Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Care For and Train a Dog Argentina

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Before you think that you are facing a crazy task, let me tell you that you are very lucky to have chosen this breed of dog. We’ll see later why…

And although many of your friends have warned you about the “suicide mission” that awaits you, do not worry! It is true that the Argentine Dog is a dog of physical strength and energetic personality, but in the end: very affectionate. I assure you that when you master it, you will have an unconditional and protective friend. With one of these you will no longer have to pay for karate classes. Also, don’t think he’s just a defense machine; it’s all love.

How is the Argentine dog? – Physical and character

This dog has an appearance that, together with its way of projecting itself, gives rise to a whole demonstration of vigor. He walks exuding security and elegance. He has a countenance and posture that earns him respect from others.


  1. His fur is always white, very short. Some have so-called moles or spots on the skin.
  2. It stands out for its good size and body provided with natural muscles.
  3. Its weight can reach up to 50 kg, even a little more.
  4. They reach 70 cm.
  5. Their ears are originally large and droopy, but are usually modified (operated on) to be small and triangular.
  6. Females usually weigh less than males and are also slightly smaller.


  1. He is active and full of energy.
  2. Without proper teaching he can evade your commands and go wild.
  3. You need the exercise.
  4. It requires space, preferably outdoors.
  5. When mixed with other dogs, he has a tendency to compete and try dominance.  However, the instinct towards children is friendly and affectionate.
  6. They are brave, not afraid to face threats twice their size.
  7. They are fast runners.
  8. When you are trusted, they love and protect you without condition.

Instructions for taking care of a Dog Argentina

  1. He constantly attends to his eyes. As you can see, there is no fur around her eyes.  This can lead to some bacteria, dust, tiny foreign bodies getting into the inside of your eyes more easily. Always take care of them, especially when you take him for a walk; both in the countryside and in urban areas.
  2. Watch out for his ears and the water. This advice is addressed to those who own a Dog Argentina whose ears have been operated on. Being raised and pointed, they are more vulnerable to the entry of water. This can cause severe infections and discomfort for your dog. Keep this in mind for their baths or any outdoor contact with water.
  3. Check his teeth. This breed of dog has an extremely strong jaw, its bite being one of the most dangerous. Its teeth are well planted, resistant, and resistant to hard materials. Therefore, you may be wondering why you should be careful with this part. If you ever notice bleeding gums, visit your vet immediately. It is not normal for such a strong jaw to show any problems, so if it does, it should not come from unimportant causes.
  4. Cut his nails. This will make it easier for you to move around. You will also avoid tears in the cuticles. Although it may seem incredible, the action of cutting your dog’s nails improves his quality of life. You feel more comfortable when walking and run more confidently.
  5. Don’t put it to pull weight. I don’t know if by chance you have thought about this cruel technique that many use to improve the physique of strong dogs; but in advance I tell you not to do it. Not only do you make your pet suffer, but you could cause terrible damage to his health, causing hip dysplasia. This is more recurrent in dogs of good size such as the Argentine Dog. For your part, avoid it.
  6. Check the function of their ears. This dog can suffer from deafness due to its color.  Yes, as you just read. To be exact, it is itself a matter of genetic origin. Deafness is seen in 20% of white races; if we compare it with the 1% that belongs to the appreciation in colored dogs, it is a big difference. So you have to check this matter when they are puppies; in the first weeks of life, which is when the auditory canal is closed, to later begin to develop.
  7. Avoid the Sun for long periods. Just like people who have low concentrations of melanin, these dogs are more prone to cancer, sunburn and in less severe cases: redness.
  8. As in any breed, make visits to the veterinarian; get up to date with their vaccinations.

I also remind you that it is a fortune to have a physically strong dog, but it is still an animal that deserves your care and check-ups. Treat him well.

Instructions to train them and get the most out of them

  1. Give him exercise. Make him spend that energy that characterizes him. It’s a good way to make him happy too.
  2. Provide good space. Certainly because of his personality he needs it. The activity identifies them, and in a small apartment they will not be able to enjoy themselves as much as they would in a larger space. However, if you only have a medium space patio, that would be enough.
  1. Relate it to people and animals. From the beginning of his puppyhood, bond with other dogs (whether they are his own breed or not). Encourage him to deal with family, friends or just a stranger. This will make him socialize and get to know the discipline with people outside his circle.
  2. Create a bond based on respect. When you address him, as soon as he is a puppy, use respect; never violence. It is key for later training. In this way you are directing the relationship towards the positive direction.
  3. Be consistent in training. Once you start, continue with the classes, and do not interrupt. And try to do the sessions with marked days. It is also good that you do them at the same hours, thus promoting habit and stability. I recommend the schedules that start in the morning: you make the most of its energy and protect it from strong sun.
  4. Type of teaching. There are several types of training: obedience, sports, defense, hunting; and others. Before deciding which one you want to specialize your Dog in, I recommend that you start first with the obedience commands, which are the basic ones, and will show you the measure of how prepared your dog is to continue with larger commands.
  5. Show strong character without hesitation. He requires it because of his tendency to dominate. This dog cannot perceive for a second that he can be louder than your voice.  Only you can be the authority.
  6. Reward him. Especially his attention, his moderation, his submission. With this you will be giving a clear message of what you are asking for in training. You can use dog food (cookies). It is also used to give caresses as a reward, but I suggest food instead, because this dog will appreciate it better that way, and with it you will mark a single way of saying: you have done well.
  7. Learn to fuse the sense of authority and affection. With everything I have told you, you could be confusing something and therefore I clarify the following. It is true that the Argentine Dog is an energetic dog, sometimes stubborn and dominant. Putting “character” in training is very good, it is practical to be able to direct it better; but never forget something very important: give him love. Even in training for defense or hunting. Make it a session of respect, not abuse. I assure you that it is the best way to teach him.
  8. Try to make the sessions daily, facilitating the habit. If it is not possible for you, let them be alternate days. The sessions should be short, since the Argentine Dog tends to get desperate with repetitive commands or actions that do not mean much to him.

Now that you have everything, what are you waiting for? Go out with your bulldog to a park, to the countryside, or use your own patio if it is large. Take a safe stance in your workouts, but show him every second that you love spending those moments with him.


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