Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Raise a Miniature Schnauzer

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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The Miniature Schnauzer is a fairly common small breed dog in our country, the Miniature Schnauzer is really a cross between the medium Schnauzer and small breeds of dogs, giving rise to this magnificent specimen.

The function of the Miniature Schnauzer was to hunt small rats, moles and other rodents and to act as a guard dog for homes; therefore it is a very useful dog if you live in single-family homes with a garden, as it will keep you alerted to intruders In turn, it will clean the garden of mice and moles.

This dog is characterized by its small size, its high appetite and its dominant character; therefore you must take into account certain things to correctly raise a Miniature Schnauzer.

If you want to know more about how to take care of a Miniature Schnauzer, do not miss the following article where I am going to show you the steps to follow.

What do you need to raise a Miniature Schnauzer?

  • Schnauzer dog food
  • A Miniature Schnauzer
  • Read these instructions carefully and apply them in practice.
  • Read the article How to take care of a Schnauzer

Instructions for raising a Miniature Schnauzer

  1. Food: These dogs have a high appetite, in terms of the type of food they like Schnauzer dog food since it has the flavor and nutrients it needs, failing that they like meat such as chicken, rabbit or veal, as well as rice. What you should always keep in mind is that you should regulate the dog’s food since they eat instinctively and if you give them too much food they could gain excess weight which would be bad for their health.
  2. Character: These dogs are very dominant and disobedient; they would like to do little pranks like climbing on beds, destroying things and running away. You must be strict on the subject of discipline and show the dog who is in charge, every time he does something mischievous you must scold him to prevent him from doing it again. If you pamper your Schnauzer too much, his disobedience could get worse causing the dog to have serious misbehavior such as relieving him in your home, biting.
  3. Activity: Being a dog with a hunting nature, he will love to run and exercise, so make sure you walk your Schnauzer at least 3 times a day and that one of these walks is a long walk in an area where he can run. That you have corrected his disobedience from him before releasing him, otherwise he could escape. If you have a house with a garden, the dog will be happy playing in the same garden to look for mice and other animals.
  4. Interactions: Although they are dominant dogs, they can be very affectionate dogs over time. The Miniature Schnauzer is an ideal dog for children since these dogs will take care of them, the only care you must have is that they have enough respect for you since the affection will come on their own.
  5. Diseases: This dog, like the rest, needs veterinary care since it could catch infections and diseases. Make sure you have the dog in order, with the chip and the corresponding papers and taking it from time to time for check-ups and vaccinations to make sure there are no problems.

Tips for raising a Miniature Schnauzer

  • Training courses: Due to its dominant nature, it is recommended to spend a little money on a professional trainer. These trainers are going to show the dog how to behave and they are going to show them that you are the boss, these courses usually have a duration of 3 to 9 months and in which the dogs are shown how to perform certain exercises such as sitting or getting up associating them with gestures and rewards such as food, which in psychology is known as anchoring. The requirement that you must meet is to take your dog before he is two years old, the sooner you take him to train, the easier it will be for him to learn and better learn. In addition to obedience, then you can impress all your friends seeing how the dog is capable of doing tricks and they will also be impressed by his good behavior.
  • Respect and tolerance: This should be obvious, but unfortunately many people confuse respect with aggressiveness and therefore react violently to the bad attitudes of their pets. These people yell, belittle or even hit their dogs, which is very poorly done, because in the first place animal abuse is an illegal action that can cost you jail  and secondly because even if the dog becomes obedient It can also develop fear and resentment towards you, causing the dog to not be fond of you by living in fear. Although you must show the puppy that you are the boss, you must always do it with love, respect and assertiveness, if you do it right you will have a loving and obedient dog at the same time.

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