Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Cats Are Born

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The beginning of gestation of a cat is quite simple, and like that of all mammals, they can have several common features, for example, everything begins with the process of copulation between female and male, that is where the great race of the feline spermatozoa, to fertilize the embryo, quite similar to a human pregnancy, because after all, both species are mammals, after this, the growth process of the little kittens will begin, in general, the cats, they are ready to be impregnated from 7 months of life They are even capable of having 5 births in the year, and the number of cats given birth in the same birth is varied, they can range from 1 to 5 kittens. The biggest difference between the gestation of a cat and a woman is basically the duration, since that of a cat can last a maximum of 65 days, hence the fact that they can have several deliveries in the same year.

The gestation process of cats goes through various stages of development, according to the time that passes, for example, from the first to the third week, it is when the fertilization of the egg by the sperm occurs, and other important events occur with embryos as the first heartbeats of the kittens in formation, which can be perceived approximately 20 days after fertilization, the following three weeks will be crucial, since the formation of other essential organs occurs, as well as the muscles and even the eyes of the cat, the growth of the felines in the womb will be evident from the fourth week, in the same way, in the mother, characteristic symptoms of their states will be observed, similar to those that they present women, for example, nausea. In the last three weeks of the gestation process, the little kittens progressively increase in size, and the formation of their entire body culminates, and in the cat the movements of the kittens in her womb are perceived with greater intensity. In the last week, there will be signs that delivery is approaching, the cat will have increased her weight considerably, and will look for a way to prepare the place for delivery.

The kittens when they are born, are essentially deaf and blind, it will take between 10 and 12 days for their senses to function properly, and the necessary care that must be provided to them after their birth, their mother can give them without any inconvenience, but she would not agree more than you are attentive to the process, since, sometimes, during the birth, some inconveniences can happen, in these cases your participation or that of a veterinarian will be essential, to guarantee the safety of the mother and the kittens at birth.

In case the mother cat requires your support, you must be prepared at all times, so I explain some aspects, steps and instructions, which you should always keep in mind, I also describe some useful tips, so that an excellent care before, during and after, to the kittens and the mother, you can provide them, hence the importance of being informed, read this very carefully.

What do you need for cats to be born?

  • Cats

Instructions for cats are born

Care during pregnancy.

  1. In the first place, if your cat is domestic, that is, she is always at home, or better yet, if copulation is scheduled, it is easier to be aware of the gestation time, so that you can be aware of the changes she is experiencing, and you can supervise it at all times, and keep a complete record. In case you do not know the exact moment of copulation, since cats are generally pets that roam free almost all the time, there are indicators that can start a gestation process, such as the growth of the nipples; this is one of the most evident at the beginning of the gestation of the cat.
  2. The need to consume foods with a high caloric content is necessary, even after giving birth, since the cat will be eating not only for herself, but also to provide everything necessary for the embryos that are forming within her.
  3. Avoid vaccinating the cat with any medication that can cause harm, not only during childbirth, but also during lactation, in case you need it; try to consult with the veterinarian, since he will give you the pertinent indications in the case.
  4. Observe the evolution of the pregnancy, above I have indicated some changes that can occur in the cat, including her weight gains, but you must be attentive to this, do not let her gain too much weight, only what is necessary, due to the growth of the kittens.

Care during childbirth.

Generally in these cases it is preferable that nature take its course, but, in case something goes wrong, you must be prepared, but you must know how to recognize when a feline delivery is progressing normally, so here are some indications.

  1. In the first place, take into account the duration of the birth, from the beginning of the contractions, approximately 20 minutes must elapse, so that the first of the kittens is born, later the rest will be born, but the waiting period between each one of The births are approximately 30 to 60 minutes, so depending on the number of kittens that are on the way, this will last a long time.
  2. The kittens will come in a kind of sac, formed by the placenta, which serves as protection in the birth process; these will be removed or opened by the mother, licking it, thus allowing the kittens to breathe.

You must ensure a moderate temperature for the birth, it must be warm enough for the kittens to be comfortable, and they can be born completely healthy, to achieve this, the place destined for the birth, you can condition it, placing enough blankets on it, so that the cold ground cannot bother them.

Tips for cats are born

  1. The cat will need a comfortable place for the birth process, she will start looking for it when the moment is approaching, but you can help her, and prepare a comfortable place for her, so that at the time of birth, there is no inconvenience.
  2. The cat may be somewhat anxious before giving birth, you can try to calm her down, pampering her, and these can be comforting.
  3. Do not be so close to the cat during the birth process, take a reasonable distance, from which, you can be aware of everything that is happening, so in the event of any inconvenience, you can go to solve it.
  4. If you notice that the cat does not break the placental sacs in which the kittens come out, you must do it very carefully, only using your hands you can do it, but do it as soon as possible, otherwise, it will end up suffocating.
  5. Take the time between each one of the births, if you observe that the cat had a single expulsion, after more than an hour, and another kitten has not come out, but you suspect that there are still kittens inside her; call a veterinarian as soon as possible. Soon as possible, as this may be an indication of a problem.
  6. Cats will be blind at first, so you should be attentive to their care, the cat is capable of providing it, but it never hurts to keep an eye on them.
  7. The kitten’s first food will be those that the mother can provide, that are, breast milk, they will need it from the beginning, in case of any problem with the mother, you can use a small bottle, or even a syringe, removing the needle, to be able to provide them with some kind of milk.
  8. Make sure that during the time that the cat is breastfeeding, she has a good diet, remember that these must have a high caloric content, because it can provide the cat with all the nutrients that they are requiring.
  9. From eight weeks after the birth of the cats, you can begin to supply other foods, beyond the milk that the mother supplies them through suckling, if you have doubts about the type of food, consult a veterinarian.
  10. As the kittens grow, they will need you to give them part of your time, because they are very playful, so sometimes you should play with them a little.
  11. It is convenient that you take them to a veterinarian, since he can provide them with medications and vaccines that are necessary for them, to contribute to their good growth.
  12. If there are many kittens, and you do not have enough space to have them, find them a good home, where they can properly care for them.
  13. Finally, if you have any doubts or inconveniences with the kittens or the mother, consult an expert, who will surely answer all your concerns, do not neglect these small animals, provide them with the best care, remember that your You took on a huge responsibility when you decided to adopt them, so don’t leave them to their fate.

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