Thursday, March 6, 2025

How to Take Care of a Greyhound Puppy

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PetsNotebook Staff
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It is a very special process to have a pet from its first months of life. But it is also a great responsibility that we must respond to with our commitment. In this article we will talk about how to take care of a greyhound puppy. Although this phase in the life of a dog is essential, it is even more so when we are raising a greyhound. It is a very peculiar breed and will require certain special care. Nothing we can’t afford to do, or impossible. We just have to know a little more about the breed, to know how to handle certain situations and behaviors.Food is a key aspect that they have a healthy growth and are strong adult dogs, without any important disease. And the greyhound breed could not be less. Given its characteristics, possibly different from other breeds, we will give it a specific diet that is perfectly adapted to its lifestyle, body and activity.

With less importance, but it is a step that must be taken, it is to put the name. Nowadays we have many available, if we do not want to put some staff. If in this process we are a little unsure, we can read about how to choose the name of a dog.

A very interesting fact about puppies is the moment when the mother gives birth and the puppies are born. It is a very beautiful fact to see how dogs are born. The first moments of a dog’s life is a very tender image, worth not to miss.

From this moment on, we must know how to take care of puppies, since they will depend, in large part, on our care. In a short time they will become one of the families, so you have to spend time with them to get to know them. They may not feel comfortable at first, with our dedication we will make it.

Greyhound puppy

In this text we will talk about taking care of our greyhound puppy. It is an exceptional breed with a lot of beauty, but we must bear in mind that they are puppies.  Patience is a necessary virtue in this process, as it will take time. Greyhound puppies, and of any breed, are very easily distracted, since they only want to play. We should not get angry or upset, it is not something that will help us, nor will it make them more obedient.  We simply have to be constant, affectionate and wait for months to be completed for education to be effective.


In our task of feeding them, we must bear in mind that the puppies are always hungry.  They do not know how to measure the right amount for them, or when they are full. It is important that they do not have access to food, because they can eat until they explode.  The solution is to always give him food. In this way, we will fully control your diet and weight.

If we base their dieting some type of feed bought in the specialized store, the instructions will come in the bag. By reading them we will know how much to give and how many times a day. If, on the contrary, we feed him with other types of food, it is important to know that we should not give him more than a tenth of his weight. That is, if our bulldog puppy weighs 5 kilos, the equivalent daily amount is 500 grams.

One factor to consider is routine. If we get our dog used to eating at a certain time of the day, it will come in handy for his habits. Dogs need routine to know when to eat. It is important not to change their routine, because they can get confused. Puppies need to eat three to four times each day. So the amount they need to eat in a day, we can distribute between those meals. It is important that they have next to the food, also water. In case they are thirsty. We can refill the water bucket every time it is emptied, since there is no problem in the quantity. They will drink what the body asks of them. This bucket must always be in the same place, so that our greyhound puppy has it located.


No dog likes when they are eating that we touch their food or disturb them. You have to get them used to not reacting badly to this situation as a puppy. At first, understandably, they won’t like it and may even get angry. It’s normal, they have to adapt and, in time, they will. It is not a practice that we should repeat every day, but from time to time. In this way we are teaching him that he can eat what we give him, not what he wants or sees available. This will prevent you from leaving a plate of food on the table in the future and going for it.

It is advisable for your digestive system that you eat at a moderate speed. If your dog has a habit of eating fast, there are specialized products that will make him take his time. One of them is the feeders, with obstacles on the inside. These lumps prevent you from eating fast. Once the meal is over, it is important to keep it from moving too much.  The siesta is totally recommended to rest the food. It is necessary to leave him alone, in his own way, and in this way he will relax. This will prevent you from digestion problems.

Instructions to take care of a Greyhound puppy

Take our puppy for a walk

Surely they do not like or are uncomfortable wearing a collar or leash. They feel tied down and limited. We have to be understandable, since they do not understand that it is for their good and so that nothing happens to them. Not to mention the possible fine, if we take our dog loose. Once he has received the relevant vaccinations, this is usually within three months of life; he will be able to interact with other dogs and people. It is very important, so that in the future he does not have problems with other living beings, that he begins this practice from the puppy stage.

  1. To make sure that the strap, although it bothers you, is not too tight, we will try to put two fingers in it when you have it on. In this way we will know, if we can fit her fingers, that she is well placed and will not harm her. Being a puppy, it is inevitable that she will grow up. So we must be vigilant from time to time, since the neck will also increase in size and the strap may become tight.
  2. You can always have the necklace, even when you are at home. This way he will get used to it and not try to take it off.
  3. The leash should not be very long, since, if we take him for a walk with it, he should know that he is walking with you and cannot go where he wants. A leash of less than two meters, without being able to extend, is the ideal one for it to walk with us, at our pace. If we always use the same word every time we want to take him outside, our dog will clearly identify the order and know what it is about.
  4. We will always try to tell you the same word so that you receive a clear order. It is also important, when going out, to do it first and for him to follow us. The message that will come to him is that he cannot leave the house without us telling him to.

What do you need to take care of a Greyhound puppy?

Learn to sleep

First of all, it is important to have decided where you want your greyhound puppy to sleep. It has to be a comfortable bed where you can rest peacefully. As is likely, he will not spend the rest of the day in the place prepared for him to sleep. You will need another bed to lie down or rest during the day, for example in the living room. At first, a puppy may be insecure in a new home, so it’s important to have him around.

  •  If we usually sleep with our dog and after a while we get tired of the situation, we will surely change it. It is a mistake, because the dog will receive it as a negative message, since he will not understand the reason. Therefore, it is very important to be clear about the location where our puppy is going to sleep at night. And in said location, always have water available for him so that he can drink when he is thirsty.
  •  Here comes a difficult part of the process. If he decides that he sleeps in a place where he will be alone, he may be insecure and somewhat afraid. He is likely to cry a little the first few days. It won’t be a tasteful dish, but we can’t give in, because the message we’re giving her is to cry whenever we go. It is a situation that is going to last a long time and, although it is hard for us, it is the best for him. We have to take into account that we have to give him the necessary time so that he adapts to this new situation.

Tips for caring for a Greyhound puppy

It is recommended, to take good care of our puppy, not to get involved in training.  The important thing is that they eat well, be happy and play. There will be time to educate them, when they are the right age.
If we put ourselves in their place, this will not be more bearable for us. They are happy with little things, if we are by their side, feed them, let them sleep well and take them out for a walk, they will be happy.

An important issue is the vet . A periodic review is essential, even more so when they are growing. A professional opinion is decisive to know how to take care of them. If we have any questions or concerns, we can also pass it on to our trusted veterinarian.

If you still do not have a puppy and you are thinking of buying one, you can consider adoption first. There are many dogs that do not have a family and are in a kennel or in an animal shelter. A large number of these dogs are greyhound puppies and other breeds.


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