Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of a Dachshund or Sausage

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Dachshund is a word of Germanic origin that means “little badger”, because originally the main function of this animal was hunting in burrows, usually foxes, badgers, rabbits;  although it also stood up to the wild boar.  His sense of smell can pick up odors from a great distance, which made him ideal for this type of task. Currently they are companion dogs, very faithful and adapt very well to life in a flat or apartment.

The Dachshund also goes by other names such as dachshund or, more commonly, sausage dog. It seems that this breed existed since the thirteenth century in Germany, however, other historians place them in the Egyptian era and others in the seventeenth when the first German breed club was founded.

The name of sausage is more recent, it seems that it comes from a New York journalist who is fond of baseball and hot dogs. What is clear is that it has been with us for a long time and, at present, it is in all parts of the world.

Like the bulldog or the Scottish shepherd, the dachshund also has its presence in the cinema. The best-known dog is perhaps Slinky, which is the name of the spring-loaded dachshund from the Pixar studios’ “Toy Story” (1995). But there are also earlier ones such as “My wife’s dogs” (1966) or, more recently, “A Dachshund at the Nationals” (2013). Even Picasso captured it in his version of Las Medinas.

The peculiarity of these dogs is the elongation of their body and snout, their long drooping ears and their short legs. This is due to a genetic mutation.

The size and weight of dachshunds can vary. The normal one of up to 9 kilos and 45 cm; miniature or mini up to 4 kilos and 35 cm and, finally, toy up to 3.5 kilos and 30 cm. The coat is another factor to take into account, depending on the variety: short hair (which is the oldest), hard hair and long hair. It can be one color or have spots.

As for the character, it is a faithful animal, guardian, curious, alive, brave, affectionate, sensitive and full of energy. But also, he has a strong personality and a very good relationship with children. Depending on the type of dachshund, so will be their degree of affectivity. For example, the long-haired dachshund is more affectionate and the short-haired dachshund has a stronger character.

Its weak points of a dachshund are the spine and being overweight. The life expectancy of dachshunds is around 15 years.

What do you need to take care of a dachshund or sausage?

  • Extendable strap.
  • Feeder.
  • Drinker.
  • Sleeping place
  • Pad or newspaper if he is a puppy and has not yet been taught not to defecate at home.
  • Toys.
  • Grooming products (dog shampoo, flea shampoo…).
  • Dryer.

Instructions for caring for a dachshund or sausage

  1. Take your dachshund for walks. This will prevent you from becoming overweight as this would make your back suffer.
  2. After a long walk, give him plenty of water.
  3. It is important to eat a balanced diet to prevent the dog from gaining weight and having mobility problems. So don’t put too much food in your feeder.
  4. If you have a wire-haired dachshund you have to cut its hair, if on the contrary it is long-haired, it will have to be brushed regularly.
  5. As an adult, you may have back problems, so it is important to do various exercises to muscle that area. But you should not overdo the exercise either, as it could also harm you.
  6. It is important that from puppyhood you educate your dachshund and that it socializes. That is to say, that all the members of the family have to interact with him, giving him affection. Play with him, for example, with a rag tied to a rope or look for the ball.
  7. In the event that we are going to play fetch, throw it at ground level with that we will avoid a bad posture or a sprain.
  8. If it is a puppy, it is advisable to have toys that they can bite and you have to teach them what they can chew and what not. Toys with bright colors that have rope or rubber are recommended. Although they can also be used by adult specimens because they will always like to bite.
  9. It is convenient to adapt a place for him and teach him that it is the place where he should be, so that the dog knows his place in the family. That place will become his resting area.
  10. If it is a puppy, it has to eat the same feed that they gave it when it was born. This way we avoid having to adapt to a new environment and also to a new diet.
  11. Remember to make the pertinent visits to the veterinarian, make the health card and give him the corresponding vaccines. If the dog is healthy, going twice a year is enough.
  12. The bathroom. In general, dogs do not like to be bathed, so be patient and we will explain step by step how to clean your dachshund.
    • You will need a shampoo for dogs (it is convenient to have a flea shampoo and, if necessary, alternate baths with this product and normal shampoo) and a basin or bathtub with warm water. This will prevent the animal from suffering sudden changes in temperature.
    • Slowly lower the dachshund into the water. Go wetting it little by little first through the body. The head is the last. Special care must be taken so that water does not enter their eyes or ears. Reassure him at all times, because it is normal for them to want to get out of the bathtub.
    • When it is very wet, always pour the shampoo on the back. Spread it over the body, rubbing because it has to touch the skin and leave the head for last.
    • Rinse it with water. Remember that soap should not remain on the skin because it could irritate it.
    • Drain it and cover it with a towel so it doesn’t get cold. It is important to remove everything went well. You can help with a dryer, but always away from the skin.
    • Brush it, especially if you have long hair in order to prevent it from getting tangled and remove excess hair, as well as dead skin.

Tips for Caring for a Dachshund or Sausage

  • The dachshund does not have enough stamina to go on long runs, but it does have long walks.
  • Avoid over-tightening the strap. This will prevent you from choking or hurting your back if the strap is located on your back.
  • Avoid taking your dachshund for a walk when it rains or right after eating.
  • It is a very stubborn animal; you may think that it is impossible to train it. However, showing firmness in the treatment from the beginning, repetitively always with the same words and with a lot of patience, you will achieve it. In this way, the dog will learn what its limits are.
  • Never give your pet foods that have chocolate, energy drinks. Nor anything that contains ethanol, alcohol because they can be intoxicated, since they are more sensitive than the human being. Other foods such as nuts and raisins, onions and garlic, avocado, chewing gum, sugars, fats, bread dough, are also ruled out.
  • Be careful about the type of bones you provide because some of them can cause choking and intestinal ruptures. This happens with some bones like chicken thighs.
  • It is recommended to bathe the dog once a month if it leaves the house little. On the other hand, if he tends to stain a lot, he will have to be bathed once every two or three weeks.

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