Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of a Guppy Fish

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PetsNotebook Staff
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Guppy fish are the most suitable to have in a home aquarium or fish tank, because it is very easy to care for and raise them and they are very showy due to the spectacular tail that the males have, large and colorful.

They are very sociable fish, very active, which makes them ideal for beginners, as they are easy to care for and entertaining to watch. It is a hot and brackish water fish that measures 3 centimeters, the males, and 6 the females, coming from Central and South America, which has been introduced in places where there is malaria because it eats the mosquitoes that transmit it.

The guppy fish is omnivorous and eats everything, but it is important to give it live food that can be purchased at pet stores, such as larvae, water fleas or brine shrimp. And you also have to give him green vegetable food, such as spinach leaves, but in general a very varied diet. Guppy pups do become more carnivorous as they grow older.

What do you need to take care of a guppy fish?

  • One fish or several -six- guppy fish
  • Commercial and live food
  • A properly sized aquarium
  • Cleaning and maintenance kits: Filter heater, oxygenator, etc.
  • Vegetation and decorative elements
  • thermometer

Instructions for caring for a guppy fish

  1. Theater. Being Caribbean fish they are warm water, so the temperature of the aquarium should be between 22º and 28º, with 25º being the ideal. In any case, they adapt well to other temperatures. To do this you must use a water heater and a thermometer to control it. So that the water is also salty, you can add a tablespoon of salt for every 10 liters of water, which is better if it is slightly hard. It must have a pH between 6.5 and 8, for which you must have an oxygenator that facilitates this task while providing enough oxygen to the fish.
  2. The aquarium. It should be an appropriate size for the fish to be comfortable, as guppies need plenty of room to swim. The recommended standard is 7 liters of water for each adult guppy fish. The aquarium must have a minimum length of 40 centimeters. It is important that you put some dense vegetation at the bottom of the aquarium, because in this species the parents do not take care of the offspring and eat them without much problem. It will also protect females from harassment by males.
  3. Cleaning. Put a filter like in any aquarium, and clean the fish tank or tank once a week, passing a rake along the bottom to remove debris and uneaten food. At the same time, a part of the water changes, around 20%.
  4. Food. As already stated guppy fish are omnivores and will need to be fed not only prepared food, but also larvae and other tiny animals, as well as some green leafy or algae. You have to feed them in small quantities each time but several times a day.
  5. Coexistence. The guppy fish is a peaceful animal and therefore you can have a group of them without major problems with each other. But they are not very compatible with territorial fish because the latter need a wide and quiet space, and guppies, being quite active, can invade the space of others and cause fights between them
  6. Playback. Guppies reproduce easily and quickly. They are ovoviviparous, that is, the female carries eggs in her womb. If you have a group of these fish, it is recommended that the number of females compared to males is double, or even triple in number.

Tips for caring for a guppy fish

  • It is advisable to have three females for each male because he continually harasses the female to mate, which is annoying to these-
  • The females can store the sperm for a while so, even if they are separated, they will continue to give birth to fry.
  • Do not put fish that can be aggressive towards guppies, such as betas or barbells, which will harass them by pecking at the attractive and huge rear fins of the male guppies. The species most compatible with guppies are platies, honey gourami, and neon tetras.
  • It is easy to distinguish males from females. These are about twice the size of the males. These have the anal fin modified in such a way that it becomes the sexual organ, called the monopodium, and they have bright colors, very showy, while the females have a much more discreet color.



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