Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Scold a Cat

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You need to know how to scold a cat. This is essential to educate him and teach him the basic rules of coexistence. All pets require discipline, but in the case of cats, it can be a bit more complicated. These animals usually have a somewhat rebellious temperament and a very independent personality. So there are times when no matter how much you tell them what to do or not to do, they just ignore you.

Cats still have behaviors from their ancestors that are not considered appropriate today as pets. You have to understand its behavior before trying to modify it. But this is not why it is more difficult to teach than a dog, you just have to be patient and follow the advice that we provide in this article.

Before scolding a cat

Before you start scolding him, you have to understand why he behaves the way he does.  Cats have a special character. They have a free, sometimes wild spirit and are quite independent. That is why we will never be able to compare them with dogs.

The feline instinct can lead them to do things that you consider destructive, but for them it is totally normal behavior. You have to understand that these slightly wild customs are not going to disappear from their body; you just have to accept them and educate them as much as possible. With this we do not mean that your cat is going to be a destructive being, far from it. Cats live in perfect harmony with humans, especially when they have been taught.

The important thing here is that you have patience, since it may take you longer to train a cat than any other pet. But it is essential that you understand that scolding is not mistreating or hurting. Violence is intolerable and to teach your animal the basic rules of coexistence it is not necessary at any time to resort to violence or physical attacks.

How to scold a cat?

Before you sold your cat, better teach him. There are some behaviors of these animals that can drive us crazy. But before you scold them, show them a solution.

  1. One of these behaviors is usually that they scratch or destroy the furniture they find in their path. This has a simple explanation and it is that they do it to file their nails.  This exercise is something that relaxes them and they love it. Therefore, before your cat starts scratching the legs of your bed, your chairs or your tables, give him something. You can find scratching posts at pet stores or supermarkets. This will make your animal not need to unload its stress with your furniture.
  2. If your cat bites you or attacks your hands, it is because he has learned that they are his prey. If you played nibbles with him since he was little, he has learned from you that he should attack your hands. Do not scold him for this behavior since it is you who have taught him. You just have to correct it.

It’s time to learn how to scold your cat. You will see that it is easier than you think.

  1. One of the most important things when it comes to correcting your pet’s behavior is to scold him at the right time. That is, just when the unwanted action is taking place. If you try to scold your cat after he has done something wrong, he will not understand and not quarreling will not help. For example, if you just got home and see that your cat has destroyed a cushion, it will not have any effect if you tell him off. It’s better to wait until you catch him doing something wrong and teach him not to do it right then. If you just scold him two minutes later, he won’t understand why you’re scolding him.
  2. If you are already very clear that the right time to teach him is when he is committing a misdeed, now you have to know what to do. It won’t do any good if you shout at him, gesticulate or get upset. Your cat probably doesn’t understand anything, and you’ve wasted an opportunity to teach him how to behave. What is effective in showing that a behavior should not be performed is simply saying the word You have to say it firmly and confidently, without shouting, but not in a low voice. To do it properly, approach him slowly (we do not want him to run away scared) put your hands gently on his neck and bow his head. At no time should you put too much pressure or hurt him. As you lower your head, it’s time for you to say NO! And then let it go. It’s very important that you don’t hurt him. The technique of touching his neck of him and lowering his head is simply an action to mark him. Repeat this action as many times as necessary until he does not perform that behavior again. It is a very effective process, but the results take time to appear.
  3. A trick for extreme situations, such as a fight with another pet or to keep your cat away from a dangerous area, is to use a spray with water. Have it ready for when things like this happen. It is common knowledge that these animals do not like water very much. Obviously, they tolerate it and some even take a bath without any problem. When your cat is on the balcony and there is a risk of falling or fighting or you never want it to enter a room, use the spray. At first he will get scared and run away from the place. When you have repeated this action several times, he will begin to associate the place in the house where you spray him with water with something that should not be done. The water shot will be more effective if you hit it right when it is in that spot. And if it is in the face and fast, this will also influence the faster learning of what you are trying to teach. Pouring water on your face won’t do any harm, but to avoid any inconvenience, choose a sprayer that doesn’t have a lot of pressure.

As you can see, it is simple to train your cat. The main thing is that you give him a lot of love and that you have patience with him.

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