Everything concerning the pets we love has always interested us, for example in the case of dogs, how to take care of them, how to educate them, even their birth, it has caused us a lot of intrigue. But the birth of these animals does not differ much from that of humans, since, being mammals, even the gestation process of these can be comparable, with the difference, of course, of the duration, because that of dogs is much lower than that of women. But if you are interested in knowing a little more about the process, I will explain it to you step by step.
What do you need for dogs to be born?
- Dog
Instructions for born dogs
Gestation and birth.
- Of course, the main thing for the birth of a dog to be born is that the mother is pregnant, bitches, like males, go through a perfect stage for reproduction, colloquially this is called the stage of heat and It is in this case, where the mating of both occurs, so that the bitch can become pregnant and begin her gestation process.
- Compared to women, whose pregnancy lasts 9 months, that of dogs lasts approximately two months, much shorter, but it is the time necessary for the development of puppy embryos, which are developing inside her.
- One of the ways used by those who watch over a dog’s due date is through her rectal temperature, apparently these decreases by one degree on average, which gives an indication that the female is close to giving birth.
- Like women, the dog has contractions, and a dilation in the vagina, a clear sign that she is about to start a labor process.
- The duration of the delivery of bitches is not precise, since it will depend on the number of puppies that are on the way, if they are few, only a few minutes will suffice, but in the case of being too many, up to 2 hours the delivery process of the bitch can last.
- Finally, each puppy is expelled, and like children, they are inside a placenta, the difference is that the mother herself is in charge of cleaning them, so that the puppies can breathe and not run. Of risk, the mother must eat the placenta in which these come, and later performs with her tongue any residue that may remain attached to the new puppies.
- As you can see, it is a simple procedure, very similar to that of women, the main difference being that female dogs do not have medical assistance, since their nature provides them with everything they need to be able to face this process alone, however, in In some cases, it is important to supervise it, so that no puppy is at risk.
Supervised births.
Some breeds of animals must be provided with special care during childbirth, and it is essential that before, during and after childbirth, both the mother and the puppies are well supervised, you have two options, carry out a planned delivery with the veterinarian, In this case, he will be in charge of intervening, or supervising it yourself, if this is necessary and you must do it, I will show you what to do to be able to face this moment calmly.
- In the first place, you must be attentive from the moment the dog begins its gestation process, in order to keep track of the days, and prepare little by little until the day of delivery arrives.
- There are signs that you must recognize, since they will tell you that the time of delivery when you arrive, 1 of them is the size of the bitch’s vagina, it will begin to dilate, at that time the delivery will have begun, it is also advisable to take the dog’s temperature for a week, when there is variation, the time will have come.
- You must be attentive to the contractions, it is very possible that the dog emits some kind of complaint, panting or small howls, in the same way, it will move or shake its belly, and they will occur as small waves that indicate that it is having contractions.
- It is very likely that it will be impossible for you to be close to the dog during labor, most prefer to do it when they sit or are in absolute privacy, but as much as possible, you should get a little closer, to monitor the process. Of childbirth.
- Be attentive to each of the puppies that are born, it is advisable to monitor the birth time between each puppy, although this is not standard, there is a time interval between the birth of each puppy, approximately 20 or 30 minutes, if it occurs longer than this and there are no more births, after the first or second and you are certain of the existence of more puppies, you need to contact a veterinarian, since something may be going on.
- Similarly, if you think the dog is complaining too much, and shows signs of too much pain, call the vet so they can check her properly.
- If you realize that the mother does not break the puppy’s sac, in a maximum time of 4 minutes, you must intervene and do it yourself, use latex gloves, and do it gently, remember, you must take the birth time, if it happens a lot time from birth to the rupture of the sac, the puppy could suffocate.
- After labor, you must provide the dog with enough food, especially rich in calories, remember that she will be about to start a lactation process, and she will need adequate nutrition.
- Make sure that the puppies are at a suitable temperature, this is done by the mother, but if you notice that she does not, you must provide it, so do not stop watching them.
- If you happen to notice that the dog does not recover quickly after giving birth, and does not take care of the puppies, something may be going wrong, do not wait long and call the veterinarian.
- In the same way, watch over the proper development of the puppies, if you observe any anomaly in any of them, take it to be checked. In addition, he is always vigilant that everyone is well fed.
- After delivery there are two factors that can affect the mother: mastitis, which is the inflammation of the nipples, and she may refuse to breastfeed the puppies because of the pain that this can cause, or eclampsia, where the bitch will be nervous, very restless, and will not properly attend to the puppies, in both cases, go to a veterinarian, he will know how to guide you in both cases.
Tips for born dogs
- It is essential that during the gestation process of the bitch, you provide her with adequate food, and you can even take her to the vet at least once, to make sure that everything is working.
- Provide a place that is large and comfortable enough so that the part can develop, with enough blankets so that the dogs are warm and above all, that it be roofed, in case of a sudden change in weather, you do not want the puppies to be in the rain.
- Never give the dog injections if you suspect that she is in the process of pregnancy, or medications that are not prescribed by a veterinarian, because you can alter the process and cause harm to both her and the puppies.
- Have the vet’s number handy, in case you notice that something is not working, generally these births are simple, but we never know what can go wrong, so we must first of all be prepared.
- Provide plenty of water to the mother, she will need it before and after childbirth, she must stay hydrated at all times, it is likely that in the last few days she will not eat or drink much, do not worry, but if you notice that she stops eating completely, take her to the veterinary.
- In case the mother of the puppies cannot feed them all properly, you can do it with a bottle; you can even buy a special formula for puppies beforehand, so that she is prepared in any circumstance.
- Do not allow your dog to get pregnant before the appropriate time, generally the most recommended is when she is 24 months old, where she has already reached a level of maturation necessary to face childbirth normally.
- Do not put anti fleas or any other product on your dog if you suspect or know that she is pregnant, some contain very strong chemicals that can harm her, so you should be aware of this, in case this is very necessary, consult the veterinarian, this a suitable product will know how to recommend you.
- Do not show nervousness because the dog feels it, be calm, and do not intervene, unless you notice that something is not working, otherwise let nature take its course, everything will be fine, but do not stop supervising the delivery. Also have on hand, blankets, gloves, and any implement you might need in case you have to intervene and help.