Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Care For a Dachshund

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These charming dachshunds with long bodies and short legs have certain characteristics that go beyond those we know. I mean that they are indicators of their care, and therefore we cannot ignore them. I invite you to read a little more about the dachshund, their health and how to take care of them. You will be surprised to learn about these data, and how important they are to improve your quality of life; therefore, to lengthen it.

IVDD (intervertebral disc disease) and the Dachshund.

Being a small breed, these friends tend to suffer from the aforementioned condition. I’ll explain briefly what it’s about. It happens that when the part located in the vertebrae, responsible for balancing and distributing the weight, is overloaded or exceeds what it can support, a tension occurs. Results can range from medium to severe. They can experience discomfort, bladder trauma, and even paralysis.

Never stop watching your pet; this is what allows you to recognize supposed problems, and if they exist, to act immediately. Some symptoms that are related to EDIV are: difficulty getting up (and staying up); curvature in the back and/or neck, stiffness in these parts. Of course we should not ignore the typical indicators that your dog is feeling bad, such as: lack of appetite, decreased desire to play, mood swings, anxiety, and displays of pain.

If you detect the possibility of this disease, do not hesitate to go quickly to your veterinarian. Remember to be very careful when charging it, as you could damage it even more.

How to load a Dachshund?

The topic that we were talking about in previous paragraphs, leads us to this aspect. How to place this dog in our arms? It is important to know the most correct way, because in this way we will ensure that the parts of your body that are prone to intervertebral disc disease (EDIV), suffer less. It is a way to prevent future physical problems.

I explain a very easy and practical way to carry your dachshund: with one hand you carry the front part, with the other you hold the rear part; both hands placed under his legs if he is small. In case it is bigger, the hand that holds the front one can go below the belly. It is also good to emphasize that it is not at all advisable to lift it by its front legs, even though we see that it is a small dog; his legs are not prepared to fully support his weight, being lifted off the ground. To load it, take it by the belly.

In families there are almost always children, who love to play and interact with dogs, however, be very careful: these could cause damage by accident. Talk to your little ones about how to take care of their pet. If they’re still babies, keep them from interacting unless you’re around; you will avoid possible injuries for both parties.

Take care of the Stairs.

We return to the subject of his back. As you know, it is a concomitant factor in the health of these dogs. The steps could damage this area. When they go up and down the stairs, the spine suffers curvatures and tensions that are not good for it. Over time, it could be the triggering cause of EDIV. This happens once again, due to its elongated body and short legs.

I recommend that you avoid the stairs for them, separating it from the places in the house where they exist; you can also divide the spaces with room dividers.

The perfect exercise for your Dachshund.

Despite everything mentioned, do not be scared! Don’t think either that your happy four-legged friend is made of paper, that you won’t be able to take him out for walks or play with him. Exercise cannot be lacking, like no other dog. This activity is what allows him to relate to others (whether of his own race or not), have fun, do his “needs” (evacuate), regulate his behavior, balance stress and anxiety.

To do so without the risk of damage, choose parks without many stairs, on flat ground. The ones they love the most are the grassy ones. Let him play and socialize, with this you will have a dog in good shape, and exercised; with which you are reducing the chances of heart attacks and weight gain. The latter in it is one more element, which, if neglected, leads to problems in the vertebrae. Of course, pay close attention if your dachshund plays with a Great Dane, or another large one. Accidents happen in games too.

If you want beyond exercising it, train it; the recommendation is not to exceed 6 minutes of sessions, do it daily so that you do not lose the habit and the progress made. You will realize how good they are at learning tricks. Do not believe everything you hear out there, because it has been heard that they are difficult in character for training, that they come to be stubborn. This is not the case, because they are usually good learners only that, as with any dog, sometimes you have to put more effort into certain commands or training actions.

To walk this best friend, use a harness.

It is the best article to take it to the street, because its design allows total control of the pet, without damaging its delicate area, prone to EDIV. I recommend those that allow you to lengthen or narrow the distance of the rope, so that you can adapt it according to the environment in which they are. Only release him from the harness when you are sure that he does not leave your side, and that he obeys your commands without flinching.

Beautification and health of this breed.

Within this, we will find three varieties: Dachshund, Miniature and Standard; then they can present themselves in short, long, and hard hair.

Tips for caring for a Dachshund

  1. Those with short hair allow easier cleaning and detection of mites. Also, they do not give much trouble when it comes to combing and maintaining their coat. You can bathe him every three or four months. Do not forget to choose a good shampoo specifically for dogs. And although its short hairs deceive you, do not trust: comb it.
  2. Long hair is another important aspect. External parasites are not visible to the naked eye, and more frequent check-ups are necessary, especially when you walk it. You could repeat the bath every two months, although the perfect thing would be for you to take it longer; however, that would already be in opposition to the idea of ​​maintaining their hygiene and beauty. Therefore, the question here is “maintain”. Avoid visits to muddy parks, dirty patios.
  3. The wire-haired dachshund, as its name suggests, has a thick, rough coat. It also deserves high care. Constantly check that they are not infested with ticks or fleas. When bathing, get to the roots of the hair, then rinse very well and dry by removing any intrinsic moisture.
  4. For everyone, it is worth taking care of their nails. It is important that you do it with a special nail clipper for dogs. If you’re not sure how to proceed, visit your vet. He will know the correct way to cut them without the risk of making them bleed, as it may well happen.

Curious facts about the Dachshund.

This dog comes from Germany, where it was very useful for hunting. Incredible, because the least we expect is to know that this little nobleman was hunting. Within this activity, they stood out in the burrows. It is said that they were very brave and risky. Well, will they still be? Surely during their evolution, they have opted for docile and homely behavior. Although they still show signs of their fidelity, accompaniment and protection.

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