Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Is the Angora cat?

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For pet lovers, there are many possibilities that may arise when choosing an animal that they can consider, however, there are those who do not need to think about it, and cats will always represent their first alternative, but there are many species or breeds of these that you can find, one of them is the Angora cat, it is considered one of the most beautiful breeds of cats, its original species comes from Turkey, hence it is known by some as the Turkish Angora cat, without However, there is another variation of these cats, the product of research in the United Kingdom with this species of cat, where the species known simply as the Angora cat emerged.

The preference of this cat as a pet is due to the fact that it adapts easily to any environment, in addition to being very playful, something that some may consider an unconventional characteristic in cats, since most of them are mystical and reserved, as well, this is considered sociable, cheerful and otherwise loyal, so it is considered a great companion for those who seek good company in it. In the same way, physically speaking, it is extremely attractive, its walk is usually considered very elegant, because it always walks with its tail upright, its fur is very silky, and generally shiny, especially when it is given good care, their eyes are of various colors, depending on the characteristics of each cat, they can be amber, blue, or green, but in any case, a characteristic that all Angora cats or Persian cats have in common is that their eyes are large. In general, the weight that they reach as adults will depend on the food you have provided, but the most conventional is around 3 and 4 kilos, presenting some variations according to sex.

Those who decide to acquire these cats must really be a lover of these species, because in general, their costs are high, because it is a rare species, in addition to being considered a breed of elegant cats, since historically they have been related to the aristocracy, in They are generally referred to as royal cats. But just as they are beautiful, these expenses are also very delicate, first of all due to their fur, which as I have already mentioned is very beautiful, but also abundant, these can present problems with the fact of losing their hair, since they often accumulate in their throat, this can cause illnesses, on the other hand, they love tranquility, because although they are playful, they do not like to be disturbed, so it is recommended that you stay on the sidelines, and leave Let him be the one to come looking for you. With regard to the care that you should give it, I allow myself to provide you with some tips and tricks, so that your Angora cat feels comfortable at all times.

What do you need for the Angora cat?

  • Cat

Instructions for the Angora cat

  1. I had already mentioned that the hair, although it provides them with part of their charm, can also cause inconveniences, so be aware of the period in which the change of coat occurs, so that you can help remove the hair that has fallen out, you can try  combing them, so try to buy a brush just for your cat, one that is soft, but that provides the desired end, that is, removing the hair that is shedding from its body.
  2. Buy a shampoo that is suitable for its type of hair, because they are all different, and some components, some reaction can generate, therefore, take into account the characteristics of your cat’s hair, when you go to buy a shampoo, in this way you will always keep it beautiful, soft and shiny.
  3. They are very active, so it would be appropriate for you to provide them with toys, to keep them busy, some balls, or stuffed animals, especially if they are mice, they will love this, and will keep them entertained, thus preventing them from snooping around in places not very recommended, because if Angora cats have something, it is that they are very curious.
  4. Specialized food for cats, it can be the secret so that your cat has a full and healthy life at all times, sometimes determining the correct food seems difficult, if you have doubts, go to an expert who can guide you, either a veterinarian, or in a pet store, surely someone there will be able to recommend some good food, the idea is that it be a healthy food, and above all balanced, in the first place it needs vitamins and nutrients at all times, in addition any food can cause a health problem generate you, therefore, to avoid the expense of your cat’s food, do not give it just any food, because you will be harming it greatly, if you assume the responsibility of having it, do it completely, and give it the care it deserves, do not leave anything sideways.
  5. Check that your cat does not have any congenital problem, for example, something you may not have known is that some Angora cats can be deaf from birth, this can be indicated by a veterinarian, or even the color of their eyes, if they are different, An indication of this problem may be, but do not worry, in essence it is not at all serious, after all there are countless ways through which you can communicate with your cat, you just have to know how to use them.
  6. Despite the belief that cats hate water, every once in a while you should give your cat a good bath. You may be wondering, don’t they clean themselves? Well, yes, but the Angora cat has too much fur, so it can easily accumulate dirt, so periodically organize a good bath for it, I assure you that this will not harm your cat, even over time, you will get used to it.
  7. The fact that they are so docile, and very intelligent, can help you in the process of training it, this is necessary with every pet, so with your cat you should not forget it, so. Dedicate part of your time to being able to teach those tricks, acrobatics, even to be obedient, and not to touch things that are not recommended for them.
  8. Provide him with a comfortable space to sleep, do not leave him adrift, he is your cat, you can fix him a kind of bed, if you do it since he is very small, he will get used to that this is his place to sleep, therefore, do not it will do it anywhere.
  9. Finally, take him to the vet periodically, this is necessary with every animal, every year for example, or every 6 months, as you decide, but at some point you must take him.

Tips for the Angora cat

  1. Sometimes a good haircut can help you avoid all the inconveniences that may arise during the change process, for example, in summer, it is the right time, but avoid leaving it with very little hair, because this could make it sick, remember that It is your protection against sudden changes in weather, so you should leave it at an appropriate length.
  2. Teach him from a young age to respect your authority, understand that cats can become very temperamental; they are difficult to control, because they love to be in charge, so teach him to obey you, so that he knows who is in charge.
  3. If you don’t go through to bathe him yourself, then take him to an animal groomer, there they can give him good care, you decide how to do it, but don’t forget that a proper bath must be guaranteed.
  4. Among the things that you should never forget is that your cat must be dewormed, so you must be attentive to the proper vaccination, in addition, due to its abundant fur, they can even have fleas, due to this it is necessary to check them constantly, to avoid these inconveniences, and in case they arise, to be able to take timely forecasts that can solve them.
  5. We have talked about the need to comb it, but choose a good brush so that you do not mistreat it, and prevent this care from becoming something traumatic for your cat, so seek expert advice if you cannot select it yourself.
  6. When combing, do it in the right direction, so you don’t end up mistreating it, if you do it in the opposite direction, you’ll end up pulling the hair, and I assure you that the cat won’t end up liking it.
  7. The Angora cat can become your best friend, so if you look for yourself, do not reject him, because you will avoid the affection that he tries to give you, if he looks for you to pet him, or play with him, feel lucky, because you will be making an excellent job to take care of him, and with those gestures of trust he wants to show it to you.
  8. Not only do dogs look for the balls you throw, angora cats can also do it, you just have to dedicate the necessary time to train them, and you will realize that an excellent pet with them you will have, if your angora cat, all your love and an appropriate care you always manage to provide.

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