Thursday, March 13, 2025

How to Take Care of Chihuahua Dogs

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PetsNotebook Staff
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There are many breeds of dog to choose from and each one has its own particularity. Your personal tastes, the character of the dog, its physical appearance, your availability to take care of it and the home that you can offer it are just some of the variants that you must take into account when choosing which breed of dog you want for your family. And there are so many races that choosing just one is everyone’s taste. Today we want to introduce you to the Chihuahua, a very small dog but at the same time very loving and delicate. Thus, the Chihuahua is one of the smallest breeds in terms of dogs, but at the same time they are highly valued for their devotion and personality. In addition, although they may seem fragile, they are very protective dogs and although they cannot defend with their physical appearance, they alert with their bark. In turn, they are very intelligent and affectionate. In this way, it is a good dog to have in small apartments, since due to its height it does not need a lot of space or too specific care. For all these reasons, today we explain how to take care of a Chihuahua so that your dog lives many years happily.

Instructions for caring for Chihuahua dogs

  1. To begin with, we are going to talk about the diet that your Chihuahua should have.  Taking into account that it is a very small breed of dog, you have to give it special food for small dogs. In this sense, there are many brands that sell this type of feed -Affinity or Royal Canine, although you can only buy it at veterinarians-. You must feed him once a day; keep in mind that this type of dog eats daily but small amounts. Thus, you must regulate the amount according to the physique that your dog is adopting and the daily activity that it has.
  2. In the same line of food, you should try not to eat food that falls on the ground while eating or cooking your food. Otherwise, you could have problems getting your Chihuahua to eat its food, so it could have nutritional problems – only its own food offers the proteins and vitamins it needs.
  3. We are now going to deal with the issue of water. In this sense, a Chihuahua should be treated like other breeds; you must provide fresh and clean water daily. Keep in mind that it is something that will never harm it, so make sure that it always has water in its  Also, if you leave it locked up in a room in the house for long periods of time, also make sure that it has enough water.
  4. As far as hygiene and bathrooms are concerned. We recommend that you bathe him once a month, since if you do it more frequently he can suffer from dry skin and cause the appearance of dandruff. Therefore, you should bathe him once a month and with a special shampoo. In this case, you can ask your veterinarian or the pet store where you normally buy your things.
  5. We continue with the theme of hygiene, since you must also take into account their  ears, eyes, teeth and nails. To do this, we recommend that you buy a nail clipper for small dogs at your pet store. Once a month you should review your Chihuahua’s nails with this instrument. In addition, you can brush your teeth with special products -brushes, bones to bite, pills, etc.- that you will easily find in the pet store; do it monthly as well.
  6. Taking your dog for a walk, whatever the breed, is very important. All dogs, including the Chihuahua, should get some exercise on a daily basis. To do this, all you have to do is take him outside for a walk and relief himself three times a day. You can alternate long walks -20-30 minutes if possible- with quick outings -5-8 minutes for him to get some air and do his basic needs-. Along these same lines, you should try not to let them run or take them out during very hot hours-they have small mouths and it will be difficult for them to breathe- or very cold -they are also very susceptible to low temperatures-.
  7. As we said, the Chihuahua is a breed of dog that does not support low temperatures– below 4 degrees is contraindicated for him. Thus, when you go out and it’s cold, try to keep him warm and not take too long walks. In the same way, you should prevent him from having strong temperature changes and otherwise, you should keep him warm

    What do you need to take care of Chihuahua dogs?

  • Chihuahua.
  • Collar and leash -to go out for walks-.
  • Veterinary and veterinary health card.
  • Ant parasitic.
  • I think specialized for small breeds.
  • Toilet.
  •  Coat to go outside on colder days -optional-.

Tips for caring for Chihuahua dogs

  • You should take your Chihuahua to the vet regularly, especially as a puppy. Keep in mind that they are very delicate and sensitive dogs, so it is very important that they are properly vaccinated, protected from parasites and monitored to prevent any disease.
  • Chihuahuas are very loving and delicate dogs, so they need a loving family. If you love your Chihuahua he will love you. In this way, the relationship will be very productive and positive for both of you.

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