Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Raise a Siamese cat

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook often publishes news and articles about pet care, services, advice, and other topics. Learn everything there is to know about the health and nutrition of dogs and cats, including the different diseases they suffer from, their actual causes, and effective treatments. Our articles on special comprehensive programs aid pets with diarrhea and vomiting, immunological weakness, and holistic pet cure.

Having a cat as a pet has always been a typical action in the society of this country, there are cats of many breeds such as the Siamese cat, the wild cat, the Bombay cat or the Persian cat that here and here we tell you how it is.

Although the care that a cat requires is not usually as much as that required by a dog, you must also have a certain responsibility when raising a cat, the cat is a living being and you have to take care of it, feed it and prevent and treat it of diseases.

Although the care of cats is similar, each breed has unique characteristics that we must always take into account when breeding, they have different sizes, they need different types and amounts of food and they like more or less to interact with people or with other cats.

Today, we are going to offer you some tips for a specific breed, the breed of Siamese cats, so if you are going to raise a Siamese cat, do not miss this exciting article on how to raise a Siamese cat.

What do you need

  • Cat food, if possible something suitable for Siamese.
  • A brush.
  • A ball of wool.
  • To sandbox.
  • to clean home


  1. Food: They are very greedy cats, but they are not usually very picky when it comes to eating. The best are cans of cat food, if it can be Siamese cat, it is important not to overfeed the cat, since animals have no control over what they eat. If you want to be sure that your cat eats correctly, you can weigh it, to weigh it without problems, first weigh yourself, then take the cat in your arms and weigh yourself again, then subtract your weight with cat minus your weight without cat , so you will get the weight of the cat. Animal. Repeat the process every week and if the cat gains weight, lower the dose of food (You can also take advantage of losing weight yourself).
  2. Hygiene: Siamese cats need to be clean, first always keep the house clean and second make sure your cat relieves itself in its litter box. A warning, unneutered male Siamese cats tend to urinate around the house because they are marking their territory, so watch your cat and try not to do so since the smell of cat pee is very difficult to remove and can last for months.
  3. Health: They are very long-lived cats that usually live from 15 to 18 years on average, although they are prone to colds and oral problems. Follow the proper care for your cat by taking him to the vet for vaccinations and check-ups and of course whenever he gets sick.
  4. Activity: They are cats to be at home but at the same time they are very active, they love to climb high places so be careful with that expensive vase in the living room. These cats are good and affectionate as long as you respect their space, they love to be brushed and caressed especially around their neck area, yes, if they sneer at you, it is better to move away. He also likes to touch things and play with balls of wool, so he won’t break the sofas in the house.


  • Coexistence with other animals: With a dog it could be done but it is not recommended, since these cats are very fond of having their space and dogs are very jealous and like to be all over the house, as for rodents, don’t even think about it because They will be devoured by the cat as soon as you lower your guard, fish you can have since the cat will not enter the fish tank and as for exotic animals such as snakes, I do not recommend it since they could hurt your cat.
  • Stray cats: There are many Siamese cats on the streets, so many times the Siamese cats that people have are picked up from the street, and for example I had a Siamese cat picked up from the street. The first thing you should do is take the cat to the vet to make sure it doesn’t have diseases and to get a general health diagnosis for your cat, then you should try to accommodate it at home since it is a wild cat, if you can’t with it you should give it to an animal shelter or another family but never throw it out on the street again.
  • Sterilization: This has always been a controversial issue and it depends on your opinion, I did not sterilize my cat and I had the problem that he peed all over the house, the cats that are sold are usually already sterilized but not the homeless, If you sterilize it, the cat will be calmer, especially if it is a male, but that is your choice, I chose not to do it.
  • If you wish, you can continue to inform yourself in our category of cats where you will surely find a lot of interesting information.

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