Tuesday, March 25, 2025

How to Pick Up Your Dog’s Feces

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PetsNotebook Staff
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No matter where you look at it, picking up your dog’s feces is not a pleasant task, quite the opposite, it is a dirty, uncomfortable and unpleasant task, but as much as you may not like it, the truth is that every owner of a dog You must pick up your feces, not only if you do it at home or in places where it is specifically indicated that feces must be picked up, but always pick them up, no matter where you do it.

Picking up your dog’s feces contributes to keeping an entire area and environment clean, since not picking them up or only implies a bad smell or that someone can step on it, but it can be a health hazard, since our dog’s feces can cause several diseases that are transmitted to humans, such as giardiasis, salmonellosis, or toxoplasmosis, for example.

Next we are going to show you how to collect your dog’s feces and dispose of them correctly, so that you can fulfill your duties as a responsible owner.

Use plastic bags

The most used method for speed and convenience is the plastic bag method. Every time you take your dog out to relief himself, I recommend that you take two or three plastic bags with you. Any plastic bag, like the supermarket ones in principle, can work, but it is better that you use bags for dogs, which are smaller and more manageable, also if your dog’s feces are very smelly you can choose scented bags, and you can even choose some with ties to close them, which can later be much easier for you to close the bag. Finally, you have more ecological options, such as the use of biodegradable bags.

Remember that you can buy different sizes of bags depending on the size of your dog, since their stools are also relative to their size. The bigger the dog the bigger the “buns”.  You can find these bags in supermarkets and pet stores.

Once your dog has defecated, take a bag, open it and turn it over, that is, change the inside out and vice versa. Now put your hand in the bag (this way you will avoid getting dirty with the feces). Then open your hand and get ready to pick up the excrement from the ground. You should always do it as cleanly as possible. For example, if the excrement is on the grass, form a claw with your fingers and take them as low as possible to collect the excrement, surely you will also pick up some of the grass. On the other hand, if you are on hard ground like concrete, you do not need to scratch the concrete with your fingers.

The harder the excrement is, the easier it will be to clean it; on the other hand if it is soft (like diarrhea) it will cost you more to collect it.

If you forgot to take bags before leaving home, look for something on the floor with which you can pick it up or go to the nearest store to ask for one.

Finally, do not forget to hold your dog’s leash very well while you are picking up their droppings.

Once you have grabbed the poop with the bag, with your free hand fold the edges of the bag up with your fingers. Tie a knot and close the bag tightly so it doesn’t open when you throw it in the organic waste bin.

Use poop scoopers

If you are a squeamish person and don’t like the idea of ​​collecting poop with a bag due to the possibility of getting dirty then it might be a good idea to invest in a pooper scooper.

You can go to your pet or garden store to get them. It usually comes in a kit along with a shovel and rake.

I recommend that you look for a dustpan that is resistant and that you can handle with one hand while with the other you grab your dog’s leash. Also some may be prepared to put a bag at the end of the dust pan. Remember that a dustpan will not do you any good if the droppings are soft.

After your dog defecates, prepare an open bag and collect the excrement with the dustpan. If your dog has specifically defecated, you may need to help yourself with the shovel to collect the excrement. Collecting them on the lawn is easier, but if by chance everything is not found together, you could help yourself with the rake.

Then you must insert the dustpan into the bag and open it to release the excrement into the bag. Then tie and throw away the bag.

Dispose of poop bags

This depends on municipal regulations, so find out where you can dispose of your dog’s poop bags. Although normally you can throw them in buckets of organic matter, and even down the toilet in your house.

With these tips on how to pick up your dog’s feces, you can now be a responsible owner and help keep the environment and your area clean.

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