Saturday, March 29, 2025

How Is A Ferret – What Do They Eat, Where Do They Live, How Are They Born

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Ferrets are one of the favorite pets of the Spaniards, only surpassed by dogs and cats, the two main domestic animals par excellence in our country. It is a really sociable and intelligent species of tropical rat that can give great moments to all those who want to have a different pet and get out of the typical, such as cats, dogs, fish or hamsters, among others. If you want to stand out from the rest, taking care of a ferret is, without a doubt, a safe bet.

What do ferrets eat?

The ferret is an animal that was domesticated 2,500 years ago and, therefore, has been in contact with humans for many years. In fact, they sleep much more than we since a ferret may need a rest that can reach between 14 and 18 hours, practically three times as much as a person sleeps. In this sense, if we choose to have a ferret at home, it will be necessary to respect the hours of sleep that they may need. Also, sleeping they are a lot of fun because they tend to stick the tip of their tongue out. The ferret is even used by numerous psychologists or psychiatrists. It is considered a really sociable species and introduce it with people who suffer from any type of autism it can help them begin to assimilate basic concepts to try to overcome this trance. They have a life expectancy of around six to ten years, although in some cases it can extend up to 12. In addition, the hair color of their skin changes over time and constantly as their life progresses. In the first years of their lives they are very mischievous and, therefore, if something of value that belongs to us disappears, we should not think that a thief has entered, because it could very well have been the ferret. It is quite similar to caring for a domestic rabbit.

In general, ferrets are mostly carnivorous animals. Do not lose perspective of the history of this animal. Although the origin is difficult to locate due to the different theories that exist, it is known that the ferret was used by the kings to hunt rabbits. In fact, an army of ferrets was sent to the Balearic Islands with the sole objective of appeasing a plague of rabbits. For this reason, a ferret’s diet needs a good dose of protein, approximately half of the intake of all the nutrients that they plan to consume. In this sense, they are very similar to small cats. And the right feed should be the basic pillar to sustain it. However, today let’s not forget that industrial preparations are suitable for all mammals. It is much more comfortable for their masters since they do not have to cook but only buy the food that is already prepared for their consumption, and that also contains all the necessary nutrients that a ferret requires. The behavior of the ferret is also particular in other aspects. They are very quiet animals, so if you need peace of mind they will not take it away from you. However, they are very curious and, therefore, like to get into everything. They even have hiccups frequently so there is no need to be alarmed if we experience this phenomenon.

In no case is it recommended that the ferret eat raw food, especially when we talk about the different types of meat that we can find. As with humans, the fact that it is not cooked can cause the presence of bacteria that bring discomfort to your body. In any case, meat should not be their main meal either, but only a complement to differentiate the feed for ferrets that they should consume regularly. In addition, baby porridge or vegetables can also be given from time to time, which are also beneficial for the ferret as long as these types of nutrients are not abused.

Benefits of having a ferret

All in all, having a ferret has numerous benefits for all those who decide to bet on having a ferret. The most prominent are the following:

  • A sociable and affectionate animal. Many people who feel lonely decide to have a pet to feel accompanied. Obviously, if you choose an animal that does not have the ability to relate, you will not fulfill your main objective.
  • It doesn’t give problems. If the ferret receives a good education and a correct development, it will not cause any type of problem in the house and, therefore, it will only bring you peace and calm.
  • A different animal. Also, if you are tired of the typical dogs and cats, having a ferret are betting on something different and that can give you very good experiences.
  • Similarities with monkeys. If you look at it from afar it has many similarities with chimpanzees. In this sense, if you are fond of costume parties you can bet on the ferret as the monkey in the pirate costume.

Where do they live and how are ferrets born?

Locating the origin of the ferrets, as has been said before, is really complicated. Some theorists affirm that in ancient Egypt they already had ferrets, but the first historical reference dates back to Roman times when, as explained above, the emperor César Augusto decided to send an army of ferrets to the Balearic Islands to put an end to the presence of numerous rabbits on the island Its presence was also detected in Australia, due to its tropical typology. Be that as it may, ferrets are currently present all over the world and are deeply rooted in Spain. In fact, there is specific legislation that regulates the use of ferrets for hunting in each of the Autonomous Communities. In general, a ferret must have its own space to live inside a house in the form of a cage. It is not good to have it too long in freedom since it can pick up bad habits and habits. From a very young age, they should be taught what their place to live is. However, let’s not forget that the ferret is a particularly active animal and, therefore, needs it’s time to wander around the house, burn off adrenaline and not become too nervous or angry. In cats, fear of the vet must be avoided, although ferrets do not suffer as much from this type of problem.

The way in which ferrets are born and reproduce also has a curious background. After six months, females are ready to reproduce, while males must wait until they are nine months old. The period that the female takes to fertilize a young is around 43 days, that is, practically a month and a half. However, curiously, any baby ferret that is born will be deaf, blind and will also not have any type of hair. On average, it is estimated that a female ferret can fertilize up to a total of between 2 and 16 offspring approximately. On the other hand, we as owners must be aware of the status of the offspring and take it to the vet if necessary. We must also prepare it to welcome its children. Therefore, if we have not previously castrated the animal, we will place something comfortable so that the female can rest better. Once she is born, we will have to leave them a total of three weeks to rest before returning their home to normal and starting to get the babies used to human contact.

Many will wonder as humans what is the method that should be followed to decide that a female ferret can reproduce. Very easy. When the fertilization process begins, your reproductive organ suddenly increases in size. After 10 days, the mating period with the male begins and, therefore, this female ferret is considered fertile. If you have a couple of ferrets, don’t be alarmed if they seem to be fighting. The reality is that the process of getting the female pregnant can be violent. The male begins by biting the female’s neck. although aggression can also occur both verbally and physically, but it is normal.  Maintaining this behavior for two days will allow the female to become pregnant and, therefore, to reproduce. This is the first stone to get to have more than one ferret at home. If you decide not to neuter your ferrets and allow them to live in pairs, there are a few things you should know about having multiple ferrets in your home. Ferrets are characterized by having a fantastic hearing and smell, among their qualities. However, their sense of sight is much less developed. In fact, when they are born, ferrets are blind. Obviously, the little ones will love to play and they are specialists in getting into the most unexpected corners. In this sense, you must be clear about not having anything dangerous at home that could endanger the life of your ferret. Without a doubt, allowing a ferret to be a father and mother can be a fantastic experience from an external point of view.


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