Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Interpret the Postures of a Dog

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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Dogs adopt different postures that reflect how they feel, what they are expecting from you, how they feel, if they are right or wrong, if they are afraid, if they are scared, if they are afraid, etc. The dog’s master gets to know him so well that just by looking at him he can tell how he is doing.

Dogs communicate with each other to establish order within the group, to mark territory, express their emotional state, desires, needs, etc.

And although it seems impossible, the dog also knows how his master is, if he is willing to play, if he is nervous or in a bad mood, so it is preferable to stay in a corner, if he is sad and should approach and keep him company.

Over time, the relationship and communication between the dog and its owner will get to know each other and the interpretation of a dog’s postures will become so natural that you will be able to anticipate their needs.

Communication with the dog is complex if we go strictly technical, since it is based on auditory, olfactory and tactile signals. They communicate through gestures, sounds, movements and postures. But once we learn to interpret them it becomes something simple.

This type of communication is what they use among their peers but also with human beings. We will give you some tips so that you know how to interpret the postures of a dog, something really useful because it will not only help you to understand your own dog but also to be attentive to the attitudes of other dogs.

What do you need to interpret the postures of a dog?

  • A dog
  • Learn to observe their postures and attitudes
  • Recognize when the dog manifests itself differently

Instructions for interpreting the postures of a dog

  1. This system of communication between dogs is related to the way of relating between man and dog, that is why it is important to know them, to know how to interpret each position of a dog in front of another or in front of people. Knowing implies that you will be able to prevent complicated situations and at the same time will help you understand your dog’s needs or what he wants to express to you.
  2. Regarding their positions and meaning, we will exemplify some of them, the most common and important:
  3. Confidence and self-confidence: A self-confident dog stands upright, straight, tail pointing up, ears pricked. In general he will look relaxed, with small pupils. He makes small movements with his tail from him.
  4. Friendly and eager to play: The dog that feels good and wants to play, that is inviting you to play with him, will be very relaxed, with his tail in constant movement, with his chest almost resting on the ground, his front legs stretched out and the tail raised in motion.
  5. Scared or insecure: The dog that feels scared tends to crouch down, lower its head and hide. He tends to arch his back, flex his legs a little and hide his tail between his hind legs. If he is only restless, insecure about something that he does not know, he will not hide his tail from him; he will just bend it down and stare at what worries him.
  6. Turns on himself: The dog that feels happy because he knows that he will go out with his master or that he is inviting him to play will run in front of him, jump while barking happily and turn around on the spot. This is a manifestation of joy.
  7. Roll over position: When the dog lies down with his belly up, he wags his tail while looking at his master, showing submission, respect and recognition of his master’s authority.
  8. Bristly hair: When the central strip of hair on the dog’s back stands on end, it is showing an attitude of nervousness that does not necessarily imply aggression.  Something makes him insecure, worries him, something he doesn’t know, the presence of some animal he doesn’t know or a noise he doesn’t know. When the dog is in this state of alert, you simply have to be careful because, although it does not mean that he can bite, it does mean that he is scared and a scared dog can react badly.

Tips for interpreting a dog’s postures

  • You must have confidence in your dog and demonstrate authority.
  • When there are visitors at home, people that the dog does not know, or when there is too much noise that the dog is not used to, or when there are children who are not from the house, it is necessary to be very careful because the dog can be altered by these conditions. Unusual and have strange and dangerous reactions.

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