Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Take Care of the Shell of a Water Turtle

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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Water turtles are very interesting animals to have at home for those who love reptiles. In fact, they are very common pets in our country; and it is that they are very beautiful to observe, since they have a very curious behavior and precious details on their skin and  shell. In the same way, it is a very cheap animal to acquire at first, although the care it needs throughout its life is quite expensive. Contrary to what many may think, having a water turtle requires time and dedication, since they are sensitive animals, especially due to their delicate shell. For all these reasons, today we explain everything you need to know about how to care for the shell of a water turtle.

What do you need to take care of the shell of a water turtle?

  • Water-turtle.
  • Aquarium or fish tank.
  • Calcium pill.
  • Sewage treatment plant
  • Special food for turtles.
  • Toothbrush.
  • Toilet.

Instructions to care for the shell of a water turtle

  1. First of all, to take healthy care of a water turtle and, especially its shell, you must take into account the shelter in which it lives. The ideal for them is an environment as close to natural as possible, even so, it is a very difficult aspect if you have them in an apartment or in a small house. Therefore, a large heated fish tank in an indoor environment with a constant temperature would be best. In summer, you can take the fish tank to the terrace, as long as the fish tank is not made of glass, since it would get very hot if the sun touched it directly.
  2. The cleanliness of the water and the habitat of the turtle are essential. You must thoroughly clean the fish tank or aquarium once a week -on average- to avoid the reproduction of microorganisms, since these could cause diseases to the turtle and its shell. Keep in mind that the tap water also has to place a calcium tablet inside the aquarium -made at home or purchased at any pet store-. If possible, we recommend that you place a small treatment plant inside, to purify and clean the water.
  3. The temperature of the water is also very important for the care of a water turtle. You must provide a heat source for the tank. In this case, it can be the same natural light or, failing that, an artificial heater. Keep in mind that the average temperature of its habitat should be between 24 and 30 degrees – between 25 and 28 degrees would be ideal. If possible, place a light to illuminate and provide warmth during the day; turn it off at night and you’ll simulate nature’s day cycles.
  4. Food is another fundamental basis in the care of turtles. Keep in mind that they are omnivorous animals – they eat meat, fish and vegetables. In this sense, specialized food for turtles -sold in pet stores- should be the basis of your turtle’s diet. Even so, you can supplement it with whatever you want: try to give it a varied and balanced diet so that it has all the vitamins and nutrients to grow and develop correctly.
  5. The shell must be cleaned in a special way; keep in mind that you should not put it in a container full of water as you might do with another pet. In this case, prepare a small container with warm water and a toothbrush that you no longer use. You must wet the brush with the water from the container and look for the area of ​​the turtle’s shell that is dirty -put the turtle on a table or marble, outside the aquarium-. With the brush, gently rub the shell.
  6. An important aspect to take into account is, as we have said, the cleanliness of the shell; you should do it only with warm water. With one hand you can rub, while with the other you put water on the shell to make it easier to remove dirt. Do not use any cleaning product or soap; you should rub a little harder in those areas that have algae stuck or encrusted, but even so, do not do it too roughly. In the event that it hides, you must not make it come out; clean only the points that you have within your reach.
  7. Water turtles should leave their aquarium from time to time – once every 2 or 3 days if possible, for an hour. You must leave it loose so that it is somewhere guarded and where it cannot escape or harm itself. Be very careful not to damage the shell with objects or stones that you can find on your way.

Tips for caring for the shell of a water turtle

  • Watch for ailments that your turtle’s shell may suffer, since most diseases of aquatic turtles are due to an inappropriate diet and/or lack of sunlight.
  • When a turtle gets sick, you should keep its tank indoors to prevent flies from laying their eggs in the wound and fill it with worms or any other insects. Also, if you have more than one turtle, separate one from the other when they are sick.

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