Wednesday, January 15, 2025

How to Cut a Dog’s Hair

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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You can be your canine’s own stylist or groomer; here we teach you how to cut a dog’s hair, so you won’t have to depend on professionals dedicated to everything related to pet grooming or veterinarians, plus, as your dog is, you will do it with all the love in the world without causing discomfort or damage. Doing it from the comfort of your home can help you save money and you will also avoid having to move your dog to places that can stress him.

It is important to analyze, before you start, what is the type of hair of your dog; here are some examples of what you should use depending on what your pet has.

  1. Coarse hair: If this is the case with your dog, use the electric pet machines and do not use conditioner. Examples: Schnauzer, the Fox terrier or the Rather.
  2. Long hair: in this case it is essential that the cut is with scissors and you must use conditioner. Examples: Shepherd Collie, Shepherd Border, Yorkshire or the Cocker.
  3. Curly hair: this type of hair should be washed with a more specialized shampoo that is moisturizing. You will have to use both the scissors and the machine depending on the area. Examples: the Kerry blue terrier and the Poodles.
  4. Short hair: If your dog has short hair it will be much easier for you, because they really are canines that do not need cuts, only those that are called medium-long hair and they are not really very common, in that case you just have to pass them the matching machine and you’re done. Does not need conditioner. Example: English bulldog.

What do you need to cut a dog’s hair?

  • Machine to mutilate (cut hair) for dogs.
  • A spray bottle filled with clean water.
  • Scissors with blunt (rounded) tips.
  • Dog-brush.
  • A comb that has its bristles well separated.
  • A comb that has its bristles together.
  • Towel.
  • Conditioner.
  • Pet hair dryer (if you don’t have one, use a conventional one).

Instructions for cutting a dog’s hair

  1. Check your dog well, that it will not have ticks, wounds or allergies that can cause it to suffer when you pass the machine.
  2. Bathe the dog, so that it is very clean; take a towel and dry it a little to remove excess water but keep it damp. If your dog has long hair, apply a conditioner.
  3. Prepare a table where you will put your dog and all the utensils to use.
  4. Put the dog on the table; since he will most certainly move, you have two options: hold him on his leash, or ask someone to hold him while you do the work. The brush must be according to the type of hair of the dog, in pet stores they will advise you; there are some little ones for certain areas such as the face.
  5. Take the dog brush and begin to untangle his hair well, this will make it easier for you to cut, take the spray bottle with water and pour a little while brushing.
  6. Take the blunt tip scissors to cut the hair that is along, do it with patience and delicacy so as not to hurt it, taking special care in the area of ​​​​the face.
  7. Take the dog hair clipper, this is used when the longest parts have been cut, you must use this machine in the same direction as the hair grows; you must pass it very gently without exerting pressure; If you are only going to shorten with scissors, you should help yourself with a comb or with your fingers so that the measurements are the same and there are no shears.
  8. The areas where you should first cut will be its hind legs and its back.
  9. Then cut the hair on the neck, chest and front legs.
  10. Cut the hair on his belly.
  11. Finally cut the hair of his face; in this area you should only use the scissors, do not use the machine, this way you will avoid hurting it, without a doubt it is the most sensitive and delicate area where you should be more careful; It is good that in a pet store you buy adhesive bandages to hold your ears or bangs if you have them. Do not stop doing this area, it is quite important since the hair in the eyes can be quite annoying for the dog, producing tears, this is the reason why many dogs take on a brown color in the area of ​​​​their eyes.
  12. Hair also grows between the fingers that you must cut, it is another quite delicate area because dogs are very sensitive at this point, and do everything with great care and affection.
  13. Finally take the dryer and dry the hair while you comb it; It is recommended that it be one for pets because it is less noisy, but if you cannot get it, do it with the one you have. Make sure it is dry to avoid the appearance of fungi.

Tips for cutting a dog’s hair

  • The machines can get hot easily, so don’t leave them on all the time, you could burn your dog.
  • If your dog’s hair is fluffy or curly, do not use the machine when the hair is wet, it could get tangled in it and you could hurt it. Start with the scissors and the comb.
  • If your dog has very long hair, use a medium bristle comb.
  • If your dog has thick hair, use the fingers of your hand as a comb or a separate bristle comb.
  • Do not rush in order to finish quickly, the more patience you have, the better results you will have, and your pet will be calmer.

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