Friday, March 28, 2025

How Is the Persian cat Filose?

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Persian cats are very beautiful, affectionate, calm and sometimes even pretentious, but many want to have one of these cats, because in recent times they have become truly famous. But the best thing to do when adopting or buying these cats is to do them when they are small, it is better to have a Persian Filose, than to have them after they are big, because it can cost them a bit to adapt to the new environment, you may be wondering what it means The term Filose is very simple, in Portuguese it refers to a puppy, so when you hear about a Persian Filose, they will be referring to a Persian puppy, which, needless to say, are essentially very beautiful and playful.

If you are not used to having small animals at home, but generally, and if you have cared for Persian cats as adults, there is something you should be very clear about, small Persian cats are much more restless, active, playful, explorers, and even tender, although adult cats are more independent, these little ones are not so, that is, they will require more attention, and also care. Unlike adults, with small Persian cats you will have to play.  Physically speaking, they are just as beautiful as an adult Persian, only obviously smaller in size, the color of their coat will depend on the type of Persian you have obtained, it can be white, but it will vary depending on the species you have under your care. But back to  general care of a small Persian cat, these are somewhat more demanding, compared to that of an adult cat, because they will always want to be exploring and sniffing, you cannot leave them forgotten, because they can end up harming themselves, even if you neglect them a lot, they can get sick, That is why I present the essential care that you must provide them below, so that when you acquire a Persian cat puppy or Filose, regardless of the species, you can be prepared above all.

What do you need for the Persian cat Filose?

  • Cat

Instructions for the Persian cat Filose

  1. Like the hair of all Persians, that of the puppy requires special care, that is why you should have bought a brush before purchasing it, so that little by little you get used to  combing it, this will help its fur to grow bright, strong and healthy, therefore, comb it carefully, when it reaches adulthood, and your cat will be used to it.
  2. With baths, try to use a suitable water temperature, which is not too cold, because it is easier for these little cats to catch a cold, so take special care with this, and once you take it out of the water, cover it with a towel and dry his fur, the important and advantageous thing about having a puppy cat, is that you can begin to create habits, for example, you can get him used to using a dryer after bathing, so that little by little he adapts, and each time make it easier to clean it.
  3. Like all puppies, Persians are very curious, so you should always keep them under surveillance, do not leave the lids of your toilet uncovered, make sure that there is no electric cable within reach that it chews and can hurt itself, keep it in a wide space, but closed, so that your cat does not run away, because it can end up getting lost, if this happens, it will be very difficult for you to find it.
  4. Dedicate time to play, if you don’t do this, the little cat will always be anxious, that’s why you need to pay attention to it, if you buy a small Persian cat, play with it, it is not an ornament that you should put aside, the only The way you can win his affection is to give him affection, so later on, you will have achieved an excellent companion.
  5. Take him to the vet, when they are small they are prone to diseases, so you must provide him with the best care, taking him to a specialist, he will know how to tell you about the vaccines and medications that are extremely necessary for a proper growth of the cat.
  6. Clean his litter box, do not let it accumulate too much dirt, you can change it from time to time, because otherwise your cat may end up getting sick, remember they are very small, and they are extremely delicate.
  7. In the pet market, you will find different types of food for cats, you must buy the indicated one, which is for small cats, because it will have the essential nutrients for the good care of your cat, the veterinarian can also advise you on this, if not, it is enough that try some brands and types, and be attentive if they can cause a reaction, or if on the contrary, the little Persian is very well assimilating it.
  8. Surely you will want to lift your little cat, but to carry it, be careful, at first they will be nervous and want to get away, so place one hand on the back, where its weight will rest, and another on top, which will serve to be able to hold it properly.

Tips for the Persian cat Filose

  1. It is important that you always have the little kitten in sight, especially if you are carrying out any risky work, they are very affectionate, and will always want to be at your feet, this can be very tender, but also dangerous, you can get to step on it and hurt it, or you can spill something on it, or drop an object, so we must be especially careful with this.
  2. Do not improvise, if you decide to have a small Persian cat at home, plan everything, there are various implements that will be necessary for this, for example, buy a box where you will place sand, remember that every cat requires one of these, sometimes you can add to these are a kind of curtain, to make this space more private for the cat, on the other hand, buy some toys, they will be really necessary, so the kitten can be distracted only when you are busy and cannot attend to it, in the same way, buy the containers or plates where you will place your food and water should not be very high, anyway in the pet market you will find many of these, you can choose the most practical.
  3. Choose a space where everything for your cat will be located, so that he gets used to that this is his area, both the litter box and the place where he will sleep, from a very young age they must have their own space.
  4. Shampoo, combs, is other elements that you should have bought for your cats, in order to guarantee proper grooming, and remember to do the combing as something routine, every day if necessary.
  5. If you spend a little time, you will quickly be able to train it, especially with regard to the proper use of its litter box, Persian cats are very intelligent, and so you should start educating them from an early age. To get the little Persian to use the litter box, you must recognize the indicators that he will do his business, so that you can quickly place him in his box, in this way, in a short time he will have already adapted to what is the place where he should go for any need.
  6. Get him used to going out in those small metal or plastic boxes that are ideal for transport, they are very useful especially to take them to the vet, so you should also provide one of these.

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