Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Is a Shark

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The shark is perhaps the most famous fish of all that exist and one of the most evolved species of them, the shark is known for the numerous films and documentaries that define it as a predatory and dangerous fish.

Everyone knows the basic characteristics and physiognomy of a shark, knowing their fins; their sharp teeth and those they are carnivores. But there are different characteristics and curiosities about sharks that few people know with the due precision by which they should be known.

I am going to alleviate the great curiosity you feel (otherwise you would not be seeing this) and explain some characteristics that make sharks a unique animal. We will talk about its physiognomy, its reproduction, its relationship with the environment, its danger…

Instructions for a shark

  1. Types: There is not only one type of shark in the ocean, more than 450 different species of sharks have been found to date, which differ from each other by their size, their danger and the types of favorite prey to eat. The largest shark of all is the whale shark with more than 15,000 kilos in weight and more than 12 meters in size, the smallest is the pygmy shark, 8 centimeters in length in adulthood. Other known sharks are the tiger shark or the hammerhead shark.
  2. Reproduction: Reproduction is little less than curious, the shark is a species called ovoviviparous, that is, a mixture between viviparous and oviparous. Firstly, the mother has eggs like all fish, but inside the placenta, secondly these Eggs are fertilized internally by the male, whereby an embryo is produced. The eggs hatch within the placenta at three weeks, giving rise to a shark fetus, which remains inside its mother’s womb for 9 months (like humans), giving birth to a baby shark. Sharks are like humans, they have few children due to the high cost to the mother’s health of having them and they can have them from 13 years of age. The reason for this is that being a species that is at the top of the food chain, it will survive yes or yes, so a reproductive strategy of having few children is chosen, since most of them will arrive without problems. Adulthood.
  3. Diet: Sharks have been associated as the great carnivores of the sea, but the truth is that it depends a bit on the species. Some small species eat plankton, krill or small mollusks, others eat other fish or shellfish and finally the largest and most dangerous eat everything from small fish to other small sharks, passing through mammals such as dolphins or even whales. Sharks are able to sniff out blood very well even at a long distance, which is why they can make quick surprise attacks. Bother them a lot if they are going to attack you.
  4. Relationship with the environment: Sharks, with few exceptions, live in places of salty and deep waters, regardless of the water temperature. They go out to get food at dusk and are nomads, that is, they travel the ocean in search of more and more food.  As for their sociability, it depends on the species, some being totally solitary and others living in herds.
  5. Body: The shark is a vertebrate fish, that is, it has a backbone. Their skeleton is of the cartilaginous type, being much more fragile and sensitive than the skeleton of a land animal, since they need a lot of mobility. To compensate for their fragility, they have tough, scaly skin that protects their body well. They breathe through gills and their teeth grow back when they are lost continuously throughout their lives.

Tips for a shark

  • How long do they live? Being at the top of the food chain, they are animals that usually live at least 30 years of age. From then on it depends on the species, with the whale shark being the one that lives the longest, reaching 100 years of age as a maximum limit.
  • Intelligence: They are among the most intelligent fish that exist, being able to attack without being seen and defend themselves against other predators in the ocean.  As a curiosity to say that they sleep with their eyes open and that a part of their brain remains active when sleeping, to carry out vital functions and to warn of dangers.

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