Friday, March 7, 2025

How to Groom a Cat

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Cats are excellent pets and they have some facilities in their care, one of them is that they groom themselves very well, in fact they dedicate a lot of time to this work, so the fame they have of being very neat did not earn it for free, seeing a cat in its grooming process, therefore, is not complicated, we see how they clean their body with their tongue and how they clean their little face with the help of their front paws, but it is not too much to give them a helping hand, like this that we will give some guidelines on How to groom a cat,  since we can complement their work, basically it will consist of an appropriate brushing.

Thus, grooming becomes a very important ritual for the cat, which it has to do daily; most of the time he does it once he finishes eating; Kittens always love to feel totally clean, so if they feel something strange on their fur, they will immediately try to take it off and clean it; This practice is so important in a cat, that through it we can realize how our cat is and if there is any kind of problem, be it emotional or physical with him.

Due to all of the above, cats keep their hair quite beautiful and shiny and if this is not the case, you have to pay attention to them to know what is happening; for all this, it is not necessary to bathe the cat.

What do you need to groom a cat?

  • Cat brush
  • Talcum powder
  • Pet clipper

Instructions for grooming a cat

  1. It is good to get them used to brushing since they are puppies, they will accept it and even like this practice quite a bit; apart from the fact that they can feel pampered, we are helping with their grooming.
  2. Brushing is excellent for creating beautiful bonds between the owner and the pet, especially because, as we mentioned before, it is about making it a pleasant moment for the cat, and you can combine it with some caresses.
  3. If you see that your cat is more reluctant to let him be combed, you can give him some treat as a reward after you have combed him, so he will realize that it is a good thing.
  4. When you brush, do not limit yourself to just that, it is good that you give him a good check-up and look at his skin to discover if he suddenly has any injuries or parasites, also look at his nails, his teeth and his eyes.
  5. The cat may not be able to clean his ears and eyes well on his own, so help him with this part; for that it is very important that your veterinarian tells you what product you can do it with, it will depend a lot on the breed of the cat, a Persian is not the same as a Siamese for example. In the event that it is not possible for you to acquire what is recommended at the moment, simply take gauze and moisten it, do not use swabs (cups) as you could cause damage.
  6. Brushing is very important because, on the one hand, you will prevent your cat, after its grooming routine, from choking on hairballs or even from reaching its stomach, thus causing gastrointestinal damage, often causing vomiting, and on the other hand, this helps so that the cat does not release so much hair throughout the house;  remember that this is hair that is dead and therefore must be removed.
  7. Ask your veterinarian for advice on which is the most appropriate brush for your cat, as it will depend a lot on the type of hair it has.
  8. If you see that your pussycat’s hair has become tangled, you can take a little talcum powder and sprinkle it on top, doing so will help you untangle it easier, if you can’t and you see that you have to cut the hair, do it with a specialized machine for pets, never with scissors to avoid hurting him, although it would be best to go to the vet with him.

Tips for grooming a cat

  • Remember that there are short-haired and long-haired cats, and according to this, it should be brushed as well, if your cat belongs to the first category, you should only brush it once a week, but if, on the contrary, it belongs to the second, you should do it if necessary on a daily basis.
  • Remember that we said that this routine is generally pleasant for your cat, but cats are quite temperamental, so if you see that your cat starts hitting you with his tail, it means that he doesn’t want any more that you should finish.
  • Supervise your cat’s grooming, because when you see that it no longer does it in the correct way and that it leaves its process started or also when it begins to do it more than necessary, obsessively, it is because something is not right and clearly it is necessary to schedule a visit to your vet.
  • Older cats lose their agility and therefore it is more difficult for them to reach all their parts, so they will have to be helped more, the same happens with those who are sick or obese.

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