Thursday, March 27, 2025

How Is the Roborowski Hamster?

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PetsNotebook Staff
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The roborowski hamster is a type of rodent which is typical as a pet in many homes around the world. Although in the past it was not usually found in more places than in its original habitat and in the wild, thanks to globalization it has begun to be used as a pet more and more frequently.

The roborowski hamster has certain similarities and differences with the typical common hamster, detecting these differences is key when it comes to getting a pet rodent as this way we can get a pet more adapted to our needs.

For this reason, an article like this is necessary, an article that explains in detail and how the roborowski hamster is, explaining its origin, care and characteristics.

What do you need for the roborowski hamster?

  • Read the instructions carefully to learn in detail what the roborowski hamster is like.

Roborowski Hamster Instructions

  1. Origins: This species of hamster comes from a region that would be located near the border of China and Mongolia. This hamster is also known as the Russian hamster due to its proximity to Siberia. Their natural habitat is the arid Gobi desert where they live underground in certain burrows that they build themselves. It is unknown who started using the roboroski hamster as a pet.
  2. Appearance: It is a very small hamster, with a size of around 4 centimeters in height and 15 grams in weight. The appearance is similar to the common hamster in the shape of a rodent with large eyes and a small tail, on the top of the head they usually have dark colored fur that can be brown or black (although there are some species that do not have this fur) being the rest of the body white. Regarding the difference between a male and a female, we have that the males are slightly longer than the females and that the females have the anus and the vagina together and the man has the penis and the anus much more separated.
  3. Character: They are very restless animals, but they have no problems with living with humans, so you can take them in your hands without danger of being bitten. That if careful that it could escape us since they are literally animals that cannot stand. Due to this, it is advisable to install a toy in the cage where you have them, such as a wheel or a maze.
  4. Health: Like all rodents, the roborowski hamster does not manage to live very long, the time they manage to stay alive is approximately three years. They usually have the typical problems of Hamsters such as mite infection, however, if they are properly cared for they can live those 3 years without any problem.
  5. Food: The hamster, being so extremely small, does not need large amounts of food. The ideal thing for them to have all the nutrients is to give them small amounts of fruit (very small), peas, sunflower seeds, some seeds and seedless oats. We can also provide meat, always in tiny amounts (the size of a pea); also make sure that the hamster always has clean water in the bowl to avoid dehydration.
  6. Gestation: If you plan to cross a male and a female, it is important that you know things about how roboroswki hamsters are born. In the first place, hamsters need to be more than 60 days old to be able to have offspring, secondly, the female’s heat occurs every month for 4 days, the total duration of pregnancy is about three weeks and between 2 and 6 hamsters are usually born. In each litter, very small in size and hairless, so make sure you can give them all shelter or a new owner. Before giving the hamster they must be with their mother for another three weeks so that they can suckle and grow better.

Advice for the roborowski hamster

  • Have a roboroswki hamster: You can easily get a hamster of this type in any pet store, for your home, do not use the typical cages since they are so tiny that they could sneak between the bars, it is better to have a terrarium as if it were a reptile which we will condition properly. We must take care of it every day giving it the food that I have indicated above and making sure that it has water and that the terrarium is always clean. We advise never mixing several males in a cage because there could be coexistence problems, especially if there is also a female to cover, which also applies to males that are brothers, which once they are weaned we must separate. If you have any other pet try to place the terrarium as high and inaccessible as possible so that animals such as cats cannot reach the terrarium and eat your hamster.

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