Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Do I Know If My Cat Has Kidney Stones?

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook often publishes news and articles about pet care, services, advice, and other topics. Learn everything there is to know about the health and nutrition of dogs and cats, including the different diseases they suffer from, their actual causes, and effective treatments. Our articles on special comprehensive programs aid pets with diarrhea and vomiting, immunological weakness, and holistic pet cure.

Cats are faithful friends who really love us while remaining independent in both their way of being and their nature. Cats choose us, not us them, for these reasons the friendship of a cat is worth more than 1000 tricks.

If we take care of a cat we must give it love, pampering and of course, care, both in its diet and its health and its environment.

Sometimes it is difficult to know if our cat is sick because many times cats tend to hide their illnesses or we do not notice them until they are already advanced in a health problem.

This is often the case with cats, especially adult cats, which are prone to kidney stones.  Kidney stones in cats are not something exclusive to age; diet, hygiene and activity habits also influence the appearance of kidney stones in cats.

The symptoms of a cat having kidney stones are easy to spot if one pays enough attention to the cat.

If you are interested in knowing if your cat has kidney stones or is prone to them, then read this article with the necessary data to know if your cat has kidney stones.

 What do you need to know if my cat has kidney stones?

  • Go to a vet

Instructions to know if my cat has kidney stones

  1. The first thing to keep in mind is what this disease consists of. Kidney stones are an accumulation of waste that forms one or several stones inside our cat’s kidney, sometimes these get stuck in the animal’s urethra, preventing it from urinating. They are formed by substances in the urine, mostly calcium, and they occur more ungratefully whose diet has high sodium content.
  2. There are several treatments that exist to cure kidney stones in cats, the most common treatments are medication, which consists of administering medications to your cat to undo the stones, surgery that consists of operating on your cat to undo or extract the stone, and the diet that is started in order to prevent the production of substances in our cat’s urine that can cause the appearance of stones. This diet can be temporary or permanent depending on the case that the cat suffers.
  3. To find out if your cat has kidney stones, you have to examine their daily habits.  Generally cats urinate a few times a day and mark their territory, if you notice that your cat has difficulty doing this, for example, that he takes the position to mark, and after a while you notice that he has not urinated, this is probably by stones interrupting his urinary tract.
  4. We can also notice as one of the symptoms of kidney stones in the cat, if he frequently approaches his litter box but you do not notice moisture.
  5. Another of the characteristics that cats have when they suffer from kidney stones is the inflammation of their penis, this happens because the cat licks and sucks frequently to try to remove the stone or undo it, this over-stimulation consequently causes his penis to swell penis.
  6. Cats when they suffer from kidney stones try to stay in a cool and shady place, it also makes them uncomfortable when you get close and rub their genitals.
  7. If you notice any of these symptoms you have to take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible, he will examine your cat’s case to give him the appropriate treatment.

Tips to know if my cat has kidney stones

  • Try to be aware of your cat’s habits to know if there is a possibility of kidney stones.

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