Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of a Puppy

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From a very young age, we all want to have a pet at home, generally the most dreamed of by children in particular, are dogs, and of course we prefer to acquire it when they are very young, so that it is easier to train it and that it adapts to the environment that surrounds it. you’re toasting But there is something that apparently not all of us are very clear about, and that is the fact that having a puppy not only involves feeding it and giving it a place to sleep, on the contrary, a puppy will require much more care, it is like a baby, the difference, it is not human, but if you have decided to adopt this little creature, you should treat it as such, they deserve as much respect and care as any person and if you are not willing to give them your love and your time, then, please don’t bother adopting it, leave that opportunity to another person who is prepared to assume that responsibility.

Perhaps some do not provide a puppy with everything they need, not because they do not want to, but because it is possible that they are not familiar with this, it is precisely based on this ignorance that many puppies can be harmed, that is why I allow myself to provide you with some advice and steps, so that you can provide the necessary care for it to grow healthy and strong, you can even learn a little about how to educate it, because the basis of a good relationship with your pets consists of, in addition to affection, the way in which you have trained, because they can adapt to your rules, as long as you take the time to teach it.

What do you need:

  • Puppy
  • Food and water


  1. The first days of the puppy at home, may be the most complicated, for sure he will cry, and sometimes he may feel a little sad and distrustful, it is logical, remember that the little one has been separated from his mother, so how you would miss your mom. He does it too, so arm yourself with patience and fill him with love so that it is easier for him to adapt. Do not let him sleep during those days of adaptation in such an isolated place, because especially during the nights he will be affected.
  2. It will not be for him to sleep on the floor directly, so keep in mind that you must provide him with comforts, he is a puppy, and despite his fur, he also gets cold, very low temperatures can be harmful for him, therefore, prepare a comfortable, comfortable bed, and that keeps you warm, in this way, you will be able to adapt to your new home more quickly.
  3. The type of food that you must provide will depend on how long this puppy has been born, if it is already in the first month of its birth, you can provide something solid food, but you must establish schedules so that it can get used to it, at least 3 meals a day you should give it, remember that it is growing, in addition to food, hydration is essential, so your puppy never lacks a suitable container, with clean water, which is always within reach.
  4. Visits to the veterinarian, you should not forget this, he is a professional in the field, so in different circumstances he can help you, in addition to the fact that like a small child, your new puppy needs vaccinations, vitamins, and some elements that help them grow healthy, keep track of these visits, so you know how often you should take them to the vet again.
  5. As soon as you get home, start educating him, setting limits is extremely important, little by little you show him what he can do, and what not, it may take some time, but you must do it, otherwise your house will always be a disaster, besides they are very intelligent, little by little they will become aware of the things that you do not like them to do, you can even pay for a specialized training service, if you like, otherwise, take care of it yourself, but educating the puppy is really necessary.
  6. Although at first it is recommended that the puppy sleep as close to you, once it has adapted, teach it where it should sleep, you can even build a house where it feels comfortable.
  7. Part of the education is to teach him where to relieve himself, you will not want to live cleaning up his messes all day, the advantage of having them from puppies is that they are more malleable, therefore, spend time getting him used to where the place for those needs is.
  8. He needs a few hours of play, the idea is not that you acquire a puppy to have him as an ornament, he will be part of your life, therefore, you must pay him the necessary attention, since they are small they are playful, therefore, give him part of your time to play with him, in this way you will be able to tire him a little, and you will prevent him from being in any corner doing damage. You can even buy him some special toys, so that when you’re not around, he can easily entertain himself.
  9. Take him out for a walk, it is key for him to get used to socializing with other people and even with other animals. It is also convenient that it begins to adapt to a leash and a collar; of course, it is not that you will always have it tied, but sometimes it is necessary, so buy these implements from the beginning, the collar is very important, especially if it is identified, because if you lose it, someone can contact you.
  10. Finally, it is essential that you get him used to responding to a name, so from the first day assign him his name, so that over time he will identify with it.


  1. To prevent him from feeling very lonely when sleeping, which is the moment when it will be hardest for him to calm down at first, place enough blankets in the place where he will sleep to keep him warm, and a toy that makes him feel accompanied.
  2. Do not hit him, punish him, and reprimand him, even a folded newspaper is widely used when you have to do this, because it does not harm them, but never hit a puppy with something that could harm them, besides it is not a good way to educate him.
  3. In the training process, prizes are quite advisable, when he does what you have asked him, give him a cookie or croquette, little by little he will get used to how beneficial it is to obey you.
  4. The grooming of the puppy is very important, but remember that it is still small, so choose the hottest hours, because you do not want to make it sick, being exposed to a lot of cold, depending on the breed, can harm it, because even dogs are prone to cold.
  5. Make a proper cleaning of their dishes, both food and water, this is very necessary for the puppy to eat in a suitable place. In addition, you must change the drinking water constantly, because there are many things that can enter it, and the consumption of water in poor condition can harm it.
  6. As you will see, caring for a puppy goes beyond what you have imagined, it is not just eating, sleeping and playing, it implies great responsibilities, so when you assume this responsibility, do not leave anything aside, because the life of this little animal you have in your hands and any minimum mistake you make can damage it.

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