Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Feed a Poodle

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The poodle is one of the dog breeds most persecuted by humans as a pet. Its beauty is different from the rest of the breeds, while it is usually one of the most affectionate and pleasant dogs when treated closely. For this reason, it is one of the most chosen. In addition, it also tends to start as one of the favorites in most beauty contests. For this reason, it is also really used among all those who want to see their pet among the most handsome of the participants. To get this type of prize, knowing how to feed a poodle correctly will greatly influence its development as a dog and as a pet. His level of health, his treatment with his masters and his physical development will be marked by what the dog ends up eating and the eating habits you learn throughout your life. You should also visit a veterinarian, especially to know how to treat conjunctivitis in a dog.

What is feeding a poodle?

Feeding a poodle is nothing more than the act of providing your dog with food. Like humans, poodles have routines that they must strictly follow in order to grow properly and, incidentally, extend their life expectancy. Let us not forget that these types of dogs are some of those that live the longest, being able to reach an average that ranges between eleven and twelve years. Many have doubts when comparing it with the age of humans, although it really is very simple. To know the age of a dog, it is enough to multiply that of a human by seven. Therefore, if we quickly do the calculation, we can be talking that a poodle would be living a whopping 77 to 84 years, the age of a human person. However, if we venture into ephemeris we can find much more surprising things. The size of the poodle influences its age. The little ones reach 14 years, while the toy (those that are smaller in size) up to 20, that is, 140 human years. Almost nothing. In fact, the record is held by Uncle Chichi reaching the age of 26. It is surprising when in the first years of human history; even people did not reach these figures. Taking care of a poodle is easy and feeding it too.

The history of the poodle has its hint of curiosity. Although they have existed for centuries, to this day historians continue to disagree about the origin of this dog. Although the majority positions are that it was made in France, when it was a really typical animal among the absolutist courts, others suggest that it was made in German territory and that it spread during the different European wars. Even in Russia they also proclaim themselves as the creators of the poodle. However, what they do agree is that it was an animal widely used in the courts of absolutism, beginning with Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King. And for this reason, poodles also had a long mane. However, starting in the 19th century, the fashion for the bare poodle emerged, and on some occasions, even without a tail, cutting a dog’s hair. Over the years it has regained its hair, although it is still an animal in a position of power, although different sizes have appeared.

Due to this history that surrounds the poodle, it is considered one of the most historic dogs, and currently the favorite of many to represent their family in canine beauty salons.  The glamor of appearing in most of the paintings that surround the Napoleonic Empire has served to win this pulse today. More than 500 years have passed, but he is still a dog that gives value and category, as in the time of the aristocrats. However, everything has changed since then. Currently, as we have said before, up to four totally different sizes of poodle stand out. On the one hand, the big one, although it is also followed by the medium, the dwarf and the toy. Even when defining which is the original we find a bit of controversy. Many defend that the large one is the original, and that the rest of the measures arose from this size. Be that as it may, theorists are clear that the big one is preferred to present it in beauty contests due to its more than half a meter in height. Starting from this size, it will be followed by the medium, the small and the toy. From more than half a meter we will stay in less than 30 centimeters.

Benefits of feeding a poodle

All in all, feeding a poodle correctly has multiple benefits for all those people who choose to document themselves correctly and give their dog a balanced diet. The most prominent are the following:

  • Educate your dog correctly. Dogs closely follow the instincts of their masters. For this reason, what you feed him from when he is little will mark his development a lot. If you start well he will develop correct habits that will make your life easier.
  • He will live more years. A very close bond with the pet is usually created. Therefore, if we feed him correctly and take him to the vet at each check-up, we will be able to spend more time with him because he will live longer.
  • We will reduce costs. In addition, as it will be well fed, with the right nutrients, visits to the vet will also be reduced and, therefore, we will save money on the care that our dog may need.
  • Prepare him for beauty pageants. If we want our poodle to compete in beauty contests, we must prepare it for it and one of the sections that we must take care of is that of food. Good nutrients are the first step to success.

A person’s diet is essential for their growth and development. Parents tend to feed their children in the best possible way and, therefore, the same guidelines should be followed with a poodle. A recommended diet is the one that our veterinarian will provide us with and if we pay attention to it, we will obtain many more benefits than those specified above.

How to feed a poodle

The poodle, as we have said before, has very defined characteristics. On the one hand, he is considered a very sociable dog that likes company and spends time with his masters.  As far as food is concerned, he also has some really marked canons. All dogs with a large amount of hair require very specific habits that must be followed for the correct development of the dog. For this reason, we offer you below a nutritional plan with which your dog will feel wonderful and it will grow properly. In general, poodles have three really defined types of food: food that can be dry wet or well prepared at home in a completely traditional way. Among dry foods, chicken or ham croquettes stand out, which we humans also eat. On the other hand, between the wet different liquids such as soups or foods preserved in cans such as tuna, among others.

Obviously, the type of diet that we choose for our poodle will depend on the possibilities both economically, temporally or spatially. For example, if we characterize ourselves as people with hardly any free time, it seems very silly that we decide to prepare a completely handmade nutritional plan since it would take us a lot of time that we do not have. The important thing is that the food of our poodle does not harm our day to day. This is one of the reasons why rejection can be created between the master and the dog. and it is very bad news because these circumstances usually end in abandonment in many cases. For this reason, if you cannot prepare the dishes yourself, we recommend that you go to the supermarket and, combining it with your personal purchase, acquire the most suitable foods for your dog. Obviously, take into account the tastes of your pet and especially the recommendations of the veterinarian regarding health recommendations related to the diet of your poodle. Keep in mind that those with light hair should take extra care in terms of hygiene. These stains are very dangerous with the color of the hair and if they are not cleaned immediately, they can end up having a negative impact on the appearance of your pet. If you enter beauty pageants, these details can make the difference between achieving a great result and ending up losing and throwing away all the constant work of many months of preparation. Undoubtedly, one of the keys to getting the food right is to end up listening to your dog and knowing what he likes.

In general, poodles must consume plenty of vitamin C and vitamin E for their proper development and health, in addition to having healthy and beautiful hair. In this sense, we must make the same comparison with humans. These types of vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, giving him carrots, green beans, watermelons, melons, bananas or apples, among others, are some options that we can find to provide him with both vitamin C and E. As for the meat, it should not be very cooked, if we talk about chicken, while fish is another excellent option, although we must bear in mind that the bones can be harmful to your body and, therefore, we must clean them correctly if we want to avoid any type of health problem with our poodle. The same happens if we choose to give him rice or pasta. It should not be boiled, but should be made a little and left warm. In fact, one of the favorite dishes of many poodles is rice with vegetables. It is really healthy and contains multiple nutrients that will provide a lot of energy. After slightly boiling the rice, add the rest of the vegetables such as carrots or courgettis along with a little cheese to give it a better flavor for the dog. Even both your poodle and you can share the same dish, reinforcing the bond. It is recommended that dogs have a maximum of two meals a day, both in the morning with breakfast and in the evening with dinner. In addition, although in many stores you will find trinkets that may be attractive to the poodle; the reality is that they are very harmful since they can cause stomach problems, in addition to causing dental problems. Dogs are like humans and, therefore, after feeding it is recommended that they brush their teeth with a brush to prevent tooth decay and bad breath. As we have said, feeding a poodle will greatly influence personal development and the relationship it has with its owner. Therefore, it is highly recommended to emphasize this aspect.


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