Tuesday, March 25, 2025

How to Feed an English bulldog

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By nature, human beings have always sought company. If he can’t get it from someone else, he looks for it in plants or pets.

There are pets that range from the most exotic to the most traditional. There are those who even raise and care for snakes, while others settle for a simple fish.

However, no other beats the dog in demand. In fact, he is considered man’s best friend.  Speaking of “Man” is also including women. It is true that depending on whom it is, tastes can be very different.

In general, women are more attracted to small breeds such as Chihuahuas, Toy Poodles, among others. The more adorable they look, the better. In the case of men, they are attracted to large breeds such as Doberman Pinschers , German Shepherds, Siberian Huskies, etc.

However, there are breeds that, so to speak, are somewhere in the middle. Like, for example, the Bulldogs. Among this species there is variety, so you can choose which will be your company or complement your family.

Naturally, having a pet at home implies a responsibility. Just like a baby, we need to bathe him, vaccinate him, take him to cut his hair, if it is a furry breed and, of course, it is important to feed him.

We cannot pretend to give him any type of food. This could make them sick, damage their fur, or cause other major problems.

Now, if you want to raise a Bulldog, specifically an English one, what kind of food should you gives it? How can you do it correctly? Don’t worry if you don’t have the faintest idea. No one is born learned. Today we will be telling you how you can feed an English bulldog. As easy as it is, you will want to have one.

Instructions for feeding an English bulldog

The feeding of these little friends will vary depending on the stage they are in. That is, never and never will a puppy feed like an adult. Neither in quantity nor in variety.

As you may know, the puppy’s first 40 days of life will be feeding on its mother’s milk. This will provide the necessary nutrients to develop properly.

If the litter is large, you must make sure that they all feed, as there is always one that, in general, does not do it very often. Either because his brothers don’t allow it or because, outright, he doesn’t want it. If you don’t take that precaution, it may get sick, not develop well or even die.

After the lactation period, they will need to be fed in another way. That’s where you come into play, what you can do? Specialists recommend two things. The first is that it must be fed in a balanced and quality way, and the second is that it must be fed 3 or 4 times a day.

It is important that you respect the portions indicated on the food packaging. You must comply with these instructions to the letter, since we are talking about the most important stage. The eating habits that we teach him at this stage will last throughout his life.

Already in the middle stage, we can change the eating plan. Now we can feed him about twice a day, following the instructions given on his food packages in the same way.

Upon reaching the adult stage we have to take into account certain factors that will determine the way in which we are going to feed them.

For example, an adult English bulldog tends to be much more sedentary than one that is in the middle stage. Therefore, he needs fewer nutrients to lead a full life. Then it will be enough for you to feed it only once a day. That’s enough, don’t be fooled by its rugged appearance.

If you follow these instructions to the letter, you will have a strong and healthy pet.

What do you need to feed an English bulldog?

The first thing you will need is to know that due to some unique attributes of its breed, the Bulldog requires special care. For example, you should take into account his height, his build, his wrinkled rail, and his face.

In the case of his face, the Bulldog has a flat or flat snout. This is a factor that prevents or limits the correct feeding of the animal, since dog dishes usually tend to be very deep.

What can you do in this case? Your mission will be to find a plate with which he feels comfortable. It can be a flat plate. If it comes with a non-slip base, all the better. Your dog will thank you.

If you notice that the food you are giving him is not good for him, but he likes it, you should change it gradually, what does that mean? That is to say, little by little. Don’t change it at first.

You can mix the food you are going to change with the new one. Perhaps 50% and 50% so that its taste is familiar to you. As you notice that he gets used to it, then decrease the amount of the old food, until he gives it up completely.

When you change his food, you may notice that he begins to suffer from diarrhea. For this reason, you should stop feeding him for about 12 hours and call your vet.

You also need to know that you cannot feed him the same food that you consume. Not everything you eat benefits our pets. In the specific case of dogs, avocado, chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic, yeast dough, among other things, can cause diseases.

Within your diet you should not forget that water plays a very important role. You must keep it hydrated. Especially if where you live there is a hot or humid climate.

For the water you can use a deeper dish. In this case, there is no problem about it.

Having a well-cared-for pet brings many satisfactions. Therefore, the food we give it is vital. Now, take into account the following tips.

Tips for feeding an English bulldog

As is well known, Bulldogs are thick-set and can easily become obese. Fat is never synonymous with health, neither for humans nor for animals. Therefore, you must constantly monitor his weight and not overfeed him.

Since English Bulldogs gain weight very easily, you should be vigilant and consult your vet to find out the best way to provide them with a good diet to keep them at a balanced weight.

If you want to reward him for something he has done well, you can do it. But keep in mind that these treats add calories to your diet. So try not to do it too often. Save them only for when you are training him as a puppy.

An important fact to keep in mind is that Bulldogs with an ideal weight have a slightly  sunken abdomen, if you see it from the side and, when you touch it, you can easily feel its ribs. Of course, it does not mean that these have to be seen. In this case, we would be at the other extreme, and you would have an underweight or malnourished dog. Which we don’t want either.

If you see that your dog does not have these characteristics, that is, a slightly sunken abdomen, then you should consult your veterinarian, as it is very likely that he is overweight or obese.

There is a popular adage that we are what we eat. The same could be said in the case of our pets. If you want them to grow up healthy, without problems like vomiting or diarrhea, then you have to be strict about what you give them to eat.

No matter how much he barks or cries, resist the urge to give him what you eat. These can be so bad that, in the worst case, they can even kill you.


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