Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of a Goldfish

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If you don’t know the term, the goldfish is known in Spain as golden carp or golden carping. It is a freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinid family and one of the longest-lived. In fact, if they are well cared for, they can live between 6 and 8 years.  It is the most common species of aquarium fish. They are those orange fish that were always given away at fairs when we were little. In fact, it is one of the first species of fish domesticated by man. The carp from which this variety comes were domesticated, but it is also for human consumption.

The goldfish was first domesticated in China, and that is over a thousand years ago. In fact, if you ever travel to China, you will see that these characteristic orange fish are found in the ponds of many of its sanctuaries, although many of their varieties have a gray or silver coloration and also take on a reddish-brown hue. The first records of this species date back to the Jin dynasty (265-420). We will have to wait for the Tang dynasty (618-907) for these carp to start growing in ornamental ponds. Since they were domesticated, the number of breeds of golden crucial carp has increased, so you can find them in many sizes, varieties and colors to brighten up your aquarium.

Is it easy to take care of a goldfish?

Yes, it is relatively easy. For this reason it is also one of the most common species of fish that we find in fish tanks around the world. The most suitable temperature for this species is around 20º and it is recommended that there be approximately 40 liters of water for each goldfish you have. If you don’t have a big enough tank, goldfish will still be able to live, but they won’t be sexually mature and therefore won’t be able to reproduce. If you want to know more information to know how to take care of a goldfish, do not hesitate and continue reading this post. We will teach you the simplest tricks to make your aquarium or goldfish pond look healthy. Let’s get started!

What do you need to take care of a goldfish?

To take care of a goldfish we will need

  • An aquarium
  • Special food for its kind
  • Coexist with other species of similar rhythms or other varieties of goldfish

Instructions to take care of a goldfish

Step by step to know how to take care of a goldfish

  1. Have your aquarium in optimal conditions. If you decide to buy this variety of fish, it is important that you talk to an expert at the pet store or aquarium where you buy them so that they can give you some initial guidelines and explain how to maintain them.
  2. As we have already indicated, these species need a minimum of 40 liters for each fish in order to reach sexual maturity and live comfortably. Although they can live with less water, it is not recommended, as they will not be able to mature or be at ease.
  3. They are very social fish, so it is important that they share their space with other species or varieties of goldfish. If you decide to mix different species of fish, it is recommended that you consult an expert before opting for one or the other. Goldfish are characterized by being quite slow. Their rhythm is very smooth and they are not comfortable with other more lively species, otherwise they may end up stressed and end up being malnourished since the other species will be faster than them when it comes to getting food. You can mix them with other goldfish or rainbow fish. The variety of goldfish is so great that your aquarium can be a real beauty simply by breeding this precious and long-lived species.
  4. Once you know how many fish you are going to include in your aquarium, you will know the capacity that it should have. If, for example, you decide to add a total of 5 goldfish, your aquarium must have a minimum capacity of 200 liters so that these little ones live happily and contentedly in their new home.
  5. If you already have your aquarium, the time has come to decorate it! Use gravel, sturdy plants and logs, they will love it. If you decide on plastic decorations, make sure they are not hollow or have sharp edges. If they are hollow, they can end up reproducing bacteria inside and making our fish sick. If they are sharp they can cut the fins or the body of our goldfish when they are born in the fish tank. Take care of every last detail to create a real home for your goldfish.
  6. In addition to this type of props, you can add waterfall effects with filters and make them have a little more fun inside the fish tank. We want our little ones to live happily, so the least we can do is create the most pleasant environment possible for them.
  7. Make sure the water temperature is around 20º. This species is enchanted at that temperature, so for them it will be wonderful. If you mix different species in your fish tank, make sure that all of them, in addition to sharing the same vital rhythms, have the same temperature needs.
  8. Regarding food, you can buy food designed for this species in pet stores.  Regarding the amount they should eat, normally the way to measure it is simple: you must give them the amount of food they eat naturally for 2 minutes. That will be your standard measurement. Hey! This will be the size of the total shot per day. If you want to feed them a couple of times a day because you like to see them run for food, remember not to exceed this feeding so they do not overeat . More or less the amount per fish is equivalent to what fits in two fingers of the hand, so you can get a rough idea of ​​the measurements.
  9. These fish are very greedy, so if you go too far, we assure you that they will leave absolutely nothing in the tank. Which does not mean that they are hungry, but that their tune is not the most appropriate? Be careful with the portions because you can end up overfeeding them. Remember that they have no sense and can eat to death.

Tips for caring for a goldfish

One last tip on how to care for a goldfish

Remember to always keep the fish tank clean. You must have a filter that is responsible for maintaining adequate water levels, but you will also have to carry out a more thorough cleaning of the entire fish tank. Depending on how many fish you have, you may need to do a tank cleaning every two to three weeks at most.

Do not forget that fish are living beings and they must be treated with respect and great care. Love them and treat them well and your goldfish may live to be 10 years old. They are long-lived and calm species and can be your children’s friends for a long time.

As a last note to tell you that we are not veterinarians. The tips that we give you are merely informative. Our advice can never replace that of a veterinarian, so if your veterinarian tells you that you have to maintain the goldfish in another way, listen to him.  They are the experts and they know perfectly the particular characteristics of the different species of goldfish.


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