If you have a Husky at home and you are looking for a way to train it correctly, don’t wait any longer.  The sooner you train your Husky the better. Here you can see a practical guide of things you must do to train a Siberian husky and give him the education he needs.
Instructions for training a Siberian husky
- Start by giving your Siberian husky house training. There are certain things that your Husky will need to respect while indoors, and you will need to do this to prevent the dog from becoming disrespectful. Show the dog that you are the leader, not him. Be firm in the face of inappropriate behavior from your dog. Don’t let him get in your way, climb on furniture, or bark all day for no reason.
- Always reward your Husky every time he does a good deed or something you have ordered.
- When he does a bad deed, scold him, but something very important to train a Siberian husky is that you don’t wait to scold him or reward him. If you miss the almost immediate moment in which the dog did that action, then it will not do any good to reward or scold him since he will not understand what happened.
- Pet him every time he does something nice.
- Do not feed him at the table because he will think that this is his place to eat and then it will be difficult for him to eat elsewhere.
- For your dog to stay at home, feed him there every day.
- Teach him to live with your other pets. Don’t let him think he’s the only one in the house. Every time he misbehaves with your pets scold him, but scold him where he is, get close to him, don’t make him get close to you.
- Take your dog for a walk every day at the same time and in the same place so that he learns to go to the bathroom without dirtying your house and gets used to defecating at the same times.
- Every time you go out, make noise with the chain so that your Husky knows that it is time to walk.
- For your training it is very important to know very well what a Siberian Husky is like
- Give him lots of love, but don’t treat him like a human, avoid putting clothes on him unless it’s cold weather, don’t let him sleep in your bed either.
What do you need to train a Siberian husky?
- Croquettes
- Belt
- Necklace
Tips for training a Siberian husky
- Do not hit your dog, this will only damage his self-esteem and will not help educate him.
- Don’t kick your dog out of the way either, you can comfortably push him aside or tell him to get out, but don’t hurt him.