Wednesday, March 5, 2025

How to Deal With Snake Bites

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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The appearance of snake bites is a very serious problem for people, since if they are not treated in time they usually have devastating consequences.

In addition, lately it is very fashionable to go on an excursion to the countryside, which due to factors such as climate change has a lot of snakes, snakes and other animals, which could be poisonous.

Although snake bites are not usually very common, it is true that they are serious, since being rare, very few people of the human race are really prepared to act before snake bites.

Not acting correctly in the face of a snake bite can be what makes the difference between living and dying, since from the moment the snake bites, there is a time limit until the poison reaches the internal organs and the person suffers this irreversible damage.

For all these reasons, this article has been written, in which it is taught not only how to deal with snake bites, but also some of the popular myths related to them which make it worse. For all these reasons, it is very important that you pay special attention to this article.

What do you need to act against snake bites?

  • Know how to stay calm.
  • To Mobile phone.
  • Basic knowledge of flora and fauna to detect the snake.

Instructions to act before snake bites

  1. Identify the snake: First of all, and what can help the most, is to identify the snake that has bitten you, since this way they can administer the specific antidote to cure its bite and substantially increase the chances of survival. Try to identify the color, size and shape of the snake and search the internet for snakes that are in the area, because when we go to the doctor we can know exactly what we have to face.
  2. Call the emergency: As soon as possible, you should always call the emergency number so that they come as soon as possible to help the affected person. For this, you should always carry a mobile phone when you go on an excursion and make sure that it has enough battery. We will call the emergency telephone number 112 and we will indicate the location of the affected person, so that they can go to the location. We will also tell them the snake that has bitten them, so that they can go with everything they need.
  3. First aid: While the ambulance arrives, first aid must be applied to avoid the death of the affected person, which is carried out as follows and in the following order.
    • Protect the victim: The first thing is to get the victim away from the snake, since they usually bite more than once to make sure they kill the victim.
    • Wound in the air: Leave the wound in the air so that there is no element that stands between the wound and the air. Forget silly stuff like sucking on the poison as that will make it worse.
    • Let him rest: You must leave the affected person lying on his back, with the wound in the air, without forcing him to make efforts so that the poison does not spread through the blood.
    • Monitor the patient: Now you must monitor the patient’s condition until the ambulance or helicopter comes. If, for example, he is cold, he should be covered with a blanket, always leaving the wound uncovered. If, for example, you do not see any symptoms and he is fine, do not let him move and wait for the doctor to come just in case.

Tips for dealing with snake bites

  • Prevent being bitten: Prevention is the best cure, I always say that and I always will say it. In the case of snake bites, they are prevented in the following ways.
    • investigate the place before going: By asking the forest rangers in the area or searching the internet, you can easily find out about the flora and fauna of the area where you want to go, so that in this way you can prevent going to places where there are the species more dangerous or be warned.
    • Be attentive: If you are a little attentive to the area and its surroundings, you will be able to detect the snakes before they bite you and prevent them from doing anything to you.
    • Watch for the worst areas: Areas with lush vegetation, puddles, gutters, canals, and swamps are usually the areas that have the most snakes, so we should stay away from those areas.
    • Wear the right clothes: To prevent them from biting us, thick clothing should be worn to prevent the snake’s teeth from reaching our skin. Also avoid wearing short sleeves and shorts for the same reason.

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