural environment it feeds on the eggs of other fish, worms and algae, all of which gives rise to its beautiful color.

Goldfish reach sexual maturity in about one to two years, depending on their size. It reproduces easily in captivity, and like a gentleman, the male usually pursues the female until he achieves her goal. Their eggs adhere to plants and seaweed, and it is right there where they develop, resulting in the birth of the coveted fish.


If it is kept in captivity in a hatchery or fish tank, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations. For example, when it comes to their diet, you can consume dehydrated vegetables and some dried larvae, all of which are available at veterinary clinics and pet stores.

It is a little animal that needs a lot of water, it is estimated that 40 liters per fish when it is small, but once it is grown, about 80 liters of water per fish are necessary.

  1. It is also important to note that the fish tank in which it is placed must have an  integrated oxygen pump, since otherwise it would not survive, the appropriate temperature in the water of said fish tank should be about 20 ° since it does not tolerate higher temperatures.
  2. It is necessary that the fish tank or aquarium has light, because this type of fish is diurnal, which means that it needs the corresponding amount of light to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, in addition to the fact that it is proven that light makes their colors stay bright.
  3. In case you cannot place it in a place where natural sunlight can reach it, it is recommended to use a lamp or light bulb, alternating on and off, for spaces of 12 hours. In this way, the natural cycle of day and night will be simulated, thus generating greater comfort and balance for the fish.
  4. White spot disease is one of the most common in goldfish, and can be recognized by the appearance of small white dots on the body of the fish and also some breathing complications.
  5. This disease is caused by bacteria, but completely treatable. For this it is recommended to buy a fungicide that is on the market. This disease is spread to any living being including plants; for this reason, it is recommended to isolate the fish once diagnosed, until it improves.
  6. There is another condition that is easy to identify, because the fish swims on its side or on its back, and that is the swim bladder. This is due to poor nutrition, and does not require medication, but only an adjustment in the diet and the amounts that the fish consumes.

 How to decorate your own aquarium:

  1. In the first place, the pond or fish tank must be at least 57 liters, since as we mentioned a moment ago, each fish needs at least 40 liters of water, keep in mind that this is only in its initial stage, once has grown, it will be necessary to increase the size of the aquarium, and consequently the amount of water.
  2. For a long time, there has been a false belief that these little animals can survive in  small sphere-shaped bowls, but the reality is that over time this small space ends up being toxic, to the point of ending their lives. Due to this it is recommended that you choose the pond before getting the fish, to avoid mishaps.
  3. Goldfish often drown on the gravel that is placed in ponds, when it is very small, because they get stuck in their throat, therefore it is best to buy a type of gravel that is large enough not to fit in his mouth. Clean the tank even if it doesn’t look dirty on the surface.
  4. It is important to place a filter that can purify the water from organic waste, bad odors and discoloration in the water, but also ammonia, which turns out to be one of the most harmful elements for the health of your fish.
  5. Lastly, you can place some artificial seaweeda rock or a log, so your fish can explore a bit.
  6. Actually these fish do not need great decoration their mobility or ability to swim; so just make sure you have a center piece in the tank, which can be one of the ones recommended above, and surround it with algae, thus creating a bit more natural environment.  

What do you need:

  • Fishes.
  • 57 liters of water.
  • Pond or fish tank.
  • Decorative objects. (artificial algae, rock or trunk)
  • Special dry food for fish.
  • Filter.
  • Oxygen pump.
  • Lamp or sunlight.


  1. Contrary to popular belief, goldfish do not have short-term memory, although they have the ability to remember many things. For example, this can be seen when uncovering the tank to place the food; it automatically comes to the surface.
  2. These fish have a voracious appetite; they usually eat everything in their path. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid decorating the fish tank with natural plants. In some cases, it is even recommended to place certain divisions in the tank, between one fish and another, since by not controlling their appetite; they end up eating the food of the others.
  3. If it becomes difficult to take care of it, whatever the reason, it should be avoided releasing them into the sea, rivers or lakes, because they often become harmful agents for said habitat or ecosystem. One of the reasons is that this species is very dominant, with a high rate of reproduction, in addition to the fact that it feeds on the eggs of other fish, destroying them.
  4. The goldfish does not have eyelids, for this reason it sleeps with its eyes open. So if you see him this way and still, don’t take him out of the water, this is completely normal.
  5. During the winter season, goldfish migrate looking for acceptable temperatures for their survival, when they migrate they eat the waste that other fish leave, and this is until they get the larvae that can strengthen them.

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