Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of Canaries

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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Canaries are currently very widespread tropical birds in the world as pets and their commercialization in the market is very wide.

One of the birds that can be found most in the houses are the canaries, these birds, apart from having a beautiful and striking color and a beautiful song that characterizes them, are very widespread birds in the world as pets, there are even those who they collect them having large quantities of these animals in their house.

One of the things that we like the most about canaries is their beautiful song, because it is very pleasant to wake up and listen to the songs of the canaries. It is not uncommon for some people to want to take care of canaries at home, but in order to have a canary at home it is necessary to know how to take care of it and have notions of how to treat birds in general.

The type of food that the canary will eat, the type of cage that the canary will use, all this is very important for those who do not know how to take care of canaries at home and who want to have one or more of these birds .

Do you want to know how to take care of canaries? If you want to have this type of bird at home, then we will tell you how to take care of canaries at home step by step, so that you can take care of your birds and give them the best possible life.

What do you need to take care of canaries?

  • To be responsible
  • Be constant
  • Be aware

Instructions for caring for canaries

  1. Start by seeing if there are possibilities in your house that you can have a canary. Not all houses are suitable for having a canary. To begin with, canaries make a lot of noise, which is why a small house may not be the best option to take care of domestic canaries. This is so because being a small house, in one room the canaries singing in another will be heard at high volume, and if you are one of the people who cannot stand a lot of noise, this could upset you. In addition to this, the cage must be in a specific place for her de Ella, because in an inappropriate place it could get in the way, it could fall if it is hung, or it could be harmful to the canary if the cage is in a very cold place and it does not receive heat. Also, if the cage is in a place with poor ventilation or under strong sunlight, the canary will most likely get sunstroke or die from this.
  2. Remember what happens if there are other pets at home. Another problem that happens when we don’t know how to take care of canaries at home is that ferrets, dogs or cats could try to hunt your birds. If you are going to take care of canaries at home, make sure that the cage is safe, with a good door that is difficult to open, and that it is not hanging, because any of your pets could throw the cage and the canaries get out, leaving the possibility that your pets eat the canaries or that they escape when leaving the cage.
  3. Don’t forget the weather. Canaries cannot withstand very cold temperatures, as they are from tropical climates and their natural habitat is distributed between islands and tropical areas of Africa and America. If you live in a very cold area or your house has low temperatures most of the time, it is not recommended that you have canaries, since it is not a good idea to have canaries in a place with a very cold climate.
  4. To know how to care for canaries, you should also avoid keeping your canary in places that are too hot. Although canaries are from tropical climates, being in the sun or too hot can suffocate your canary, seriously weakening it and even killing it due to high temperatures. . If you are going to let your canary bask in the sun, try not to leave it too long in the sun or without shade and water. The cage must have a shaded part so that the canary can get away from the sun and avoid heat fatigue, also a part that allows the sun so that the canary warms up and of course, always fresh water available.
  5. The type of food is essential. Bread and rice are not recommended foods for birds, as they inflame their stomach since they are difficult to digest, so eating these foods in excess could kill your canary. The natural diet of a canary is based on seeds such as canary grass, rapeseed, hemp seeds, oats, flax, linseed, and some fruits and vegetables such as bits of carrot, bits of fresh lettuce, apple, tangerine, orange, and spinach, cucumber. These natural foods are ideal for maintaining a good diet in the canary, but it is also recommended to give it grit and calcium, ideal for maintaining the health of the bird’s bones, and it is especially important for females, as this way they can have eggs in a healthy way.
  6. Remember the space in the cage. An important thing to care for canaries is the space in the cage. Canaries are birds that need an environment free of movement, domesticating and keeping these birds at home can be harmful to them because they cannot fly and this alters them. If you want to take care of canaries you have to provide them with a very large cage so that they can move around inside it, the bigger the cage the better.
  7. Maintain good hygiene. Periodically clean the cage of your canaries and disinfect it with chlorine, then rinse it very well and change the base of the cage floor so that there are no infections. Remember that bird poop is highly infectious and can contain toxoplasmosis, a very dangerous parasite that can be fatal, so hygiene is important.

Tips for caring for canaries

  • Remember that if you ever don’t think you can be good at taking care of a canary or you don’t want to keep it in captivity for a long time, there is always the possibility of releasing it or teaching it to fly and return home. This is the best way to get rid of a canary without harming it, plus you will be returning it to its natural life.
  • In case you want to have baby canaries and the cage is very small, then it will be necessary that when the canary hatches there are no canaries in the cage that can disturb it, except perhaps the male that impregnated it.

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