Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Play With a Cat

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A cat is one of the most common pets in the world and one of the friendliest; mainly because they are friendly animals and do not usually give much trouble.

People who adopt a cat often do so because they prefer a calm and loyal companion animal that doesn’t have as much energy as dogs and is a bit more independent and solitary.

Although a cat is lonely, that does not mean that it is not an animal that needs to play and be happy just like dogs. We have already explained how to play with a dog; however, we have not yet explained how to play with a cat.

It is also common to play with dogs, but cats are usually paid less attention and for this reason, the games that are played with cats are usually more unknown since they do not need it so much, but when they ask for it we can be confused since We don’t know for sure how to have fun with our pet.

If you want to learn more about how to play with a cat, pay special attention to these tips that I am going to give you where you will learn step by step some of my favorite games with cats.

What do you need to play with a cat?

  • A ball of wool.
  • A cat toy.
  • An old sock to bite and scratch.

Instructions for playing with a cat

  1. Playing with a ball of wool: The game of the cat and the ball of wool are one of the oldest that exists to play with this animal and also one of the most famous in the world in this field. This is because it is a fun, cheap game that the cat will love since it is a curious animal by nature. First of all, he takes a ball of yarn and gives it to the cat, you will see how he begins to play with the ball, to turn it and scratch the string so that it stretches, thus arousing the cat’s curiosity. The second way to play with the cat and the ball of yarn is by holding the ball of yarn with your hand and leaving a small string on the ground. Every time your cat approaches the ball, remove it so that the cat bites and goes for it. This will get the cat in the mood to play and you can go on until the cat gets a little tired.
  2. Cat toys: If you go to pet stores like kimono you can find exclusive cat toys to play with. Here we have everything, from toys that simulate a ball of wool, to rubber chew toys, through scratch toys and other curious toys for cats. All these toys are somewhat expensive, but they last longer than balls of wool and other homemade toys, so I do recommend you buy one of these toys for your favorite pet. Give the toy to the cat and check his reaction to it, if he likes it, you can keep it and then play with it in the way the cat wants.
  3. The old sock: If you have an old sock, you can use it to create a fun cat toy. In the same way as with dog toys, tie a knot and give it to the cat so that he can scratch it a little with his nails. Cats are instinctive hunters and therefore scratching that rough surface to sharpen their claws and play can be very good for them. I also tell you that this game does not work on all cats, but there are some that do not like it very much.  The key is to try to see if you like the game or not and if you like to continue with it and if you don’t like to try one of the 2 games that we have proposed.

Tips for playing with a cat

  • Dedicate time: Now that you know how to play with your cat, you need to do something important, that is, apply them in practice. Many people know well how they can play with cats and other animals, however, they do not pay enough attention to it and for that reason, and they do not leave the cats sufficiently satisfied and do not attend to them. The cat is like a member of the family and therefore, you should treat it like any other member of the family, that is, you should give it love, attention and play with it as you do with your children or your dog. In the end, the cat will love you more if you pay attention to him than if you ignore him completely, even if he is a more solitary animal than the dog.

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