Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Is a Ferret – Care, Information and Advice?

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Tropical animals are also highly desired as pets. For this reason, some species such as talking parrots are becoming more and more common in Spanish homes. The fact of having an animal that repeats everything we say gives that bit of curiosity to those who love pets.  However, above the parrot we can find a really affectionate and playful type of rat, which is known as the ferret. It has a long history and really funny. In addition, the fact of having a ferret as a pet brings some glamor to the home of those who choose this rat as a pet for their company since it is like taking care of a domestic rabbit.

What is a ferret?

A ferret is a tropical animal that dates back to before the birth of Christ. It is difficult to locate the origin of ferrets, and we have the first historical reference in the time of the Roman Empire when Emperor Caesar Augustus decided to send an army of ferrets to the Balearic Islands to control a plague of rabbits. In fact, the first function of ferrets was hunting. For this reason, this animal was domesticated for this function since, combined with a network, it is really effective. In some countries like Australia, where there is a huge influx of rabbits, it was a really used option. In our country, currently, it is still used. The use of ferrets for hunting is regulated by each Autonomous Community and, depending on where we are, we will have certain type of legislation. Many also compare them to dogs or cats, the quintessential animals that Spaniards choose as pets. Therefore, knowing what to do when a dog has conjunctivitis will also help to facilitate diagnosis due to its similarity to man’s best friend.

At a physiological level, a ferret is characterized by being a small rat that can be caught with one hand as if it were a feather, since its weight barely reaches one or two kilos.  At home they hardly make a fuss since most of the time they spend resting, despite the fact that when they are awake they are really active. In fact, extreme precautions must be taken when monitoring them because this type of animal is capable of getting in wherever it wants and, therefore, we can get some kind of surprise. The senses are really decompensated. On the one hand, both smell and hearing are highly developed. For this reason, in the past and today they are considered great rabbit hunters. Instead, their eyesight leaves much to be desired since they are born blind. If your wish is to have a family of ferrets or a good number, you should know that these animals have a very strong smell. Some even choose to remove the glands that secrete this bad smell. Also, especially at younger ages, ferrets are characterized by being very mischievous animals who love to pick up things and hide them. Therefore, if you are missing something, do not fear the worst, since it could very well have been your pet.

Be that as it may, the main characteristics of ferrets are their ability to interact with other animals, including humans, in addition to their intelligence. Come on, they have nothing to envy neither cats nor dogs. If we call our dog Pedro and he recognizes him, a ferret is not far behind and can also confirm this information. For this reason, it can react when we call it; it has the ability to be so domestic that we can take it for a walk with a leash tied to its body, or even open doors by itself. Inside the house, in this sense, it is totally independent and autonomous, although the fear of the veterinarian must be removed as with cats.

Benefits of having a ferret

All in all, choosing a ferret as a pet is a choice that brings multiple benefits for all those who opt for the tropical as a pet. The most prominent are the following:

  • Have something different. A dog, a cat or a hamster are some of the most repeated animals in homes as pets. However, if you want to have something different, you can bet on a ferret, a tropical animal that people usually like very much.
  • A very affectionate animal. When you bet on a pet you want company and pampering, exactly what the ferret gives. This rat has plenty of that and, surely, it will give you very good times and memories.
  • Hobby for pirates. Even if it is a rat, depending on how you look at it, a ferret can look like a monkey. For this reason, if you are fond of costume parties, you can make your ferret pass for a monkey and put it on your shoulder. Surely you will be the sensation of the celebration.
  • They don’t cause problems. In addition to being affectionate, ferrets are also considered a really easy animal to carry around the house. If it is not the exception, it will not give you any kind of problem and coexistence will not be complicated.

How to take care of a ferret:

Caring for a ferret will greatly influence their personal development and also their relationship with us. These types of animals are not made of stone and, obviously, if we are good with them, they will also return it to us as a token of gratitude. Therefore, we must provide a habitat in which you feel comfortable and in which you are happy. However, if we decide to have a ferret in our house, we must also adapt to the current regulations regarding this type of animal. By obligation, any ferret in Spain must have a passport with an attached chip, in addition to complying with the current vaccination program for this type of animal. The ferret is an active animal that likes to move, run around and feel free. Obviously, he has to understand that there are rules in our house and that he must remain in the cage. However, it is recommended that during a few hours of the day, this rat can feel freedom, stretch its legs and interact with us. Extremes are never good and, in that case, it is not good to leave him locked up all day or to do it with total freedom. In the House. We must be able to find that middle ground. Coexistence with other animals can be difficult. Do not forget that it is an animal with hunting abilities, so if we have rabbits or birds we must also take extreme precautions.

Going back to the vaccination program and everything related to going to the vet, you should bear in mind that after two months of life it will be mandatory for you to take your ferret to a specialist because that is when you should start vaccinating it. Rabies and distemper are the two main threats that this type of animal can suffer. For this reason, each year you will have the obligation to go through a vaccine of this type. In addition, there are also other types of diseases in which the ferret is prone to falling and, therefore, extreme precautions must be taken. One of the most repeated causes of death in these species is heartworm disease, which is transmitted through a mosquito and where they can lose their lives. As masters of the animal we must have a sixth sense, as if it were our son. For this reason, at any sign that his hair begins to fall out, he cannot breathe normally, suffers from some type of vomiting, problems going to the bathroom or does not eat as he does on a regular basis, we must take him to a trusted veterinarian so that can start examining our ferret. First of all, you must make sure that one of their specialties is ferrets as it is a different type of species and may not be. The best medical care will allow for an effective diagnosis to be made early.

In addition, for correct hormonal development and adequate growth, it is recommended, whenever possible, that ferrets be neutered and receive special attention in summer. Do not forget that despite living in some tropical countries like Australia, these small animals suffer from heat stroke very quickly. In addition, it is also an animal that must be kept clean since it can quickly catch infections. The frequency of these baths can range from every two weeks to two months. Obviously, if this recommendation is taken, the appropriate bathroom accessories must be used so as not to turn this activity into a simple loss of water for the user and owner of the ferret. If you are willing to comply with all these premises about ferrets, then you are ready to have a type of pet like this, since it will be very happy by your side, and it will surely give you extraordinary moments during the 6-10 years it lives, and it can even reach twelve.


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