Thursday, March 27, 2025

Home Remedies to Lower My Dog’s Fever

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One of the greatest fears that we dog lovers have is that they contract the dreaded fever, since they can have even worse symptoms than people.

Fever is a physical state in which the body is slightly warmer than normal. This state is accompanied by hot flashes, malaise and other symptoms that can cause problems in dogs.

Fever arises as a defense mechanism of the body, which increases its temperature so that its immune system fights better against infectious microorganisms. This occurs both in people and in animals such as dogs.

The main difference between dog fever and human fever is that dog fever is more dangerous. The main reason for this is that dogs can’t take care of themselves like we do and can’t tell us by word of mouth that they have a fever.

In addition, being smaller animals, fever can do more damage in many cases, so we must take special care to heal them and make them return to the same vitality they had before.

The ideal way is to take the dog to the vet, so that the dog can take medicine to lower the fever. However, you cannot always go to the vet, since it is a private clinic with certain hours and many times they do not attend emergencies.

For this reason, we must take care of lowering our dog’s fever, something that will undoubtedly avoid greater evils. As it is not good to self-medicate the animal, we must bear in mind that the best are home remedies, which, although not miraculous, will allow us to keep the dog’s fever under control and avoid greater evils.

So we are going to see all the home remedies that exist to lower your dog’s fever, since in this way, you will be able to make your dear best friend regain the health and vitality that characterized him before.


  1. Detect the fever in the dog: The first step that we are going to take to cure the fever in the dog is obviously going to be to detect its fever. First of all, we must check the temperature of the dog with the hand on its forehead, because if it is too hot, it may be a fever and we already have to start acting. Next, we must check the symptoms of it, which are similar to those of people. If our dog has a fever, we are going to see him without energy, we are going to see him with hot flashes and we are going to see him panting every so often, because he wants to cool off. To make sure, we must put the thermometer on our dog, which is placed in the anal area. The dog cannot have the thermometer in his mouth because he bites it or in his arm because he moves it. The best thing is in the anus, in which the temperature of the anus will be measured and it will be checked if he has a fever or not.
  2. Apply cold cloths: As with people, the best way to lower a fever is to gradually cool down our dog’s body temperature. One of the ways is to apply cold cloths on the dog’s forehead, which must be moistened with cold water. This will cause the dog’s temperature to drop and he will begin to feel better. The problem with this remedy is that many dogs will resist this, so you will need to restrain them for this to take effect.
  3. Give a cold bath: A cold bath has a function similar to that of the cold cloth, that is, it lowers the temperature of the dog’s body and makes the fever a little more bearable. When putting the dog in the water, it will resist and it will feel bad, but remember that it is for its own good, since it is one of the best ways that exist to lower the body temperature.
    You must do this in the bathtub at home, since the river water could have some bacteria that could damage the dog’s skin and cause it to increase its fever (although only in this case, if the dog is healthy you can bathe it in the river perfectly). After this, dry the dog’s water well and you will see how it has at least cooled off and is much better.
  4. Rest: As with people, dogs need to rest in order to completely cure their fever. The problem is that dogs cannot relieve them at home, but rather need to go out for a walk every day and cannot stay in bed all day. What you should do is take it out for the right amount of time and give it time to rest, so that it can cure the disease. As soon as he relieves himself, home.
  5. Drink plenty of water: Although I have previously said that dogs cannot perform the usual care that humans do to cure fever, they do not stop having their own defense mechanisms. Dogs when they have a fever ask you for a lot of water, since they know that if they are well hydrated, they will be able to cure their fever. Firstly, the water will allow you to regulate your temperature and be cooler, secondly, the water allows you to recover the liquids lost when suffocating and thirdly, the water allows you to have better defenses to cure the disease. For this reason, always fill the dog’s water bowl with fresh water and be vigilant, because as soon as the water runs out, you will have to replace it as soon as possible, since it is the only way for the dog to stay in good condition. Of health and can always drink water. If you take him outside, don’t worry if he drinks water in puddles or rivers, since his immune system can deal with the bacteria in the water in these places without any problem.
  6. Wetting in key areas: We have previously seen how dog baths could lower their temperature. However, it is not good to bathe the dog a lot, since its protective layer of skin could be damaged and it could suffer from infections. It is recommended to bathe dogs at most every 15 days, being once a month more optimal. This creates a problem, because if we can only give them a bath when they have a fever, it will not be enough.  Nothing happens, since the only thing we have to do to replace it is too wet it only in the key areas. You must take a damp cloth and wet the dog in the area of ​​​​the belly and in the area behind the ears. Let’s say these areas can control the temperature of the rest of the body, so they must be taken into account in order to have a 100% cure for fever.


Now that we have seen all the ways to cure fever with home remedies, let’s see how to prevent fever. Prevention is the best home remedy, since prevention is better than cure, since it saves us the whole process and our dog will save himself the suffering of having a fever. For this reason, we are going to see all the ways to prevent fever in our dog, so that it can look radiant without fever as soon as possible.

    1. Hydrate your dog well: Just as water serves to cure fever, it also works very well to prevent fever. In addition to helping us to have a better defensive system, we will be able to maintain body temperatures at an optimal level, something that will undoubtedly help us when it comes to being able to treat our favorite animal better and that it does not have a fever.
    2. Act quickly: When the first symptoms of fever begin to appear, we are going to have to act as quickly as we can. This is because dogs, like people, start out with mild symptoms that gradually become more severe. However, if we act quickly, we are going to gradually alleviate these symptoms. In this way, when we see the slightest symptom of fever, we must act quickly.
    3. Go to annual check-ups at the veterinarian: As with people, it is recommended that dogs have regular check-ups of their health. In this case, we must check the dogs once a year at the vet, something that will allow us to check that they do not have any disease that can cause a fever. In addition, we must follow the vaccination schedule, to prevent it from having any disease that later spreads fever.
    4. Take good care of the dog: Apart from giving him a drink, we must take good care of our dog, something that will not only make him not have a fever, but also have better health in general terms. Take it out for a walk as often as it touches, feed it well and keep the animal in a hygienic environment. In this way, the dog will be able to have a good health of all.

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