Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Do Oviparous Animals Reproduce?

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Have you ever wondered how oviparous animals reproduce? Would you like to learn it?  In that case you have come to the right place. we are going to teach you everything you need to know about the reproduction of oviparous animals. Go for it!

What are oviparous animals?

Oviparous animals are those that reproduce by means of eggs that are deposited and hatch in the external environment. The word oviparous actually comes from the Latin word ovum, which means egg.

Animals that have this type of reproductive system are birds and most fish, insects, reptiles, and amphibians. Mammals are not usually oviparous although there are exceptions. Do you know which ones they are? The species that are part of the monograms. Within the monograms are the platypus and the echidnasThe number of eggs lay by each oviparous varies considerably depending on the species. For example, the sea turtle can lay an average of between 70 and 190 eggs. Birds usually lay less than twelve. Flies about 100. Other species only 1.

What are eggs?

We have explained a few lines above that the oviparous are characterized by reproducing by depositing eggs in the external environment. Here they will finish developing and hatch when the animal is already sufficiently mature. The hatching consists of the rupture of the shell that allows the exit of the young to the outside.

But what exactly are the eggs where the oviparous hatch? Well, it is a rounded structure that makes the body of females with a very clear functionality. Protect and contain the embryo during the period of its development. The shell acts as a cover and the hardness of this varies depending on the species. They can be more flexible or harder. And not only has the hardness of the egg varied, but also the size. Do you know which animal lays the largest eggs today? Formerly, without a doubt, it was the dinosaurs that took this medal. But today, and once extinct, the animal that lays the largest eggs is the ostrich. Their eggs can weigh up to 1.5 kg. Incredible true? And do you know which bird lays the smallest eggs? It is the zunzuncito also known as hummingbird.

The egg is made up of different parts. Surely it sounds like you have seen it when you eat them at home:

  • The yolk
  • The egg white
  • The membranes
  • The shell, which we have already talked about

The embryo develops within the part we know as the yolk when the egg has been fertilized by the male.

How do oviparous animals reproduce?

Reproduction in oviparous animals can be done in two ways.

  1. Laying the eggs in dry spaces. In this case, the oviparous generate dry eggs that finish maturing in the open air. In these cases fertilization is done internally. The dry environment where the egg or eggs are deposited varies depending on the species. For example, birds create very elaborate nests where they lay their eggs to incubate them.  That is, they are responsible for heating them with their own body until the chicks hatch. Sometimes the males are in charge of incubating them while the females go in search of food. For example, in the case of penguins, it is the males who are responsible for the protection and incubation of the eggs. While the birds are in charge of placing the eggs in a nest, there are other animals that choose to bury them. This is the case of turtles,
  2. Laying eggs in moist spaces. This is the case, for example, among fish. Unlike dry eggs, these come out without being fertilized. The eggs hatch in the hundreds from the female and spread out into the water. Just as the females do, the males expel the sperm between the eggs. However, it is a question of teamwork, since the males begin to excrete the sperm when the female begins to expel the eggs.

How long can the incubation period of an egg last?

The incubation period of an egg in those animals that develop this action varies considerably from one species to another. For example, in the case of chickens the average incubation period is approximately 21 days. The ostrich, however, incubates its eggs for up to 45 days. For its part, the hummingbird can take between 12 and 15 days to incubate.

What are ovoviviparous animals?

Ovoviviparous animals are also born inside eggs, but unlike oviparous animals, these eggs are fertilized inside the female and remain there until they are fully developed. As for hatching, this can occur as soon as the egg is laid or a little before the female gives birth. Ovoviviparity is present in most sharks, in certain reptiles and fish.


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