Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Play With a Dog

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PetsNotebook Staff
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The dog is man’s best friend, and in part they are not mistaken since it is a great faithful companion that is always available to keep you company.

Nowadays almost everyone has a dog, a dog that needs company that needs a lot of love, that needs care and that of course, also needs you to play with it.

Many times we do not know what to play with our dog, since there are so many ways to play with them that we do not even know where to start.

Playing with dogs is quite simple, since they are usually predisposed to play with you at any time and in any way. You can use balls, throw things at them, use an old sock as a tether and you can even play with him biting yourself (carefully) or chasing him around the house.

This article will try to explain all the existing ways to play with your dogs, so that you and your best friend can have the best possible time, all without harming yourself or the dog in any way.

What do you need to play with a dog?

  • To sock
  • To ball
  • A dog.

Instructions for playing with a dog

  1. Play tag: A game that I really like to do with my dog ​​is to play tag, for this you need to start poking your dog with which you are going to chase him around the house and start running so that he will chase you. Then you must try to catch him and he will start running around the house to try that you do not reach him. This game is very fun and the animals like it very much. If you have a garden and there is no risk of the dog escaping from you, you can go a little further and play tag in the garden, as this increases the distance to be covered and how could it be otherwise, this is a lot more fun for both of you.
  2. Play with old socks: Take an old sock that you have at home and that you are going to throw away and then tie a fat knot in the middle of it, so that the dog can have a surface to chew on. The dog will bite the sock and you must pull to make a mini strength competition. You can also throw the sock at him and have him go get it and bring it to you. Try not to pull too hard, as you could damage the dog’s teeth and that’s something no one wants to do.
  3. Throw the ball: Get a rubber ball, a tennis ball or a plastic ball and use it to play with your dog. Obviously you can play in many ways, but the most common way to do it is to throw the ball at him so that he runs towards it and tries to catch it while running and then returns it to you. If the ball is large, it can be used in a similar way to what is used in step 2, that is, as if it were a sock and had to be pulled to do strength competitions.
  4. Other games: This already depends on the type of dog you have, since dogs that have more energy are more likely to run, more robust ones are more likely to bite and other dogs are atypical and like strange games that have never been seen before. Observe what your dog likes and give him the satisfaction of playing what he wants. For example, a dog I had liked to play with the snow, that is, dig and throw snowballs at her to chase them. The case is to know your dog well and give him what he likes.

Tips for playing with a dog

  • Instead of a sock you can use this: Instead of a sock, you can use something else for step 2. For example, you can use an old rag instead of a sock, use some underpants that you are going to throw away, cut up an old tracksuit and divide it into parts, use a stuffed animal that you are going to throw away or even a cushion. This will make your dog get used to breaking what you tell him, that is, he will only break things that are meant to be broken and will not break the furniture in the house. In addition, this way you will be able to give a new use to all kinds of clothes that you are going to throw away, your dog will thank you and he will be happier with you for that.

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