Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Put a Dog to Sleep

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We think that since dogs are animals it is not easy to make them realize when it is time to sleep, but the truth is that just like humans, canines are animals of habit, but it is important to teach them and find a way to make they understand that it is night and that it is time to sleep; for this you have to follow certain recommendations, that’s why we bring you how to make a dog fall asleep.

Getting your dog to sleep well through the night is as beneficial for you as it is for the dog, as it will help the latter to be relaxed and calm.

Generally we find more often the problem that the dog does not sleep or let sleep, when they are puppies, because they spend their time crying, moaning and barking and of course, the biggest problem is that since it gives us a lot of grief, we give in easily. At your call.

Making a dog fall asleep at night is something that can be achieved, but yes, you will need patience, perseverance and, above all, understanding.

Puppies often feel very insecure about being separated from their mother and having been brought into an environment where everything is different for him.

What do you need to make a dog fall asleep?

  • Tick tock clock
  • Dog bed
  • Pet treats

Instructions for putting a dog to sleep

  1. Place: your dog must have its place to sleep, be it a bed, a mattress or a comfortable box, among others, with its respective blanket; the important thing is that he identifies the place as the right one for rest. It is not recommended that you change places, the place to sleep should always be the same and hopefully in the quietest space in the house.
  2. Treats– They will always be a great source of help when we need something with our canine; you can pamper him a little when bedtime comes and he is already in his bed.  You can give him some massages that make him relax, predominantly on his back and head. Caress his ears for a while, it will relax him and he can fall asleep.
  3. The time: it is good that you establish the time that your dog should go to bed without changing it, it can be the same time that you usually go to bed; Just as a child gets used to it, he looks for silence and turns off all the lights, so the dog will associate that it is time to sleep if the same thing is done every night.
  4. Necessity: Just like humans, it is good that you try to make your dog relieve himself before going to bed.
  5. Food: do not give him food before going to bed; they could give him extra energy that we do not want to come out in the middle of the night, the last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Exercise: exercise tires the animal and therefore helps it fall asleep better; Check with your veterinarian how much is recommended for yours, as the time will depend on the breed. Take him out for a walk, run or play with other dogs.
  7. Distractions: everything that can distract you disappears from your sight, so you will not have so much anxiety and you will sleep more peacefully.
  8. Sound: If there is a sound nearby that makes him nervous, try to eliminate it.
  9. Temperature: look for your canine to sleep at a temperature that does not go to extremes, it should not be too hot or too cold. It’s the same with you, right? Extreme temperatures don’t let you sleep well.
  10. Clock: you can put a clock under his bed that has the typical tick tock sound; this technique will help you relax and fall asleep when you are alone, this is because for them the tick tock is like the sound of the heart of the person who always accompanies them or their mother.
  11. Your puppy: it is possible that if you adopt a puppy he will start crying because he is alone, do not go to his call, even if it is hard for you, ignore him, you will see how in a few days he will get used to it and will be quiet and comfortable in his place to sleep.
  12. With discipline, of course, accompanied by immense affection, you will achieve what you set out to do with your pet and there will be a better coexistence between the two of you. Once again we repeat that dogs have the instinct to live in packs and when they know their place they feel happy and protected.

Tips for putting a dog to sleep

  • Never forget to consult your veterinarian who is the one with the knowledge and power to tell you what is best for your dog and to treat it if necessary.
  • You must be patient while your dog gets into the routine, he will learn.

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