Friday, March 28, 2025

How to Prevent Dogs from Urinating In the House

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The first time an animal comes home is quite an expectation. Everyone wants to caress him, hold him, and play with him. But you also have to educate him. In the case of the dog, having a garden helps a lot, because it has a space to run around and it also gives you the peace of mind that the puppy will be safe because a car will not run over it or it will not run away, nor will it end up lost on the street. But whether you have an apartment, a house with a garden, you will find yourself with the same problem: educating the dog. You’re going to have to teach him to obey little commands. And above all, teach him that he should not urinate inside the house. It is a real headache when we get up in the morning or arrive home, where the dog has been left alone for a few hours, and see that the dog has urinated everywhere. The floor is wet and the smell of the house is quite strong and unpleasant.

The ideal time to train a dog to urinate in a certain place is when the dog is seven to eight and a half weeks old. Don’t worry if your dog is older, he will learn but learning will be much slower.

What do you need to prevent dogs from urinating at home?

  • Patience.
  • Soaker.
  • Absorbent or kitchen paper (some people use newspaper).
  • Bags to collect feces.

Instructions to prevent dogs from urinating in the house

  1. When the pet arrives home for the first time, we must put a soaker so that it relieves itself in the same place.
  2. Choose a location for the dog to relief itself. Never change it from place to place. It should be away from the eating and sleeping area.
  3. Impregnate the absorb. Wet the underpaid with the puppy’s pee. This will indicate to the puppy where he should relieve himself.
  4. We must indicate to the pet that it has to go to the underpaid once it has finished sleeping so that it relieves itself there and so when it has to relieve itself again, it can smell that it has relieved itself there and always use the same place to defecate
  5. Watch the puppy after eatingbecause after fifteen or thirty minutes they usually have the urge to urinate.
  6. When the dog seems to want to relieve himself, take him to the absorber, let him sniff. When you detect that he is going to urinate or defecate, give him the order: “here”, “pee” or a similar word that is short, firm and always the same.
  7. Stay by her side until it’s over. Stay quiet and don’t look at him. Stay calms a meter away from him.
  8. You have to reward him if he does it well, for example by stroking him effusively as if the animal had done the most wonderful thing in the world or you can give him a treat that he likes.
  9. Also scold him when he doesn’t do it correctly, but when you catch him red-handed, that is, at the same time that the dog is about to urinate or defecate where he shouldn’t. Scold him with a loud “no” to interrupt him. And then you take him to the place you have assigned him for it.
  10. Your dog has already associated peeing in a specific place and also has a reward for it.
  11. In the event that we want him to relieve himself outside the home, because he is already an adult, we must repeat the same operation. Always at the same time we must take him out of the house and ask him to relieve himself outside the house. Dogs need a routine and this will get them used to it.
  12. When he has relieved himself we must reward him. At first we will give him the prize as he finishes, then that prize will be spaced out and we will give it closer and closer to home. And in the end we will give it to him when he gets home.
  13. It will be necessary to take it out every 3 or 4 hours to walk or to urinate. In this way, you will not have time to urinate inside the house.
  14. And little by little the dog itself will ask to go outside to relieve itself and it will no longer be necessary to have the underpaid in the house.
  15. The idea is to gradually reduce your outings from 3 to 4.

Tips to prevent dogs from urinating in the house

  • We have to take into account that the animal is not going to know where it has to relieve itself, so the first thing we have to do is have a lot, a lot of patience. Remember that if it is a puppy, it is still small and that, like human beings, it needs time to learn and assimilate commands.
  • If the dog has urinated where it shouldn’t, use absorbent paper to clean it up and then use the detergent. But always removing it with kitchen paper, never with a mop or mop. If you cleaned it with the mop. With this, all you do is spread the smell of pee throughout the house. This will confuse the puppy because he will look again for the smell where he urinated to return there and it will be difficult for him to find it if the aroma is everywhere.
  • It is recommended to reduce the space where the puppy can move. Keep him from walking around the house. You are creating more opportunities for him to urinate out of place and, on the other hand, you are causing his learning to be much slower. If you limit the space, it will be easier to prevent him from urinating anywhere and from catching him red-handed if he does it out of place.
  • Avoid having rugs and surfaces that are similar to the underpaid to avoid confusing the puppy.
  • If you observe the puppy carefully, you will eventually learn that there are certain postures, repeated sniffing that indicates that the dog wants to urinate.
  • It is very important to maintain the routine.
  • If the animal is going to spend many hours at home alone or its routine is going to be altered, it is advisable to leave the underpaid on it.
  • When he pees, he uses the dog’s favorite treat as the prize. That will make him strive to do it where he should.
  • If you are not at home, and the dog continues to urinate outside the place you have prepared for him. You will have to limit the space so that he cannot go all over the house. For this you can use some type of cage or fence where the dog can stay up to three hours. This will not be necessary if someone else is helping you train the dog.
  • You have to be attentive to the behavior of the dog so that as soon as it tries to urinate outside the place it can be corrected.
  • When you take him outside to urinate, try to keep the place close to home. It doesn’t have to be a spacious place, it can be a terrace. Remember that the closer the chosen site is, the easier it will be to reach it, especially on harsh winter days.
  • If your dog defecates outside the house, remember to pick up the feces. To do this, take bags with you. One for you to introduce the hand with which you will pick up what is deposited on the ground by the dog and in another you will put the feces that you already have in your hand. Next you will close the bag and throw it in a wastebasket.
  • In some parks there is what is called pelican or designated areas for dogs in urban areas. Normally it is a post surrounded by sand and they usually have an extension of 3 to 4 meters. In addition, going to these dog areas will allow you to socialize with other dogs.
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