Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of a Beagle Puppy

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PetsNotebook Staff
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Beagles are a very common pet. The popularity of the breed responds to several issues. One of the most important is that it is a small dog. Today this feature is quite important since most people live in flats in the city and this fact does not allow them to have large pets.

Beagles do not need a lot of space to live and this makes them a good pet for families with small to medium sized homes. If you are thinking of buying or adopting a beagle puppy, you will be interested to know that you are getting an extremely faithful and affectionate animal. Beagles are very friendly animals with a calm character, so they are very easy to deal with. However, something you should be clear about from the first moment a beagle puppy becomes part of your family is that this breed was created with hunting in mind and your pet will have this instinct.

Therefore, we are dealing with very active dogs that need to exercise a lot. Of course, this feature is very good if there are children in your home, since the puppy will become their perfect playmate full of vitality. But if you cannot commit to your pet getting all the exercise they need, it is better that you opt for another type of less active pet since, if they do not get all the exercise they need, beagles can get sick or have overweight problems.

If you think that this type of breed is perfect for you and you are interested in knowing more about how to care for a beagle puppy, throughout this article we offer you the keys to its care.

What do you need to take care of a beagle puppy?

  • A beagle puppy
  • Dog food
  • Toiletries and hygiene

Instructions to take care of a beagle puppy

  1. Condition your home prior to the arrival of the puppy. Think of a puppy as, in effect, like a small child. You must ensure that your home does not present any danger to your pet. Do not leave small objects within their reach as they could be swallowed.
  2. As soon as you get home with the puppy you must show him all the rooms. In this way you will become familiar with all the spaces in the house and you will feel at home.
  3. Place your bed in the space you want to give your pet. Dogs are creatures of habit, if during the first months of life you get them used to sleeping in one place, they will appropriate that space and later it will be quite difficult to get them used to sleeping in another place.
  4. Establish a daily hygiene routine in which you brush their fur, and clean their ears and eyes. Remember that the ears and eyes are one of the most common sources of infection in dogs, so you must be especially careful in this regard.
  5. Feed it three times a day. It is best to use specific dog food.
  6. Take him out for a walk several times a day.
  7. Start training it from the first day you get hold of it. It is a fairly common mistake to wait until the dog is big to start training it. However, training a dog from a puppy is the best option.
  8. Make sure your beagle puppy gets the shots he needs and take him in for regular vet check-ups to make sure he’s in good health.
  9. Bathe your puppy when he is dirty or smells bad. It is not a good idea to get used to bathing him for no reason, since frequent baths spoil his fur.

Tips for caring for a beagle puppy

  • Beagles are a type of dog that needs a lot of attention. They are extremely sociable and curious which makes them a perfect pet – make sure you give them all the attention they need.
  • Find here much more information about the Beagle
  • Remember that your dog must do a lot of exercise. If for reasons of time or health you cannot take care of taking your beagle for a walk, you should find someone who can do it for you since it is not convenient for this breed to be locked up at home for many days.

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