Thursday, March 6, 2025

How to Bathe Cats

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Bathing cats is not usually very necessary to do regularly, since it is an animal that is quite clean by itself and does not tend to go to dirty places like dogs.

Cats normally lick themselves to prevent dirt from accumulating on their bodies, which is quite positive for them and prevents us from having to bathe them as much as other animals such as dogs.

However, on some occasions it is necessary to bathe them, since as is usual in animals, there comes a point where the dirt accumulates too much and it is necessary to give them a bath so that they are much cleaner, brighter and do not smell bad. Hair.

As they are not usually bathed very often, we rarely know how to bathe cats correctly, because we are not used to it. To bathe cats you have to be careful, because they have a different skin than other animals and you have to walk with eyes.

If you want to learn how to bathe them correctly, you are in the right place, so pay close attention to these tips that I am going to offer you.

What do you need to bathe cats?

  • Cat-shampoo
  • To towel:
  • To brush:

Instructions for bathing cats

  1. Brushing their hair: The first thing to do to bathe a cat is to brush the cat’s hair, something that we can do very easily. Thanks to brushing the cat’s hair we will be able to achieve two things, first of all, we will make the cat feel more relaxed when giving the bath, because if we put him directly into the bathroom, he will rebel. The other thing that we are going to achieve is that by brushing the cat’s hair, we are going to make the dirt that is stuck to the cat’s hair come off and therefore, it will be easier to make the bathroom and that it will be cleaner in the end. Of the cat’s bathroom. Brush the cat gently, from top to bottom and without too much pressure, making the cat enjoy it instead of suffering it.
  2. Preparation of the water: While we are brushing the cat, we are going to prepare the bathtub with hot water to bathe the cat in a moment. The water must be hot enough to clean well but it should not be too hot because otherwise the cat will burn, something we do not want to happen. We are going to do it little by little, adjusting the temperature so that it is perfect. To test if the temperature is good, we are going to wet our hands and wet the cat a little, which we will hold in our arms. IF the cat does not complain, we can proceed with the cat bath.
  3. First the body and then the head: Now we are going to start with the cat bath in which we must take into account two things. In the first place, the ears of cats are very sensitive; therefore, we must be careful that there is no water in the ears since it could irritate them. The first thing is to put your cat’s body in water, so that the cat gets used to the water little by little. After wetting it, we are going to apply cat shampoo little by little, until it ends up completely wet(without touching the ears).Now we are going to rub the cat’s body a little to clean all the dirt that may have remained and finally we are going to rinse it gently, being very careful with the head, which should be wet as much as necessary since it is very sensitive.
  4. Drying: To dry it we must be very careful, since cats are very sensitive to prevent the cat from ending up badly and with irritated skin. To dry it we are going to use a towel very gently, but instead of rubbing with the towel, we are going to squeeze very gently so that the cat dries, without squeezing hard and without rubbing we will achieve that its skin is not irritated at there. We will continue doing it until the skin is completely dry, the cat being ready to return to its normal life but completely clean.

Tips for bathing cats

  • How often are baths given?: Baths for cats should not be done every day, not even every 15 days like baths for dogs since it is not necessary to do it as often. It is really difficult to know the exact date on which they should be bathed, however, the approximate date that I would advise you is to do it once a month, doing it sooner or later depending on the smell and dirt on your cat’s skin.

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