Friday, March 28, 2025

How to Train Drogue De Bordeaux

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The increase in divorces and loneliness in homes has pushed more and more Spaniards to have a pet. It provides the warmth that we need, that friend that gives us affection and that joy that we need every day to make us smile. Dogs are one of the favorite animals, and within these we can find the Drogue de Bordeaux. A dog that is characterized by the protection it provides and, furthermore, by its enormous size, which allows you to hug it and share great moments with it.

It is one of the largest dogs that we can find around the world, ideal for finding a partner with whom to play sports. Despite its reputation for being dangerous, if you follow the steps that we will explain in this article, you will see that it is possible to educate it correctly. Spending moments with him is really possible.

What is a Drogue de Bordeaux?

If you see a dog that easily exceeds half a meter, it is very possible that it is a Drogue de Bordeaux. This type of pet can reach practically 70 centimeters and weigh more than 50 kilos, in the case of male dogs. His life expectancy is between 8 and 10 years, being a sporting dog and also a protector due to the strength he can have. Many people historically see the dog as a protective animal and, therefore, leave it as the guardian of the house. However, if you plan to have this type of dog to leave it alone at home, we also recommend that you follow the advice that we want to give you.

Before explaining the main characteristics of the Drogue de Bordeaux, we want to surprise you by explaining the history of its origin. Globally, this type of dog became really popular thanks to the big screen. In 1989, in the movie «Partners and Hounds», Tom Hanks appeared with a curious companion. Guess who he was? Yes, you are right. He was a dog of this breed and, from there, as has happened on many occasions; the cinema was the beginning of the Drogue de Bordeaux becoming really popular as a pet. More and more people decided to have one of these. Its origin is in the Alan’s, those defeated by the Huns in the Middle East. They arrived in Europe, and spread during the middle Ages, as fighting dogs. Thus, it is still used as one of the main guard dogs.

On a physical level, in general terms, we have already told you everything with its size. He is tall, large, imposing and with an athletic and muscular body. At a sports level, therefore, it stands out for its enormous performance at the level of resistance and also for its strength. It is not one of the most aesthetic as it has large lips and a face that has numerous wrinkles. For this reason, he is not considered the ideal dog for those who want to show off their pet and even make them participate in some kind of beauty contest. His hair is usually short, and usually never goes past mahogany brown.

A great dog for the little ones

Surely with this description, the Drogue de Bordeaux seems like the pet that should not be had. Quite the contrary! He is physically very strong, but his character is obedient, faithful and can also become calm and tender if the master wants it that way. For this reason, you only have to follow the advice that we will give you to correctly educate this type of pet. On a cerebral level, he presents a really balanced character and when he gains confidence he can become really nice with everyone around him.

Obviously, with strangers he can be really aggressive but that rarely ends up becoming any kind of problem. In fact, if its physique is used correctly, this dog is ideal for families with children who live in houses with a garden. He can be a great entertainment and playmate for little ones who want to play ball. This type of pet needs to play sports and, therefore, it can become really nice and willing to play with anyone it wants.

Benefits of having a Drogue de Bordeaux

However, today, there are numerous benefits for all those who wish to have a Drogue de Bordeaux as a pet. Some of the most prominent are:

  • Offers protection. This dog, as we have said before, is one of the largest and largest. For this reason, it is the ideal type of animal to have protection at home, especially if you live alone or in an area where thefts are frequent.
  • Ideal dog to play with children. If you have small children, you have the always difficult mission of offering them fun and entertainment while you attend to your adult affairs. Therefore, offering them a pet to play with is perfect. The Drogue de Bordeaux is a dog that likes to play with children.
  • Balanced character. There are dogs that are easy to have some type of mental problem such as rabies that can make it difficult to live with them. This is not the case of the Drogue de Bordeaux, who is mentally strong and therefore has a totally balanced character.
  • One of the most famous dogs. Thanks to the seventh art such as cinema, the Drogue de Bordeaux is one of the most famous dogs on the market thanks to appearing in a movie with a personality like Tom Hanks. In this sense, having one as a pet has a very large marketing load.

These are some of the main reasons that you can take into account to end up choosing a Drogue de Bordeaux as a possible pet. However, the work you do once you acquire it will also mark the future of your relationship and the ease you will have to live with each other.

How to train a Drogue de Bordeaux:

Educating a Drogue de Bordeaux correctly is one of the keys to achieving that docile, affectionate and kind attitude with everyone around him, without losing sight of that fury and strength that characterizes him. However, we will be able to control it and it will only take it out when it sees that someone in its environment may be really threatened or in some kind of danger. Therefore, it is important that they acquire good habits from a young age if we adopt them as a puppy. If they reach adulthood, without being well trained, they can end up being a difficulty for us and everyone around us. Understanding is important, while remaining firm.

Although it is a Drogue de Bordeaux, this type of dog has feelings like humans. He may be happy, he may be afraid, or he may be depressed. For this reason, he always guides learning towards the positive direction, always looking for the good in things. He avoids shouts, threats or signs that the dog itself can interpret as such. Otherwise, he may start to get sad, think that he is not good for this and have a totally different vision of learning than the one we currently know. He does the same with children. Have you been little and have you been frustrated because your father or your coach yelled at you when something did not work out for you? Therefore, it is not necessary to transfer that pressure to the shoulders of the dog itself.

The size of the dog is another handicap against it and it is directly related to its character. Do not forget that a Drogue de Bordeaux has a lot of energy and, therefore, is forced to burn it. He can do it in many ways: from barking and bad manners to everyone around him, even with physical exercise. Obviously, surely you are more interested in the second option if you do not want everyone to think that your dog is aggressive. In fact, taking him for a walk is a way to prevent a dog from attacking othersObviously, take into consideration the moment or age of your dog.

Physical exercise is necessary for the Drogue de Bordeaux

The older your pet, the more physical exercise it will require. However, in general, an early and late walk is usually enough to make your Drogue de Bordeaux happier than some castanets. In spite of everything, before acquiring it, it also takes into consideration the home in which you reside.

Although two walks may be enough, these types of pets are really active. Therefore, if you live in a small apartment, it is better that you opt for another type of animal. This type of dog tends to like more houses with a garden where they have space to run and exercise by themselves.

All in all, choosing a Drogue de Bordeaux requires you to be patient and educate him properly in order to benefit from everything that this type of pet can offer you for your well-being.


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