Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Feed a Cat Well

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook often publishes news and articles about pet care, services, advice, and other topics. Learn everything there is to know about the health and nutrition of dogs and cats, including the different diseases they suffer from, their actual causes, and effective treatments. Our articles on special comprehensive programs aid pets with diarrhea and vomiting, immunological weakness, and holistic pet cure.

Our cat companion always ends up becoming another member of the family, and as such we want the best for him, including good nutrition.

And it is that, as in the case of humans, a healthy and balanced diet is the key to growing and staying healthy and thus also avoiding possible health problems, for example, in the case of cats, with a correct diet you can prevent the appearance of crystals in our cat’s urine.

If you want to know how to feed a cat well and learn everything you need to know so that your cat grows healthy, then keep reading this article where we are going to show you all the information you need to know about it.

How to feed a cat well:

When choosing the food that you are going to give your cat you should always keep in mind the age of the feline, the physical condition in which it is as well as how active it is and of course if it has any health problems, such as any type of food allergy.

Cats are carnivorous by nature, which is why they need a large amount of protein and fat in their diet, which will mainly be obtained from meat. We must also bear in mind that their diet must have a sufficient amount of the amino acid called turbine, which is responsible for the cat’s metabolism to work properly.

Adult cats usually need to eat an average of 250 calories during the day, but this will depend on the cat’s age, size, weight and how active it is, so the best thing to do is ask your veterinarian the exact amount of food you should give your cat.

Your food must also ensure the proper amount of vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals to achieve a balanced diet.

In principle we can find dry cat food and wet food in cans. Both have their benefits, and although it is true that cats can only eat dry food if they drink a lot of water, the truth is that the best thing you can offer your cat is a good combination of dry food and wet food.  Also, if your cat suffers from kidney disease or has diabetes or damage to the urinary tract, it is much better to eat wet food and thus be sufficiently hydrated.

When it comes to putting food portions, you should keep in mind that dry food has a higher number of calories per food portion, on the other hand, wet food, due to the large amount of moisture it has, does not have as many calories. Concentrated. And as for the amount of nutrients such as protein and vitamins it contains, everything will depend on the recipe used by the manufacturer.

If you decide to feed your feline companion with a combination of dry food and wet food in cans, you can be sure that it will be well fed and well hydrated, so that you will be preventing some possible diseases that occur in cats due to not drinking enough water and therefore be dehydrated.

And speaking of hydration, remember that your cat should always have a container full of water that is always clean and at a suitable temperature for the season in which it is found (if it is summer, it is recommended that the water be cool). As a curiosity, we can tell you that cats love to see how the water overflows from their bowl, and even see it fall in a waterfall, so perhaps you can get hold of a small water source to get them to drink and enjoy. Remember that you must also check if your cat is drinking the right amount of water or is throwing it away or ignoring it.

On the other hand, if you are going to feed your friend combining feed and wet food, remember to have the rations well controlled so that they do not overfeed and finally we end up with an obese and unhealthy cat. But you can’t skimp on his nutrition either. The key lies in achieving the perfect balance that allows your cat to obtain the calories and all the nutrients that he needs for proper growth and development.

As for the number of times you should feed him a day, you should know that cats naturally hunt several times a day, so at home they will also eat small portions several times a day.  If your cat is not a gluttonous cat and shows signs of obesity, you can leave a whole day’s food in his bowl, as he will administer it himself, but if your cat is a fanatic of food, you should put the food in his bowl throughout the day.

Human food for cats

As with dogs, the human food that we have left over at home is not good for our cat, in fact they are really harmful for our case, especially in the event that we give it remains of raw fish or fish with bones, since it is they can get stuck in your intestine and even block it.

In addition, if you eat human food in excess, you can develop muscle stiffness and certain stomach problems, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, if in addition to his food, he also eats food from home as a snack or even food from home, we are not controlling the amount of real food that he should eat, and the most frequent thing that has been found is that this generally produces overweight cats.

On the other hand, there are reliable recipes that you can prepare at home using natural ingredients from home, but preparing them in a way that is healthy and does not cause any harm to your cat or its health.

Choosing the right food for your cat

Think that your partner eats small amounts of food, so in the end it will not be too expensive for you to buy quality food for our cat. The cheapest foods are usually not in good quantity, and will not provide all the amount of nutrients that our cat needs.

Also, remember that you should avoid choosing foods made with artificial colors and flavors and that they may contain some chemicals that are harmful to your cat.

We must also take into account the exact words that the labels indicate. If we buy a cat food and the name on the label indicates some type of protein such as tuna or chicken, we must know that this food should have at least a 95% content of that protein.

On the other hand, you must take into account the words “with” and “from” on food labels, since if it says cat food with tuna, it means that the food only contains 3% tuna. On the other hand, if you put tuna cat food, it means that the food contains 95% tuna.


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