Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Is the Persian cat?

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PetsNotebook Staff
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Persian cats are one of the most famous among the cat breeds, in addition to this, Persian cats are always related to luxuries, and we frequently see them on television programs as the typical pets of wealthy people. Due to ignorance, it is often confused and generalized that all long-haired cats are Angora cats, including Persian cats, but this is a mistake.

We have already heard of many stereotypes, but this is not enough to know the Persian cat. Persian cats are full of enigmas and mysticisms that today we are willing to destroy.  With the help of this article you will clearly know what the Persian cat is like, what characterizes it and how the health of the Persian cat develops throughout its life?

Find out where the Persian cat came from, how the Persian cat came to America, and why Persian cats are only indoor cats and we hardly ever see a Persian cat without a home or caretaker. The enigmas, mysteries, and stereotypes of the Persian cat will be solved in this post.

Read this article and discover the truth about what the Persian cat is like and what characterizes and differentiates it from other animals.

What do you need for the Persian cat?

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Instructions for the Persian cat

  1. This cat is originally from Persia where Iran is currently located, it was smuggled by traffickers and explorers from Europe who took it to Italy and in this way it spread throughout the European continent and finally managed to reach America in the United States, where spread to the rest of the countries of the American continent. So, thanks to this expedition to Persia, we have been able to appreciate this breed of cats for many years. Currently the Persian cats that we know were developed in 1800 in England and are descendants of the Turkish Angora cats.
  2. However, it is not known how or when this breed of cat appeared, since in Africa there are wild cats such as the Pallas cat, which has this characteristic that is long hair, so many assume that the Persian cat originated from a mixture between wild cats such as the Pallas cat and domestic cats such as the Angora cat. What is known is that it is a gene that determines that these animals have long hair. Currently, Persian-type cats are among the most popular and widespread in the world, and there are also mixed variants of crosses with the Persian.
  3. Of all the breeds of domestic cats, the Persian cat is the one with the largest volume of longhair around its entire body, which is why the Persian cat surpasses the Angora cat in terms of hair length. It was due to this obvious characteristic that the Persian cat was intimately related to royalty, where it was considered that every great Sir or Lady should have a cat of this particular species, since being an exotic animal with long hair, it represented abundance. , and therefore the modest aristocrats had Persian cats. It is for this reason that even today Persian cats are considered luxury cats and are highly appreciated by both breeders and common people. Reason for which they are one of the most requested cats by those who buy or adopt pets.
  4. Due to the fact that Persian cats, from their origin in Iran to their spread throughout Europe and America, have always been surrounded by luxury and care, they have evolved in such a way that it is difficult for a Persian cat to survive on its own, it needs the attention and care of a human to survive. Persian cats have left behind their past of stray instincts and some characteristics that other cats have to be independent, so although Persian cats are mostly in good health, they are indoor cats and if a Persian cat is abandoned surely he will die or become ill quickly, seriously weakening his health. The life of a Persian cat outside the home is extremely complicated for him .Even the hair of the Persian cat requires a lot of care, which is why it is not recommended to leave a Persian cat outside for a long time or in an unhealthy or dirty environment.
  5. Persian cats can live an average of 15 to 20 years, but for this they need basic care such as a clean and healthy environment, being able to have space to walk and exercise, a balanced diet typical of a cat that helps maintain a good nutrition, and above all, as strange as it may seem, a Persian cat needs a lot of love. As we mentioned before, Persian cats are indoor cats, house cats that cannot survive on their own. If you have a Persian cat, you should give it quality time and pamper it a lot so that it stays emotionally well and in good health.
  6. One of the diseases that most affects the Persian cat is the formation of tumors in the kidneys or polycystic kidney disease, this affects 40% of Persian cats. This disease is hereditary and consists of the appearance of small cysts in the cat’s kidney, often occurring in both kidneys. But with good care provided by a veterinarian and good care by the protector, this disease can be treated and controlled.
  7. Thanks to this long hair, Persian cats have many benefits when it comes to getting to a feline hairdresser, as there are special hairstyles and products for long-haired cats. Cat groomers recommend that you take your cat in once a month for a new haircut to keep your feline’s hair in good condition.
  8. There is a variant of the Persian cat called the peek face Persian cat, and it is famous for having a snub nose and a flattened face.

Tips for the Persian cat

  • If you want a Persian cat, don’t buy it, adopt it, so you will give a home to a needy animal that may not find it elsewhere.

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