Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Is a Poodle – Care, Information and Advice?

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Choosing a dog as a pet is one of the most repeated options in Spanish homes. The dog is one of the most domestic animals that can be found ahead of the cat or the hamster among others. In fact, many come to consider their pet dog as a son or a brother.  Someone they play with, hang out with and look entertained. In fact, it can also be considered as a friend with whom to have gestures of affection. And who we can get to miss. Therefore, when a dog is lost, the feeling of sadness can be really high, especially if you have been raising him since he was little and you have seen him grow up spending a lot of time by his side. Even friendship with a dog can be considered more faithful than human. Among the most used options today we can find the poodle.

What is a poodle?

The poodle is considered one of the historical dogs, and one of the favorites of animal beauty salons. Oddly enough, it reached its peak during the Renaissance period since its origin dates back to France. In fact, it’s not surprising to see every painting in the empire from Napoleon to royalty with a pet poodle. It was something that provided value and category among the aristocrats. Currently, we can find up to four totally different varieties: large, medium, dwarf and toy. The first is one of the most historic. As we will see below, the history of the origin of the poodle presents numerous controversies. Some theorists defend that the big one is the original, and that other varieties appeared to try to get smaller poodles. In this case, the large poodle is preferred for beauty contests and can grow to more than half a meter in height. From then on, the size decreases in the same order: medium, small and toy, with the smallest measuring just under 30 centimeters.

The controversy lies in where the poodle breed came from. Most argue that it was made in France, when it became a cult animal among the nobility of the absolutist kings.  However, other theories suggest that it was in Germany and that during the different European wars, it moved to French territory. In fact, both Germany and France and even Russia defend that the poodle was created on their land. The Germans even point out that the poodle was used as a game animal during the middle Ages. Be that as it may, its maximum splendor was reached during the 16th century, beginning to be present in the court of the Sun King and his descendants, as well as in different works of art. One of the major changes in the poodle’s history occurred in the 19th century. Until then, the most normal thing was to see these animals look very hairy, which in turn had the function of shelter and prevented freezing during the winter seasons. However, different stylists created the new hairless poodle fashion, and even in some cases, many owners also chose to amputate their tails. A few years later, the poodle began to be proclaimed again as an animal for wealthy people, while in the 20th century other sizes emerged up to the four types previously exposed. Currently, the poodle is one of the most used dog breeds, although its importance has been reduced over the years, balancing with other breeds.

Currently, poodles enjoy one of the highest life expectancies among dogs. Many studies reflect that they live an average of between 11 and 12 years. In practice, it is considered that to know the age of a digit must be multiplied by seven that of a human.  Therefore, we would be talking about a poodle living between 77 and 84 years of a human. Today, that is the life expectancy of many humans, although improvements in living standards and advances in medicine are expected to increase that figure. However, if we go into the different species of poodle, the numbers can be surprising. Small poodles can reach 14 years, while toy poodles (the smallest of the breed) can reach 20 years, which would be 140 years of human life, far from the average. The record for a poodle is held by the one known as Uncle Chichi who lived up to 26 years. In fact, at some times in human history many humans did not live to that number. In general, caring for a poodle it is something simple due to the character that many offspring present.

Benefits of owning a poodle

All in all, opting for a poodle as a pet has numerous benefits for those who decide to sacrifice part of their lives in favor of the animal. The most prominent are the following:

  • Company. Obviously, everyone who chooses to have a pet is to feel accompanied.  Some come to consider it a son or even a best friend and, therefore, it takes on vital importance in all those people who decide to take part in an animal in their entire lives.
  • The closest thing to a human. The dog is often said to be man’s best friend.  Therefore, having a poodle, a breed of dog, can also be a fantastic choice if we are not lucky enough to have many friends.
  • Get profitability. As previously mentioned, the poodle is the perfect dog to present in beauty contests. For this reason, if someone wants to get some kind of benefit from their pet, they can submit it to this type of contest, which in turn can reveal a hidden hobby.
  • Lots of variety. In addition, the poodle also has different sizes that can be used to meet the needs that the client may have. In this sense, choosing this type of dog also allows you to adapt to what each one may want.

In addition to all these benefits, poodles also provide a lot of calm, affection and closeness, being one of the dogs that most resembles humans. Its small size also makes it ideal for living in any type of home.

How to take care of a poodle:

Once the introductions have been made, if we have convinced you to choose a poodle as a pet, we are going to give you some tips that will help your animal to be proud of you and feel at home with the best possible care. Poodles are a breed of dog that has a special affinity with children. Therefore, if you have children it can be a fantastic entertainment for the pet as well as for the little ones. In this sense, so that you can have fun together, it is highly recommended that you buy some dog toys, since this will allow them to stay entertained for a while and you, in that period of time, to take a break to disconnect or attend to tasks that you may have pending. If you bet on this type of option, extreme precautions. Lice are one of the main enemies of the little ones and, therefore, basic hygiene measures must be adopted for both the child and the dog. The poodle, especially if you decide to keep his hair, must be well bathed and controlled at all times. In addition, he should also visit the vet on a routine basis, as children do with the pediatrician to prevent him from suffering from any type of infection that endangers both his health and that of everyone around him.

Some of the main characteristics of the poodle are its hyperactivity as well as its intelligence. They adapt to any type of environment and, therefore, in this sense, you will not have any type of problem so that they can interact with the rest. However, you should be aware of his need to run and move to be calm. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a really short-tempered pet. For this reason, when you acquire a poodle you should have the possibility of taking it for a walk on a regular basis, or at least have a space where the pet can run freely without being disturbed. Educationally, they are similar to humans. In this sense, if from birth we educate them in the sense that they do their business where it belongs, we will save ourselves many problems by collecting feces that they may have left around the home. As with children, they must also be taught proper eating habits from an early age. Consult your veterinarian about the foods that best suit the dog, and feed him that from the first moments of life. Also on how to treat conjunctivitis in a dog in case this case may occur. Otherwise, we run the risk of having a pampered and capricious poodle that wants to nibble at all hours, and does not lead a healthy lifestyle.  The same goes for sports and walks. As we have said, they are usually quite active types of animals but they must be able to understand what the moments are for it. If we invest time in their education, we will get a firm, educated and regular pet that will save us multiple headaches for our well-being.

Controlling the poodle’s hair should also be another of our priorities. As we have said before, it is an animal that has a lot of hair and, therefore, can end up being a problem.  If we want to leave her hair long, we must opt ​​for the necessary care using cleaning products such as shampoo that are necessary for it. At the same time, the poodle is one of the most social dogs out there. Therefore, if we want to maintain a status, we must have a completely clean dog. When it comes to cutting a dog’s hair, it is advisable to go to a dog grooming salon to be attended by real professionals. The inside of their ears is  another of the points in which we must be attentive, since if they get too red they can end up being a problem. Beyond that it is important to note that poodles are one of the most social dogs out there. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave it alone for a long time as it could end up altering its behavior. Therefore, giving it a balanced diet, entertainment methods and taking it out for a walk regularly should be enough to ensure proper care for our poodle. If we do our part to take care of our pet, we will receive affection, a more appropriate treatment and great moments. It’s like a friend if we treat him well, he will respond. Exactly the same thing happens with a poodle, so we will have to work hard.


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