Tuesday, March 25, 2025

How to Teach a Cat Not To Scratch

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The problem that sometimes comes with having a cat is that if we do not raise it well and adapt rules at home for pets, it begins to adopt an incorrect character because of the owners who have not been able to educate it, such as scratching, or bite for no apparent reason, so every good owner should know how to teach a cat not to scratch.

Knowing how to teach a cat not to scratch is not very complicated, we just have to know what to do and how to do it. Changing habits in the life of the owner and the cat that we commonly have but that we do not know are bad will also help prevent the cat from scratching the furniture.

The same happens with people, if the cat is not corrected in time, it can scratch people as a result of poor instruction throughout its life. If your cat scratches your hands or feet, and you do not understand the reason for this, then you have to start a correction in his behavior and in your behavior in relation to the cat.

What do you need to teach a cat not to scratch?

  • To cat
  • A cat nail scraper

Instructions for teaching a cat not to scratch

  1. Find out why your cat spiders. In general, cats scratch in order to sharpen their nails, that is natural, so if your cat scratches the furniture, it may be because they want to sharpen their nails, so it is not good to repress this instinct, but rather to adapt to specific place so that your cat can sharpen its nails to its liking and need without destroying the upholstery of your furniture, or your shoes.
  2. Another reason why cats scratch is to adapt the place of rest where they will be, that is, if a cat wants to sleep on your bed, it is probably going to scratch and tear your blankets with its nails or the place where it wants to lie down to rest. Taste.
  3. Trimming the nails helps reduce the scratches a bit, but when the nails grow back the scratches will appear again. Cutting the nails is not the most appropriate option, because when the cat notices its short nails, it feels the need to sharpen them again, which is why your cat may scratch your furniture even more often. This makes trimming the cat’s nails frequently a very unfeasible option.
  4. Ideally, the cat should have a special scratcher for his nails in a specific place for him and that it is easy to find. If the cat gets used to using the scratching post, then he will stop scratching other furniture, because he will already have a place to sharpen his claws. Having a cat nail scraper is good, but if you can put more in your house in the places that the cat travels the most, it will be even better, because then any other furniture near the cat will have less chance of ending up full of cat scratches.
  5. Only when you notice that your cat begins to scratch the furniture, then you can remove it from the furniture and put it in front of the scratching post. If you see your cat scratching the same piece of furniture many times, this may be because it has become a habit. Many times cats repeat the same actions in a certain place guided by the scent that guides them to that place.
  6. Cleaning the furniture and rearranging it in the room can help reduce the cat’s obsession and persistence in scratching that piece of furniture. In these cases, it is advisable to put the cat scratcher where the furniture that the cat was scratching was previously located, so the cat will begin to get used to using the scratcher and not the furniture to sharpen its nails.
  7. When the cat starts scratching the shoes we are wearing, this can be for three reasons, because it sees them as useful objects to sharpen its nails and that is why it scratches them, because it wants to play with them and finds them funny, or because it knows that you are wearing and it is their way of playing with you and giving you affection.  However, if this behavior bothers you, you can abruptly remove your foot from the ground so that the cat does not continue scratching the shoes, this of course, without hurting or harming the cat, it is just so that the cat knows that it is not correct to wear the shoes as a means of scratching their nails.
  8. To get the cat used to sharpening its claws on the scratching post, it is better to show it that this place is not hostile and that it can enjoy itself there and be comfortable. For example, feed him next to the scratching post, place his blankets next to the scratching post or his bed from him, and pet him there more than in other places.
  9. If you consider that the place where the scraper is not suitable, then you can gradually put it a little further away, that is, if you have already put the scratcher in one place, but you do not like it there, start moving it away from 20 to 50 centimeters every 3 or 4 days so that you can gradually put the scratching post in the place you choose, just take care that this place is comfortable and safe for the cat, because otherwise it will not want to be in that place .

Tips for teaching a cat not to scratch

  • In case you want to cut your cat’s nails, use a special cat nail cutter and only trim the tips of the nails, never touch the pink part inside the cat’s toenail (the root of the nail), or you will be seriously harming the cat for the rest of his life.
  • If you are thinking of buying a cat nail scraper, then you can go to a pet store or order one from some online store where they sell cat accessories, then you can easily buy one.
  • Does not play with the cat as if your hands were toys, because then the cat will get used to your hands being toys and will bite and scratch them indiscriminately.

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